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This document is a compilation of all my Facebook posts on Srimad Bhagavatam. Following the recently concluded Srimad Bhagavata Katha Saptah discourses (Oct 31 Nov 6, 2013) by Sri Ramanujamji, disciple of His Holiness Sri Sri Muralidhara Swami, and with the blessings of all of our poorvaacaryas and sadgurus, and the Immense Compassion and Grace of Sri Krishna, I made the sankalpam (vow) to read one chapter of Srimad Bhagavatam each day. The following represents my humble effort to present the story in each chapter, on a daily basis, as I continue this parayanam, which began on November 15, 2013.

Sri Ramanujamji delivering the Bhagavata Katha discourses at Sri Balaji Temple November 15 SAMVATSARA (VAARSHIKA) BHAGAVATA PARAYANAM Immediately following the completion of the Bhagavata parayanam (from Oct 30 to Nov 13, 2013), I felt like I must do what I was told by Sri Ramanujamji when I met him for the first time (and had the blessings of a private audience) during his
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Bhagavata Katha discourses in 2012 - do the daily parayanam, one chapter (adhyaayam) a day. With the divine blessings of the Sadgurus and Krishna's immense grace and compassion, I initiated this parayanam today (Nov 15, 2013). The sankalpam was made as Lord Venkateswara was getting ready for His Thirukalyana Utsavam tomorrow. Our guest priest, Varadaraja Bhattar from Pittsburgh SV Temple blessed the grantham and recited the sankalpam mantras for me. I finished reading chapter one of the Srimad Bhagavata Mahatmyam today. The glories of Srimad Bhagavatam are described in the Mahatmyam. The story as told in chapter one is about the celestial rishi Narada's meeting with Bhakti. Once, Narada came to visit Bhuloka (the earth) and found that dharma had all but disappeared. He traveled all over, to many holy places, and found adharma on the rise. Then he came to the banks of the river Yamuna, where Krishna had performed His divine lilas. There he met a young woman, who was shedding tears profusely and overcome by sorrow. Beside her were two very old looking men, who seemed to be practically dead. Narada was intrigued by this sight. The lady in sorrow was also surrounded by other women, who seemed to be her attendants. When Narada spoke to her she said, "I am Bhakti and these here are my two sons, Jnana and Vairaagya. They have become old and practically dead but I am still young. How is this possible, O great sage? Can you tell me the reason? Can you help me?" Narada immediately vowed to restore Bhakti to her former glory. He started chanting the Vedas, the Bhagavad Gita and the Vishnu Sahasranamam. But all to no avail. Then he heard a voice from the sky which said, "Jnana and Vairaagya will be revived if you perform one pious act." However, the voice did not say what pious act. Narada was perplexed and went from one holy place to another enquiring from all the sages what "one pious act" he needs to perform. Then he met the four Kumaras, the mind-born sons of Brahma, who are known as the Sanatkumaras. They are forever young, like five year olds, and travel all over like little boys, running around naked. However, they were self-realized souls who actually refused to enter into family life when Brahma ordered them to do so. Instead they opted the life of sanyasis. The story continues in chapter two. The Sanatkumaras obviously provide Narada
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with the solution and tell him about the "one pious act" that he must perform. Hare Raama Hare Raama Raama Raama Hare Hare l Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare ll Sadguru Maharaj ki Jai. Hari Bol. Gopikaa jeevana smarNam Govinda Govinda.
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Top Comments Radha Akkoor and Rengga Satya like this.

Radha Akkoor Now we also get to read with you. Baaghavatha sambhandham Unlike Reply 1 November 16 at 1:26pm via mobile

Ourgitapage Yes, that will be the perfect sambandham! Please do and post here as well. Like Reply November 16 at 3:13pm via mobile

Ourgitapage Please see link here for an English translation of the Bhagavata Mahatmyam story as told in chapter one. hagavata_Mahatmyam/Chapte We offer our humble obeisances unto Lord Shri Krishna, whose transcendental form...See More Like Reply Remove Preview November 16 at 3:36am
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Ourgitapage I will edit and revise this later to add details of the chapter one story. Tomorrow's Kalyana Utsavam celeb start at 6:00 am at the Sri Balaji temple. Like Reply November 15 at 10:53pm Edited


Ourgitapage shared a status. November 16 RAVAGES OF KALIYUGA: MAHATMYAM STORY, CHAPTER ONE Once, when the sage Narada visited Bhuloka (the earth), he witnessed the ravages of Kaliyuga. This is described in verses 28 to 36 of chapter one. The following is from verses 32 and 33. Those who are called saintly are actually pretenders. Though they appear renounced, they accumulate wealth, women, and paraphernalia for sense pleasure. Women rule the family and the brother-in-law is the consultant. People sell their daughters out of greed, and husbands and wives always quarrel. Selling their own daughters - kanya vikriyaNah - is one of the evil effects of Kaliyuga, which lasts for 432,000 years. We are now only a little more than 5100 years into Kaliyuga. Husbands and wives constantly quarrel - dampateenaam ca kalakanam another evil of Kaliyuga.

