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ADVANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE Leisure activities Travel and movement News events Places Media and advertising T e natural

world !or" #usiness and mone$ Peo%le and relations i%s &ocial %ro'lems Entertainment Government and societ$ (ealt and t e 'od$

(AVE *UN !IT( V+CA# *ood and drin" Peo%le Places Animals &%orts and games Num'ers & o%%ing Nationalities Trans%ort Media ,o's (ealt and )itness Color and s a%e &ci-)i and m$ster$

!orld issues T in"ing and )eeling Tec nolog$ Education

P(RA&AL VER# IN U&E &tud$ !or" Mone$ #usiness Tele% one *eeling Relations i% &ecrets and conversations &tages t roug li)e (ealt &%ort (ome and routines &ocialising *ood and drin" !eat er Travel Driving Tec no Com%uters News Crime Power and aut orit$

UPPER INTERMEDIATE V+CA# Countries !eat er Descri'ing %eo%le Realtions i% At ome Ever$da$ %ro'lem Gol'al issues Education !or" &%ort Arts Music *ood Environment Town Nature Clot es (ealt &cience and tec no Com%uters and internet Media Politic Crime Mone$ *eelings Travel olida$

C(EC. /+UR ENGLI&( V+CA# *+R T+E*L C ildren and )amil$ Education *ood Media Mone$ Nature0 environment +n t e road &cience and tec no Town and countr$ Travel !or" Mini to%ic

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