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Ref: Date: Dear Mr. DEVENDRA SARAN Welcome to syonta drug formulations and technology.

We are pleased to offer you employment in the position of Accountant. I am eager to ha e you as a part of our team. I foresee your potential s!ills as a alua"le contri"ution to our company and clients. #our appointment as Accountant $ill commence on April 1st 2010. %his appointment is su"&ect to the follo$ing terms and conditions. '( As an accountant you $ill "e entitled to a monthly starting remuneration of Rs. 7500/(Rupees seven thousand five hundred only) $hich indicates cost to company. #ou shall recei e your payment "efore )th of e ery month. #our continued employment is dependent on your successful completion of the + month period and your salary $ill "e re ie$ed after a period of , months and thereafter e ery '* months. #ou $ill "e entitled to all allo$ances and "enefits $hatsoe er decided "y the management. #ou are re-uired to perform the duties and responsi"ilities related to your position at any di ision. department or section in the company. #ou $ill "e deployed at /ul"hatta. 0ichha 12.S.Nagar( 2ttara!hand. #ou are re-uire to perform your duty from 4:55 AM to ):+5 /M e ery Monday to Saturday. And your lunch time $ill "e from ':55 to ':+5 pm. #ou are entitled to '* annual lea e in addition to ga6etted holidays o"ser ed "y the company. #our signing this appointment letter confirms your acceptance of the terms and conditions and that you $ould "e &oining Syonta ru! "or#ulstions $ %echnolo!y on the gi en date. I am loo!ing fore$ard to $or!ing $ith you.



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#our7s sincerely

I ha e read and understood the terms and conditions stated in the appointment letter and here"y confirm my acceptance of the offer of appointment as an Accountant.

Signature: Date:

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