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Narada also says (when he met the four Sanatkumaras) that he found that holy places had been destroyed and desecrated by Yavanas - aashramaah yavanaih ruddhaah teerthaani saritas tathaa (verse 34) - those who are opposed to Vedic religions. They are in control of such places. Of course, one should not think that only non-Hindus are opposed to Vedic religion, or sanatana dharma. Even among so-called Hindus, there are now many who oppose Vedic religion and its values and as we see in India and recent attempts by politicians (mostly Hindus) to outlaw Vedic teachings as mere superstitions (see recent post by our FB friend Priya Parthasarthy).


Ourgitapage Yesterday (Nov 17, 2013)

CHAPTER 2 OF BHAGAVATA MAHATMYAM Yesterday, Nov 16, 2013, we witnessed the Divine wedding of Lord Venkateswara, performed jointly by Sri Balaji Temple and Bharatiya Temple, at the latter temple. Naturally, we were all busy, all day, starting with Suprabhatam at 6 am, the transport of the Utsavamurtis back and forth, and the wedding itself. I did NOT find time to reading the one chapter a day of Srimad Bhagavatam that I had promised myself. After the vigrahams were back at the temple (see my Home Sweet Home photos on my timeline), I suddenly decided to read the Mahatmyam story. My plan was to read it to myself, while others were waiting to conclude the day's ceremonies. However, slowly, I started reading a bit louder and also enjoying myself during the reading. And, amazingly, everyone was quiet and listening.
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Chapter 2 describes in more detail the meeting of Narada and the four Sanatkumaras, who provide Narada with the solution for the dilemma that the former was facing - about the "one pious act" that he should perform in order to revive the nearly lifeless sons (Jnana and Vairagya) of Bhakti. In this chapter, we are told how Bhakti will be established in this Kaliyuga. In chapter 1 of the Mahatmyam story, the ravages of Kaliyuga were described and also the grieving of Bhakti, who remained young and lovely while two sons turned old and virtually lifeless. Bhakti wanted Narada to help her and Narada promises that he would certainly do so and re-establish the glory of Bhakti all over the worlds. I will post later about the story so far. I could not help feeling that it was Lord Venkateswara's wish that all the volunteers (who worked hard for several days to make the Kalyana Utsavam a grand success) to hear this reading of chapter 2 of the glory of Srimad Mahatmyam. How will Bhakti be revived and established and regain her old glory in this Kaliyuga? Now, after this shravaNam (listening to a reading, chanting, or a discourse), let us ALL now take the next step. The Lord has showed us His companion. The path has been laid for us. Now, we just have to follow that path - and read the Srimad Bhagavatam - one chapter daily each day - until the next GRAND Kalyana Utsavam in 2014. More on the story itself in later. Govinda Govinda. Hare Raama Hare Raama Raama Raama Hare Hare l Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare ll Hari Bol!

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10 hours ago (as of 10:29 PM on Nov 18, 2013)

