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Ebone Rhodes 10/10/13 Elizabeth Hinnant Rhetorical Analysis Peek Into The Exotic Island A cubic box lavished in pink with a tint of red all over. This box has a top which opens it up to a very scented interior, filled with a silky and satin-like cloth. To finish it off, once the top is placed back onto the box, a silky ribbon is wrapped around it and tied neatly into a bow. A gift or a present comes first to mind once one sees the ribbon tied neatly into a bow on top. A gift, it could have been, for it is a box meant to have very delicate and scented candle placed in it. Picture this gift being given to a young boy, or a grown man. It does not strike as a manly gift, does it? This piece of text is obviously meant to attract an audience of women. It is meant to appeal to the women who particularly enjoy candles, fresh scents and possibly the soothing color of pink. If this targeted audience does not like one aspect of this text, they will definitely like another. At least one piece of this text is meant to appeal and attract the eye that knows peace, and serenity, which is the ultimate feeling this text and candle is meant to represent. What would attract a woman first about this text would be the pink color that the box is covered in. From afar, this pink seems bold but soothing to a woman at the same time. Pink is a color that is going to attract a woman faster than if the box was of a gray or blue-like shade. Pink holds a very playful and fun sense about it, and many women would relate these particular characteristics to themselves and maybe to other women. Pink also is a color that signals happiness and peace, which a woman wants to, feel just like anyone else everyday of their lives. So by this text being pink, it reminds that specific woman everyday of happiness and good times.

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Though pink is the first color seen, as one looks closer to the text there seems to be a tint of red within the pink, making it a little darker. This tint of red can resemble a romantic and passionate feeling. The red again signals boldness, for it shows itself through all the pink that fully covers the box. This tint of red could also coordinate with the apple or cinnamon like smell of the candle. Usually a cinnamon or apple candle is red or has some tint of red coordinated with it. The box is not fully covered in red because its loud and raging color would overpower the main focus of this text which is the hidden scent of the candle. The tint of red is placed slightly within the crevices of the box and is meant to coordinate with the scent of the candle. The red is slightly hidden so when the women slowly brings the box closer to them to smell, they also get a peek of the tint of red, immediately allowing them to make a connection. Both of these colors, pink and red bring joy, happiness and heartfelt memories to mind. Like a red or pink rose being given to a woman for a special occasion, or pink balloons for a soon to be newborn baby girls shower. When a woman sees these specific colors, it excites them and will lead them to wanting to look more into the text and find out what lies within. Before anyone really examines more of the outside of this text, the smell from the scented candle inside hits them immediately. The smell puts one in their own world of comfort, and warmth for it smells like warm cinnamon or warm apple cider. Warm cider or cinnamon can remind many of a warm and cozy night at home by the fire or even that around Christmas time. These memories or thoughts makes the audience want to buy this text immediately. At this point the smell of the box and of the candle becomes the main attraction, because the buyer wants this smell to be engulfed within their home, car or presence in general. Women in particular draw to this warm smell because again it relates to home and a lot of women today spend a lot of their time at home, cleaning and making sure their houses are presentable; this home-like smell puts

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the cherry on top of all of their hard work. Essentially, the smell becomes the primary source of the text, attracting the women that want to be surrounded by a warming, clean and sweet aroma filled environment. As the smell lingers upon the woman, the very feel of the box begins to attract them. The color may bring memories of their baby girls but the texture definitely is not as smooth as a babys bottom. The texture of the box isnt smooth for it somewhat resembles a rough texture. It isnt unbearable to touch but it has just the right rugged feeling. The feeling of the box is roughlike because of the imprints or creases that are on the box. This rough feeling may resemble the strength of the candle or even the strength of the woman. It could correlate with how women are strong on the outside or how some put up a strong exterior but are very warm and soothing on the inside like the candle. From one sense to another, one feels the box as well as examines it; they began to see the imprints or creases all over the box. Some resemble the imprint of leaves or even the exotic leaf that is placed on the front of the box as the emblem. This emblem is printed in gold on the box, which resembles royalty. Gold is usually connected to wealth and by the emblem being gold, the creator of this text is communicating that this product is just as rich as gold. In reference to the imprint, it was chosen because it looks abstract and looks exotic; an Exotic Island is the place, the creator of this text wants you to think of when smelling and viewing the candle. The abstract aspect of the outside keeps the woman interested and as she maneuvers the box around in interest, continously gets a whiff of the amazing scent of the candle which is still hidden inside. Before one can see what lies inside, they are stopped by the silky ribbon which hits two sides of the box and ties neatly into a bow on top. The ribbon is light pink, and much lighter than the box, to where there is a clear difference between the two. The ribbon is lighter than the actual

