Festive Menu 2013

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Festive Menu 2013 1st December 24th December Two Courses 20 / 3 Courses 25

Starters Chicken Liver and Foie Gras Parfait g madeira jelly, fig and apple compote, brioche Citrus Cured a!"on Graf!a# g seaweed espuma, tangerine textures, walnut bread $oasted Cau!if!ower ou% v cardamom ice cream, curried oil, baby herbs &and 'ived het!and ca!!o%s g n (5 supplement) bury black pudding, sweetcorn in various forms, truffeld popcorn Mains Proscuttio (ra%%ed )r*anic Turke+ u%re"e, pork, sage and chestnut stuffing, carrot and suede puree, duck fat potatoes, cranberry marmalade, red wine jus
*all served with traditi nal vegetables and bread sauce ! r the table

Peanut Crusted -orth ea &ake n g whipped shellfish bisque, lightly spiced greens, confit potatoes, young parsley, lemon oil (i!d Mushroo". a*e and Chestnut $isotto v cranberry jelly, shaved pear 2/da+ 'r+ 0*ed )#fordshire $u"% teak braised red grapes, buttered kale, baby fondant potatoes, red wine foam and gravy Puddings Christ"as Puddin* g n brandy anglaise, red currants 1-ot 2uite3 an 4n*!ish herr+ Trif!e custard, fruits, cream, sponge, jelly etc Choco!ate and &orseradish Mousse n nutella powder, toasted hazelnuts, white chocolate sorbet 0rtisan Cheese 5oard (5 supplement) quince, bath olivers "!ter Coffee. Tea and Mince Pies
The Lamb nn ! "teep #ill ! $rawley ! %xfordshire ! %&'( (T) * +,((- .+/.('

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