Point of Purchase Materials

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of Purchase Materials
Excerptedfrom:FromKitchentoMarket:SellingYourGourmetFoodSpecialty.2010.StephenF.Hall,KaplanPublishing,eBookCollection (EBSCOhost),EBSCOhost.SpecialtyFoodResource.com

Asthenameimplies,pointofpurchase(P.O.P.)materialsattracttheconsumersattentionandeducatethemonthe benefitsandusesoftheproductatthepointofpurchase.ManyretailersfindP.O.P.materialsusefulincreating attractivedisplaysandinterestintheirstores. P.O.P.materialsmayinclude: Shelftalkersaresmallsignsthathangunderneaththeproductontheretailshelf.Theyareusedextensivelyby groceryretailerstodrawattentiontotheproduct.Shelftalkersareexcellentpromotionaltoolsfornew productsconsumersarenotpurposelysearchingfor. Postersaremostusefulforinstorepromotionsortradeshowexhibits.Theymaybehunginstorewindowsor onwallsbutareusedlessfrequentlythanotherP.O.P.materialsbecauseoftheirsizeandcost. Neckhangers(alsocalledproductinformationtags)areattachedtotheproductandhavethepotentialto conveyagreatdealofinformationtoconsumers.Neckhangerscanincluderecipes,moredetailedproduct descriptionsandpriceorpercentageoffcoupons.Thesetagsareespeciallyusefulsincetheyrequireno additionaleffortonbehalfoftheretailer. Recipebookletsareespeciallyusefulforspecialtyfoodswhichserveasingredients.Noveltyfoodsthatare unfamiliartoconsumerswillrequireproductuseeducation.Recipebookletscanbeattachedtotheproductor standontheirown.

Size (approx) Color Numbertoprepare Distribution Posters 18"x 36" 4 color 500 Retailers ShelfTalkers 6"x 10" 2 color 1,000 Distributors NeckTags 23/4"x 21/2" 2or4color One run'sworth Withthe product Recipe Booklets 3"x 5" b/wor2 color 500 Distributors Duringintro stage/newproducts

Whentouse Newproducts/new retailers NOTES Size:

Newproducts/new Duringintro retailers stage/newproducts

Pos ters a s s ma l l a s 9"x14"wi th ca rdboa rd ba cki ngca n s ta nd a l one orbe pl a ced on a wa l l .Shel f ta l kers i ze ma ybe l i mi ted bythe numberofs hel ffa ci ngs a va i l a bl e foryourproduct.You don'twa nt yours hel fta l kerto us e s pa ce occupi ed bya notherproduct.Neck ta gs a re s ma l l a nd ca n be unfol ded to revea l s evera l pa ges ofproducti nforma ti on.Reci pe bookl ets ca n be i ndexca rd s i zed a nd a tta ched a s a neck ta g. Two col orproducts a re recommended,where pos s i bl e,to s a ve money.You ca n produce s ome four col ormedi a on yourown col orpri nterorone a va i l a bl e a tyourl oca l copys hop. Go s l owl y,prepa re a s few a s economi ca l l yfea s i bl e Pos ters ,reci pe bookl ets ,a nd s hel fta l kers ca n be s hi pped ei therwi th the productorvi a yourbroker a nd/ordi s tri butor.Neck ta gs ma ybe us ed a l l the ti me.

Color: Numbertoprepare: Distribution:

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