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The Davinci code is a 2003 mystery-detective novel written by Dan Brown. It follows symbologist Robert Langdon and o!hie "eve# as they investigate a m#rder in the $aris%s Lo#vre &#se#m and discover a battle between the $riory of ion and '!#s Dei over the !ossibility of (es#s having been married to &ary &agdalene. The central !lot !oint is that the )ings of *rance were descendants from the bloodline of (es#s +hrist and &ary &agdalene. ,ccording to the novel- The .oly /rail is not a !hysical chalice- b#t a woman- namely &ary &agdalene- who carried the bloodline of +hrist. The secrets of the /rail are connected- according to the novel- to Leonardo Da 0inci%s wor). The boo) was not generally well received by critics- concerning its literary and history val#e. The boo) has been e1tensively deno#nced by many +hristian as an attac) on the Roman +atholic +h#rch. "onetheless- the novel still became a worldwide bestseller- combining the detective- thriller- and cons!iracy fiction genres. In my o!inion- I ho!ed to find a" entertaining and gri!!ing boo)- in contrast I fo#nd a" im!la#sible and heavy going !lot. o- never have I heard s#ch a ridic#lo#s arg#ment.

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