SRIMAD BHAGAVATA MAHATMYAM: STORY AS TOLD IN CHAPTERS 1 TO 3 Once, Soota Mahrishi, visited the sages of NaimshiraNya when the latter were performing a huge satram (sacrifice). Soota was offered an exalted seat and Shaunaka, their leader of the sages, addressed Soota and asked how one could attain the lotus feet of Krishna in this period of Kaliyuga (Krishna praaptikaram shashvat saadhana vada adhunaa, chapter 1, verse 7). Soota Mahrishi replied promptly, "The sage Shuka has instructed the science of Srimad Bhagavatam (Srimad Bhagavatam shaastram kalau KeereNa bhashitam, chapter 1, verse 11) in this Kaliyuga. There is nothing else that can purify one besides this." He continued, "When Shukaacarya was ready start his discourse, for Parikshit, the devas appeared before him and offered the celestial amrutam (ambrosia, which bestows immortality) in exchange for the instructions of Srimad Bhagavatam. The sage looked at them and laughed saying, 'How can one compare a precious gemstone to a piece of glass?' Saying this, he just mocked and dismissed them as being unworthy recipients of the Srimad Bhagavatam." And, he continued, "When Brahma heard that Parikshit attained moksha, he was amazed and set a balance where he put the Bhagavatam on one scale and all the other holy scriptures like the Vedas, Upanishads and Puranas on the other scale. The balance tipped to the side of the Bhagavatam. Thus, Brahma understood that the Srimad Bhagavatam is indeed the very embodiment of Bhagavan and His very swaroopam. Reading and listening to the Srimad Bhagavatam will indeed bestow the reward of VaikuNTha itself, especially if it is heard devoutly during a discourse over the period of one week."
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And he continued, "The four Sanatkumaras instructed Narada about this saptaha (one week, or seven days) process, although he (Narada) had previously heard the Bhagavatam from Brahma himself." Then Shaunaka asked, "Tell us about how Narada got these instructions from the four Sanatkumaras. Where did they meet? How did this happen? Why?" Sootha Mahrishi replied, "Once upon a time, the four Sanatkumaras decided to visit the holy place named Vishala, in order to associate with holy people (satsangaartham). There they met the sage Narada, who seemed to be very worried. They asked, 'Where are you thus scurrying around in such a big hurry? Where are you coming from? Where are going? You look like something who has just lost all of his wealth although you are a self realized soul. Being thus asked Narada told them the reason.' Narada said, "I came to visit Prithvi (the earth) thinking of this as the most exalted of all places. I went to many holy places like Pushkara, Prayaga, Kashi, Harikshetra (Haridwar), Kurukshetra, Sreerangam, Rameswaram (Sethubandhanam) and many hol rivers like Godavari but nowhere was I able to find dharma which pleases the mind. The ravages of Kali have destroyed dharma everywhere. There is observance of truth (satyam naasti), penances (tapah naasti), bodily and mental purity (shaucam), compassion (dayaa), charities (daanam). Everyone is only interested in filling their bellies, speak harshly, women hold the authority in households, people are selling their own daughters due to greed, husband and wives are constantly quarreling, holy places are controlled by those opposed to Vedic religion, even the Brahmins have turned into lustful beings and have their hair cut off (modern hair style, instead of letting hair grow long). Then I came to the banks of the Yamuna where Bhagavan performed His many lilas. There I witnessed an amazing scene. I saw a young lady, surrounded by many other women, who must be her attendants. She was crying profusely and lying on the ground beside her were two, very old, practically lifeless, men. I asked her who she was and why she was lamenting." The young lady said, "My name is Bhakti and these two here are my sons, Jnana and Vairaagya. See, they are lying down here, have grown so old and practically
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dead while I am still so young. How can a mother remain young while her children get old and become lifeless? O sage, please tell me the reason for this. Please help me and revive my sons." Narada said, "My dear child (Baale), this is effect of Kali. You are young since you are in Vrindavana where Bhakti is forever present. Your sons are still breathing for the same reason." Bhakti said, "Why did the King Parikshit allow Kali to remain? How can Bhagavan, who is filled with compassion, tolerate and witness such adharma?" Narada said, "I will tell you everything, my dear child. Since Kali fell at the feet of King Parikshit and sought his refuge, the king could not kill Kali off. In this Kaliyuga, one can obtain all the benefits of the previous yugas simply by performing Sankeertanams - there is no need for yogas or penances - even they will not yield the benefits of sankeetranam. yat phalam naasti tapasaa na yogena na samaadhinaa l tat phalam labhate samyak kalau Keshava keertanaat ll verse 68. This is the reason King Parikshit, who is great devotee (Vishnuraatah) allowed Kali, in order bring some sukham for the people. " Narada continued, "Now people have become disbelievers. Kama (lust), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), moha (delusion), trushya (thrist, or avarice), vyakula (dejection) has overcome the mind and their consciousness. Even the wise are content to enjoy sexual pleasures and producing progeny. This is the dharma of Kaliyuga. Who can blame anyone? verse 77. " Hearing this, Bhakti was wonder struck. Then she addressed the sage Narada again. "O great sage, it is the association of sadhus (great souls) that uplifts all. I bow to you. Dhruva attained his exalted position because he came in contact with you. It is such association that helps one overcome Maya." Thus, ends the story in chapter 1. We will continue the story in the next posts. However, even just the reading of the story here in chapter one, and some of the ravages of Kali that I have taken the
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time translate fully, without mincing words or suppressing them (however, politically INcorrect it might sound to us today), should give us reason to pause and contemplate. As we see here and also again in Canto 12, the pursuit of SEX and MONEY seem to be the only dominant forces of Kaliyuga that deludes even the wisest. Kaliyuga lasts for 432,000 and according to the Hindu panchangam in use, only about 5100 years have elapsed. Being totally self absorbed in pursuit of bodily pleasures is now the yuga dharma as Narada points out to Bhakti. In chapter two, Narada vows to restore Bhakti to her former glory. He says, "If I do not, I should not be called Haridasa." What does Narada do? That is told in chapter 2 and in my earlier post I had mentioned that I read this chapter, with many devotess listening attentively, when Lord Venkateswara returned to the Sri Balaji Temple, with His consorts, after the Divine Thirukalyanam that was performed on Nov 16, 2013 (first day of Karthigai month in solar calendar, Bharani nakshatram when Bharani deepam celebrations in Tiruvannamalai, and full moon day, thus triply auspicious).
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Janaki Mahadevan and Radha Akkoor like this.

