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During the human beings history/ during the history of man kind, immigration has always been a normal situation. People always look for places to live with better living conditions, such as food and water, and nowadays places where they can find A job, good education and a reliable health system. owadays, there are controversial opinions about immigration! According to new research, the idea that immigrants use up "agotan# resources is a myth, in fact they contribute more to national insurance than they need to. $ome people think that they not only take advantage of free education, but that they also take advantage of free public health. %e have to reckon, however, that they are very brave because they have to struggle against a lot of barriers in order to blend in into the host country, in the host culture. &n the other hand, sometimes they live in ghettos and they are not interested in blending in into the local community, and they want to hold on to their own culture and costums. 'his situation can create problems in some countries as we saw in Paris, five months ago. And sometimes some business men pay them a lower salary and abuse them, because they are not going to sue them because they dont have a work permit. / "due to a lack of a work permit# As far as ( am concerned the government should control this. (f ( had to immigrate to a foreign country ( would pick )anada, because.... %hat ( would probably find the most difficult about living on abroad would be the cold weather.

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