Mexico Siglo 16

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Si hubieras nacido en Mxico en el siglo XVI

How different would have been your life? Ideas to help you:

Men/women relationship Life expectancy Employment Living conditions limate

If I had been born in Mexico in the !"th century !# $o start with% I would have lived in a sexist society &# 'omen would have lived in the shadow of men( )# I might have married very young and might have been my husband*s slave( +# Life expectancy must have been very short% so I would have died very young from any infection( ,# If only they would have had medicines to cure me-( "# .s for living conditions% I would have suffered the /panish con0uer% and I would probably have fighted against /panish invaders( 1# 'ith regard to employment% it must have been lower than today( 2# I may have wor3ed in a farm( 4# 5ot only would I have cultivated potatoes but I also would have cultivated tomatoes( !6# If I had lived there I would have worn a Mexican hat !!# $he only means of transport would have been on foot% horse or don3ey( !&# .s far as I 3now% I would have worshiped not an only god but to several gods( !)# $o finish% the climate must have been the same !+# .ir pollution wouldn*t have existed% and the cities wouldn*t have been so overcrowded as at present( Estructuras gramaticales: Emphasis:

'hat I would have done is How I would have lived is in a hut7


5ot only would I have cultivated potatoes but I also would have cultivated tomatoes(

Conditionals: third conditional

If I had been born in Mexico in the !"th century% I would have lived7

Especulacin: might have been% may have been% could have been% must have been% can*t have been

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