Radha Akkoor Thanks Like Reply 9 hours ago via mobile


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Ourgitapage 3 hours ago (as of 10:30 PM on Nov 18, 2013)

A HOME THAT DESTROYS ALL THE SINS OF ITS OCCUPANTS Vasataam paapa naashanam - the word "vaasam" means a home, a place where people live and "vasataam" refers to those who are living in a home. All the sins of those who live in the home are destroyed (paapa naashanam). Where is such a home? Is there such a home? The above is the last half of the second line of the following sloka Kathaa Bhaagavatasyaapi nityam bhavati yadgruhe l Tadgruham teertharoopam hi vastaam paapa naashanam ll3.29ll Bhaagavatsya kathaa api yat gruhe nityam bhavati tad gruham teertha roopam hi (bhavati) "hi" means yes, indeed and is used to add emphasis. That house (tad gruham) is indeed the very form of a holy place (teertha roopam). Which home? One where Bhaagavata Katha exists (bhavati), or is heard, daily (nityam). It is such a home that becomes a home that destroys the sins of everyone who lives there! The above sloka appears in chapter 3 of Srimad Bhagavata Mahatmyam and is told by the Sanatkumaras after they instruct Narada about how Bhakti can be restored to her former glory, in Kaliyuga, and her greatly aged and virtually lifeless sons (named Jnana and Vairaagya) can be revived. There is no need for Ganga, no need for Gaya, no need for Kashi and such holy
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places (Pushkara) and holy rivers (or Prayaaga, confluence of Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati). Even such holiest of places do not compare to the shaastra of Shuka, i.e., Bhaagavata Katha (verse 32). So read with your own mouth just one half of a sloka (shlokaardham), or one quarter of a sloka (sholoka paadam) that is from the Srimad Bhaagavatam if you desire to attain the Highest Abode (yadeecchasi paraam gatim), verse 33. The sins of a koti janmas (one crore, or ten million, births) are destroyed, let there be no doubt, by the daily reading of the Srimad Bhaagavatam (verse 37). Saying (reading aloud) the Bhaagavatam daily, remembering Lord Hari constantly, nourishing the Tulasi plant, protecting and caring for the cows, are all equal. Govinda will bestow VaikuNTham gladly for whoever is listening to Bhaagavatam at the very last moments of life (verse 40). Well, now here's a thought. Young people in a home are too busy with their daily lives. The youngest have to go to school, the parents (nowadays both) have to go to work, but elderly grandparents, who are retired and do not have to go to work to earn a living and take care of the family's needs, have all the time in the world to do exactly what is being described in the above sloka. Such elderly parents can turn every home into a holy place. Such homes were the norm in our culture even as little as a 100 ot 150 years ago. Now, we are reduced to the so-called "nuclear" family with just parents and their young children. The Srimad Bhaagavatam is also telling us about the glories of a home where three or more generations are cared for and live together harmoniously and also what the elderly grandparents and great grandparents must indeed spend their time doing. Hare Raama Hare Raama Raama Raama Hare Hare l Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare ll

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Govinda Govinda!! Hari Bol! Sadguru Maharaj ki Jai! Govinda Govinda !! Hari Bol ! Sadguru Maharaji ki Jai !

Ourgitapage 25 like this about an hour ago (as of 2:55 am on Nov 19, 2013) SRIMAD BHAGAVATA MAHATMYAM (CONTD): STORY AS TOLD IN CHAPTERS 1 TO 3 This is Part II of the story. Once, during his travels through the three worlds, the celestial sage Narada came to Prithvi (the Earth) and visited many holy places only to find that dharma (religion and virtuosity) had disappeared. Then, when he came to Vrindavana, on the banks of the holy river Yamuna, where Bhagavan had performed his various lilas, he saw a young lady, surrounded by many other women (who were her attendants), who was shedding tears profusely and lamenting. Lying besides her were two very old men, virtually lifeless. Narada speaks to this lady and enquires about the reason for his sorrow. The young lady says that she is Bhakti and that the two old men lying beside her are her two sons, Jnana and Vairaagya. While she is young and healthy her sons have grown old, have lost all their strength, and are virtually dead. How can this be? What is the reason for all this, she asks Narada. This part of the story is told in chapter 1 and was narrated briefly in my earlier post. We now continue with the story as told in chapter 2.