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box because it will give the woman a lasting image or feeling before they open the box, personally an image of light and of something soothing. The ribbon is also lighter than the box because at this point the creator probably wants the women to now be focusing on getting closer to the candle inside rather than still on the box. The darker pink versus the lighter pink at this point reveals contrast and importance. As mentioned at the beginning of this paragraph, the ribbon also holds the aspect of being made of silk or even satin. The ribbon is made of this texture so it could be easier to unravel the bow and get right to the candle. It is also this texture because it places a smooth and soothing feel upon the women before they meet the candle which upholds the same characteristics. Along the ribbon is the logo of the incorporation or creator of this box. Isola Luce, Inc. is placed in equal distance seem like all over the ribbon and is also written in gold. This is done so that once the women opens up the box and enjoys the scent and beauty of the candle; they will remember the last thing they saw. The gold lettering again communicates royalty and the women getting closer to something rich and sacred. Last but not least this very ribbon is formed and shaped into a bow on top of the box. This gives off the impression that whatever is in the box could be used as a gift, which bows usually communicate this very idea. The bow also signifies that whatever is inside must be kept safe and in its place. Along with the image of the bow being to keep the candle safe, there is also folded card attached to the ribbon as well, representing that of a package. A package is to be kept safe, if one wants to get whatever is inside. The mini card is placed on top with the bow to again resemble that it is a gift but to also give away a little information about the candle and the product. On the front of this mini card is again the gold leaf emblem that was placed on the front of the box. Isola Luce and Island Romance are the words that lie underneath this emblem.

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The emblem and the name of the company are placed on the card because they wanted to keep who was the maker of this product in the minds of the women who come across it. They also want it to be one of the last things they see and read before opening the box and seeing the actual product. Island Romance is placed on the front of the card to resemble how the candle will make one feel as it is lit and as its scent lingers throughout ones presence. As you open the mini card, there is a lot of information about the meaning of Isola Luce, as well as the candle. The first line of the information is a phrase An exotic Island Vacation in Every Candle. This is said to reveal the rarity and content the candle holds. An exotic island is beautiful but rare, so it puts in mind that one should buy this candle while they have the chance to do so. Also this phrase is used in this mini card and nowhere else on the box because it correlates with opening up the card and reading the phrase and then opening up the candle and feeling that exact same way. The very next line is describing what Isola Luce means which is Island Light. They put the meaning of it in this card, so that the women or audience will know what the candle itself represents as well as the company or incorporation. The information continues with how they want their audience to portray the candle and basically the perks of this candle. This is all said right before they know someone will open up the box, because they want all this information to be in mind as they smell and enjoy the candle. They want the audience to be intrigued by the information, having the urge to want to learn more after they get to know the product. Once the buyer has finally gotten inside, every aspect of an exotic island hits them. Picture this: The suns glazes over the earth, providing just the right temperature. There is peace and quiet, except for the deep blue ocean waves colliding into one another. There is also a light whistle from the wind which breathes softly through the air. The sand lies on the ground, warm and smooth and every now and then you see a sea shell glistening in the light. Huge palm trees

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paint the background, wild, exotic. Wild fruits of the earth give the deep green trees a pop of color as they hang upon the developing limbs. Then lying right on the sand, still, is the box, the piece of text spoken of earlier, blending in with this natural habitat. It is opened, and the sweet scent of the candle immediately reminds one of a place, somewhere exotic, somewhere that lies right beneath them; somewhere that is ultimately their very own exotic island.

Ebone, There are some nice connections in here. Im particularly impressed with your argument concerning the home-like smell of the candle and the idea that women want that scent to correlate with their hard-work, as well as the one in which you compare the texture of the box to the metaphorical notion of the woman. These are definitely not connections I wouldve thought of, and I like that youre pushing yourself to look outside the obvious. All that being said, I still think theres a lot of room for growth and development. One major problem I had throughout was truly understanding what you were saying. Im not sure if this comes as a result of your connections not being as thorough as they could be or if it has to do with the language itself. Remember that one of your main goals is to make sure your reader can follow your train of thought, so try to use as many direct and concise sentences as possible. Make sure your connections are mapped out in a similar fashion. I had a really hard time understanding your analysis of color. Youd say that pink meant one thing and then another thing, but you never told me how you got to those multiple conclusions or why they mattered. Im still having a hard time figuring out how the candle seems to have two completely different scents, so maybe in revision you should address how its functioning in that way and why that duality is important.

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