Effluent Limitation Guidelines - Industry Effluent Guidelines - US EPA

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Effluent Limitation Guidelines | Industry Effluent Guidelines | US EPA

http://w ater.epa.gov/scitech/w astetech/guide/index.cfm

Water: Industry Effluent Guidelines

You are here: Water Science & Technology Wastewater Technology Effluent Limitation Guidelines

Effluent Limitation Guidelines

Effluent guidelines are national standards, based on the performance of treatment and control technologies, for wastewater discharges to surface waters and municipal sewage treatment plants. We issue effluent guidelines for categories of existing and new sources. Browse Industries Existing and proposed regulations Fact sheets and supporting documentation Preliminary studies Guidance for specific industrial categories

Other sites Analytical Test Methods Cooling Water Intakes (316b) Contacts


Information on EPA's current and previous reviews and plans for controlling industrial discharges

Implementation & Compliance

Permitting, POTWs Compliance and enforcement For industry-specific documents, see Industries

Effluent Guidelines Industrial Wastew ater Contacts Direct Discharge Permit (NPDES) Contacts Indirect Discharge (Pretreatment) Contacts

Treatment Technologies Environmental Effects

Data sources on pollution prevention and treatment technologies.

Industry-specific environmental impacts and summaries of benefits, models, and water quality databases.

Data Resources & Tools Frequent Questions Laws & Regulatory Development Priority Pollutants History

Industry-specific analyses of discharges using the Toxic Release Inventory and Permit Compliance System databases, economic databases.

Questions concerning effluent guidelines.

Clean Water Act provisions pertaining to effluent guidelines Other requirements affecting effluent guidelines development

List of pollutants originally identified by the Agency pursuant to the Clean Water Act.

Effluent Guidelines Task Force Legal Challenges/Consent Decrees

Analytical Methods

EPA published laboratory analytical methods that are used by industries and municipalities to analyze the chemical and biological components of wastewater, drinking water, sediment, and other environmental samples that are required by regulations under the authority of the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act

Last updated on Tuesday, March 06, 2012



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