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Narada said, "O my dear child (baale), you are lamenting needlessly. Just remember the lotus feet of Sri Krishna and all of your sorrows will disappear." verse 1. Draupadi and the gopis were protected and delivered by Sri Krishna when they remembered Him. You are Bhakti and always very dear to Him, more dear than to Him than His own life (satatam praaNotidhikaa, verse 3). In Satya and the other yugas, Jnana (Bodha) and Vairaagya are the means for moksha but in Kaliyuga only Bhakti is the means for liberation. Hence, the Lord Himself decided to send you, Bhakti, down here to Earth. Therefore, you should meditate upon Him." Bhakti bowed to the sage with folded hands and asked Narada what indeed she should do. Narada said, "Once, when you bowed to Krishna with folded hands and asked Him what you can do, He told you to nourish His devotees. He sent Mukti along as your maidservant. Jnana and Vairaagya also came along as your sons. They were all here, with great joy, until the end of Dwapara yuga. When Kali began, with your permission, Mukti returned to VaikuNTha, because of the rise of irreligiosity (adharma). But Jnana and Vairaagya stayed with you. Because of the general neglect of people of this yuga, they have lost all their strength and have become lifeless. Since you came to Vrindavana, where Bhakti is ever present, you alone have been rejuvenated but your sons have not been. Mukti returns briefly from VaikuNTha when you remember her. " "But do not worry," continued Narada. "There is no age like Kaliyuga. I will established your glory in each and every home, with each and every person. In Kaliyuga, Bhakti and Bhakti alone is the means - the proof for that are the Gopis. When Bhakti is present, Sri Krishna will appear and stand before anyone." Bhakti was happy to hear about her own glories from Narada. "You have relieved my sorrow with your great kindness, O sage. But my two sons, please revive them, please nourish them."
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Hearing this the sage Narada, overcome by compassion, started chanting all the Vedas and Upanishads (Vedanta), and the Gita, over and over. They gained a bit of strength and opened their eyes, yawned, and went back to their sleeping stupor. Their hair was as white as a duck's feather and they remained like lifeless logs due to extreme thirst and hunger. Narada's repeated attempts were NOT successful. While the celestial sage was worried, a voice was heard from the sky. "Don't worry, O sage. Your efforts will bear fruit. Let there be no doubt. There is one pious duty that you must perform on behalf of these two." Everyone was amazed. Everyone heard the words spoken by this voice from the sky. Narada too was amazed. But the voice had only delivered a secret message. What should he do? Narada started wandering from one holy place to another and asked many holy men. Everyone heard the story but no one had an answer. Some said, "It is impossible." Some said, "Impossible to know." Others were dumbfounded and still others just ran away after hearing Narada's query. All the three worlds were confounded. If Jnana and Vairaagya cannot be revived by chanting of the Vedas, Upanishands, Gita, over and over, what else could be done? Thus, Narada came to Bhadarikashrama, where great sages like Atri muni had performed penances. That is where he met the four Sanatkumaras. They were radiant like a koti (crore, ten million) suns. Narada said, "O great sages, because of my great fortune, I have now met you. Please tell me, soon, what I should do. What is that "one pious deed"? You are always remembering Lord Hari. You are always surrendered to Him. You are always young, like five year old boys. You are always residing in VaikuNTha. You are older than even the oldest of all. Even in this Kaliyuga, old age (jaraa) does not affect you. When you so much as frowned a little, with your eyebrows coming together, the doorkeepers of VaikuNTha (Jaya and Vijaya) were forced to fall down to the Earth. O, I am so fortunate to have met you.
