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VI. Significant Aspect of the Problem: a) Marketing: New sustainability strategy of WalMart has caused a severe impact on marketing.

Though it came across lot of hurdles to bring out the environment friendly product to the customers, Walmart was not able to market the products effectively because of two reasons. First, they feared that aggressive marketing of eco-friendly product would hurt the sales of non eco-friendly products. Secondly, they were afraid to jeopardise their reputation by trusting the words of their suppliers. b) Human Behaviour: Walmarts strategy has impacted human behaviour positively and created a good reputation for them among public and environmentalist to an extent that environmentalist believed the vision of walmart and came forward to work with them to achieve their goal. They have to be vigilant now more than ever as they have to maintain inventory for two types of customer. Any imbalance in the same will tend to affect their sales or increase the product obsoleteness. c) Raw Materials: Walmarts new strategy has created high impact on the Raw materials as they have to find entirely new suppliers and in many cases they have to provide enough help and support to the suppliers for the manufacturing of sustainable products. d) Price: More than the impact on any other factors, Walmarts strategy has impacted the price of the product. They were no more able to offer products at cheapest price as the cost of eco friendly products production price was higher than the normal products. e) Finance: Implementation of the sustainability strategy has cost walmart a lot of money as part of operational expense such as spending money on auditing and transportation.

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