Education 1

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If I were responsible for the education policy, I would improve it by taking several measures, for example: Reducing the number of students per teacher, because sometimes classrooms are overcrowded. Dividing the students according to their level of knowledge. In my opinion, doing this, we would be able to teach them more. Introducing punishment in order to maintain discipline. Its very important because students with a bad behaviour can destroy the teachers work. herefore, I would give the teachers more authority to keep discipline in their classroom. raining teachers in teenager!s psychology, and how to deal with them. "ncouraging parents to pay attention to their childrens education, and trying to change the idea of some of them that a school is a childrens parking. # that it!s the teachers $ob to raise their children. %romoting parents societies in every school and high school. Its important that parents participate in the academic life, and that they have a good relationship with the teachers. Doing a final exam in every year to pass to the next. &ot only would I provide technological e'uipment, such as computers and palm tops, but I would also make sure that all the e'uipment works properly, and that people get the training they need to use it in a good manner.

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