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Please tell me what I have to do to revive Jnana and Vairaagya." The (four) Kumaras said, "Don't worry, O sage. Rejoice now. You are the crown jewel of all the Bhaktas and the renounced. You are always to head the list when the servants of Shree Krishna are enumerated. The great sages have shown many paths. Some of them are difficult paths but they all take one to higher lokas, like swargaloka. Other paths lead to VaikuNtha and they remain secret and are revealed only to the most fortunate (verses 56 and 57). We will tell about that 'one pious deed' hinted to you by the voice you heard from the sky." The Kumaras continued. "There are many kinds of yajnas - dravya, jnana, tapa, yoga, swaadhyaaya - as described by various realized souls (scholars). The sage Shuka has spoken the Srimad Bhagavatam and it is the mere hearing of this that will revive Jnana and Vairaagya. The power of the chanting of Srimad Bhagavatam is very great and it will revive Bhaktis sons and bring her great joy. Even pralaya (dissolution or deluge) can be repelled by the great sounds of Srimad Bhagavatam chanting. All of the evil effects of Kaliyuga can be driven out by the chanting of Bhagavatam, like the fleeing of jackals when a lion roars. And, so it is that Bhakti, along with Jnana and Vairaagya, will dwell in each home and rejoice and play in each person's heart." To which Narada said, "I tried to revive Jnana and Vairaagya by chanting all the Vedas and Vedantas (Upanishads), and the Gita, but that did not revive them. The stories of Srimad Bhagavatam, and all slokas of the Bhagavatam, each and every one, are nothing more than the Vedas and Vedantas. Why would Bhagavatam be able to do anything Vedas, Vedanatas, and Upanishads (Gita, which is all the Upanishads) could not do? Please tell me, O great sages. Do not delay. You are forever kind to those who have come to seek shelter of your lotus feet." The Kumaras said, "Bhagavatam and its stories are the product of the very quintessence of the Vedas and the Upanishads. Hence, it is the greatest of all and the effects produced by Bhagavatam too are different (verses 67 and 68).
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Think of a tree. All the way from the roots to the branches one can find its vital ingredients but its essence cannot be tasted. Only the fruit of the trees reveals its essential glorious taste that brings joy to all the worlds. Ghee is present in milk but only when the ghee is extracted can it be relished, even by the Gods. Sugar is present within the sugarcane, but can be tasted only when it is extracted. And, so it is with Srimad Bhagavatam. It was revealed by Shuka for the specific task of nourishing Bhakti, Jnana and Vairaagya. It was you who instructed Vyasa, when the latter was dejected, and spoke to him about the four slokas that are the very essence of Srimad Bhagavatam. So, why O great sage, are you now amazed by what we have told you? One should encourage others to hear the Srimad Bhagavatam (i.e., instruct them, speak to them about it) in order to dispel their pains and sorrows." Narada said, "I surrender to the great sages like you. It is only when one's good fortune rises (like the rising sun) that one comes in contact with great sages like yourselves. This can only be accumulated over many many lifetimes. The mere sight (darshanam) of such personalities, destroys all misfortunes and evils, and allows the growth of shreyas (the highest good) and extinguishes the fire caused by the sorrows of this samsara. Such great fortune, which dispels the darkness of ignorance, allows the rise of discrimination (vivekah)." Thus ends the story as told in chapter 2. Here we find the solution to Narada's dilemma. The four Sanatkumaras teach Narada how Bhakti will be established in each and every heart in this Kaliyuga. This is what I had alluded to in my earlier post. After Lord Venkateswara returned with His consorts, to the Sri Balaji Temple, after the grand Kalyana Utsavam celebrations on Nov 16, 2013, I suddenly decided to read chapter 2 of the Bhagavata Mahatmyam, as a part of the daily parayanam. I did not find time to do this earlier in the day because of the Kalyana Utsavam but did so in the temple late that day. All the devotees, who had assembled to volunteer their time, also waited patiently until I finished reading all the 76 slokas, along with the preliminary dhyaanam slokas. It appeared to me that
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Lord Venkateswara Himself wanted all present to hear how Bhakti will be established in Kaliyuga, along with Jnana and Vairaagyam. Indeed, that is a great blessing. Hare Raama Hare Raama Raama Raama Hare Hare l Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare ll Govinda Govinda !! Hari Bol ! Sadguru Maharaj ki Jai !! P. S. Read also the post about "Rishis speak about many paths", which gives the link to an article that appeared recently in India There are many paths pointed to by the great rishis but they do NOT all lead to the same destination.

I have posted the following comment, which is awaiting moderation by the editors of India
The link to the article is

Paths are many, the Rishis call it by many names - Articles on Hinduism - Daily News on... There is now a term to describe what Hindus are doing. Hindus are frequent to embrace what Sri Dharma Pravartaka coined as radical universalism, or the belief that all religions and teachings are essentially the same. This same view is also...

"I read the article with interest and also many of the comments. My purpose here is to call attention to slokas 56 and 57 from chapter 2 of the Srimad Bhagavata Mahatmyam (the original
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Sanskrit text can be obtained by performing an Internet search), where the four Sanatkumaras instruct the celestial rishi Narada about how to revive Jnana and Vairaagya, the two sons of Bhakti. While Bhakti remained young and youthful, her two sons had grown old, had lost all their strength, and were virtually lifeless. I have discussed this in more detail in my recent Facebook page posts on this topic (see Ourgitapage). Sloka 56 starts with "Rishibhih bahavO loke panthaanah prakaTeekrutaahaa", which means that many paths have been revealed by the great sages (rishibhih) in this loka. However, what is told after this is interesting. The Sanatkumaras then say, "Most of these paths are difficult ones and often yield swarga as the fruit. There are paths that lead to VaikuNTha, but they remain shrouded in secrecy. The instruction to these paths are obtained by those who are indeed very fortunate." What the Sanatkumaras are saying is that there are many paths pointed to by the great rishis but they do NOT all lead to the same destination. Then they extol the vritues of Srimad Bhagavatam. I also would like to point out that NOT being a Vedic scholar and NOT having studied the Vedas, I have to rely on the interpretation of the author. However, I have studied the Bhagavad Gita and also lecture regularly on the Gita and am fluent in Sanskrit and studied the language for many years. The author does himself a great disservice by misquoting verse 4.11 of the Gita in his very first paragraph. I still continued to read. In verse 4.11 of the Gita, Krishna does not say all paths lead to Him. Rather, Krishna says, everyone follows My example. Mama (My) vartmaa (path) anuvartante (follow) manushyaah (people) Partha (O Arjuna) sarvashah (in every way). There is a BIG difference between, "everyone follows My example" and "All paths lead to Me". This is not meant to be a critical rebuttal about the author's otherwise interesting article, but it certainly falls in the category of misquoting that the author takes exception himself as the basis for his own article. *********************************************

Ourgitapage 25 like this 2 minutes ago (as of Nov 20, 2013, 4:50 AM) SRIMAD BHAGAVATA MAHATMYAM (CONTD): STORY AS TOLD IN CHAPTERS 1 TO 3 This is Part III of the story. Once, during his travels, Narada came to Earth and visited many holy places and found that dharma had all but disappeared. Then, when he came to Vrindavana, on the banks of the Yamuna, he met a young lady who was lamenting. Lying beside her were
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two very old men, who were practically dead. Narada enquired about the cause of her distress. She told Narada that her name was Bhakti and that the two old men were her sons, Jnana and Vairagyaa. Bhakti asked Narada to help relieve her sorrow and revive her sons. Narada promised to help Bhakti and in that process he met the four Sanatkumaras. This story is told in Pats I and II. The Sanatkumaras told Narada that he can revive the sons of Bhakti by performing the Saptaha Yajna, which involves the reading of the Srimad Bhagvatam over seven (sapta) days (aaha). Narada then wanted the Sanatkumaras to instruct him about how to perform the Yajna. This is where the story begins in chapter 3. The Sanatkumaras said, "On the banks of the Ganga, there is a holy place named Ananda. It is a very beautiful place and many holy sages live there. Perform the yajna there and it will yield unusually beautiful results (apoorva rasa roopa, verse 7)." The Sanatkumaras themselves accompanied Narada to Ananda. As soon as they arrived, all the celestials (devas, gandharvas, apsaras), and great sages, and all the holy rivers and holy places personified, all the VaishNavas and sanyasis, appeared there in the assembly. It was a wonderful scene. Narada offered an exalted seat to the Sanatkumaras who then narrated the Srimad Bhagavatam. Everyone listened attentively with a very fixed mind. At the end of the seven-day discourse, the Sanatkumaras described in great detail (verses 24 to 52), the great benefits of listening to the Srimad Bhagavatam. (A brief narrative was provided in a related post, entitled "The home that destroys all the sins".) The Sanatkumaras concluded with, "There are many defects and evils of Kaliyuga. However, in this Kaliyuga, just performing this Sapataha yajna is sufficient to attain moksha (liberation)." Then Shaunka, the leader of the rishis of Naimisharanya, who were listening to this story from Sooha Mahrishi, asked, "How did Bhagavatam attain this unique status, not attainable even by those perfected in Jnana yoga and other dharmas?" Then Sootha Mahrisihi told them about the conversation between Uddhava and Krishna. Uddhava was a dear friend, a great devotee and cousin of Krishna. When
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Krishna was ready to return to VaikuNTha, He instructed Uddhava (this is known as Uddhava Gita and is the topic of Canto 11 of the Srimad Bhagavatam). After receiving the instructions, Uddhava asked Krishna what is the refuge for those on Earth when He is not here anymore. Kali will soon arrive. How will the Earth (Bhudevi) and all the residents here (bhaktas) survive? Who will provide them with shelter? So, Krishna, do not leave (maa vraja, verse 58) before You provide a solution for this. You are most compassionate and extremely fond of all Your devotees. When Krishna heard this He decided to enter with all of His opulences (swakeeyam yat bhavet tejah) into Srimad Bhagavatam. The Bhagavatam is thus Krishna Himself. By your devotion (sevanaat) to Bhagavatam, listening to it (shravaNaat), by reading it (paThanaat), by seeing it (darshanaat), this Bhagavatam will destroy all sins. (verse 62). The process of listening over seven days is considered to be the highest and most beneficial of all. To overcome all of one's pains and sorrow, to extinguish the fire of such pain and sorrows, to overcome one's misfortunes and cleanse them out completely, to conquer one's anger and lust, in this Kaliyuga this indeed is the prescribed dharma (verse 64). Sootha Mahrishi continued, "O Shaunaka, listen to a wonderful thing that happened when the Saptaha Yajna was being conducted by Narada in the presence of the four Sanatkumaras. Bhakti appeared suddenly in that assembly, with her two sons, Jnana and Vairaagya. She was chanting, 'Shree Krishna Govinda Hare Murare Naatha' and the naamas of the Lord again and again (verse 67). When everyone was wondering how this could be, the Sanatkumaras said, 'this is indeed the proof of the power of the Bhagavata Katha'. Then Bhakti bowed down reverentially to the Sanatkumaras and said, "I have nourished and rejuvenated by your exalted selves although I had been afflicted by Kali, by feeding me and my sons with this nectar of Bhagavata katha. Please tell me what I should do now and where I should reside." The Sanatkumaras said, "Reside forever in the minds of the VaishNavas, in the minds of the bhaktas, as the very form of Govinda, as one who is all filled with love, as one who kills all the afflictions caused by the disease of taking birth, reside there
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fearlessly (no need to fear Kaliyuga) and take shelter in their hearts and minds. Kali will not even dare to look at you, even when it is reached its full power in this world." (verses 70 to 72). And so, Bhakati has since been residing in the cittam (hearts and mind or conscience) of all the Haridasas (servants of Lord Hari). Bhakti resides in the hearts of even those with no material wealth as long as they have become devotees of Lord Hari. And, Lord Hari too, gives up His own Abode and resides in their hearts and is bound by the chords of Bhakti (verse 73). What else can I tell you about the glories (mahimaanam) of The Bhagavatam?" Thus ends the story in chapter 3 of the Bhagavata Mahatmyam. In chapters 4 and 5 we are told the story of Dhundhukari and GokarNa. The first was the son of a pious Brahmin named Atmadeva, born of his wife Dhundhuli, under interesting circumstances. GokaraNa was born of the womb of the cow of this Brahmana due to an interesting circumstance. They both grew up as sons of Atmadeva and Dhundhuli. Later because of his sinful life Dhundhukari became a ghost and then attained moksha because of the pious deeds of his brother GokarNa. Hare Raama Hare Raama Raama Raama Hare Hare l Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare ll Govinda Govinda !! Hari Bol ! Sadguru Maharaj ki Jai !! Some interesting points mentioned by Sanatkumaras about the glories of the Srimad Bhagavatam: In verse 45, it is stated that there is NO strict regulation (niyama) about the days on which Bhagavatam should be heard. It can be heard at all times. That is indeed the opinion of the great sages. One should speak the truth during the days of Katha shravaNam. One should observe Brahmacaryam (celibacy) during that time. However, because of the
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difficulties of such practices in this Kaliyuga, because of the difficulty of being able to control and conquer (the evil tendencies that arise in) the mind, because of the difficulty of entering into such deeksha (vow, penance) for a long period in this Kaliyuga, the process of Saptaaha Yajnam (seven-day discourse) is considered to be the best for this Kaliyuga (verses 45 to 47). In Kaliyuga, it is difficult to control the mind, diseases afflict the body, ones life expectancy itself is reduced, hence even the benefits which cannot be obtained by severe austerities (yat phalam naasti tapasaa, verse 50) or yoga, or samaadhi, can be obtained effortlessly with listening to the seven-day discourse (verse 50). Indeed, the seven-day listening process (saptaaha shravaNam) is superior to tapas, superior to holy places, superior to all yogas, superior to all dhyaanas (meditations), what else can be said, it is indeed the highest, Re Re garjati garjati (verse 52). One who listens to the Bhagavatam during his or her last moments is given the abode of VaikuNTha very happily by Govinda Himself (verse 40).

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