Procedures For Students

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Procedures for Students' Registration All new students on arrival at the department should proceed for registration as follows:

Procedure for Payment of Tuition Fees After a candidate has been admitted into the university: 1. Students are expected to obtain Acceptance Letter . !ou go for screening with your original credentials" Acceptance Letter" #A$% slip" and admission letter &. !ou go straight to the designed ban' to pay your school fees and obtain ()* to enable you enter your personal details and course registration on the university portal.

Summary: +he procedure for the payment of tuition fees is that" the admitted students" after collecting his,her admission letter goes to a designated ban' and obtains a pin" e-uivalent to the amount to tuition fees he,she is expected to pay" which he,she uses for registration processes. At the point of students. orientation" management would usually come out with details on how the tuition fees would be paid. /hile full payment is usually advocated" sometimes payment is split on semester basis. /hatever position is ta'en by management would be made 'nown to the students during orientation. Procedure for Course registration 0 0 0 All students. 1ourse 2egistration are online Students are allowed to add and,or drop courses within the course registration period. Submit your hard copy registered courses to all the appropriate offices consecutive

0 )ssues for *on3registration: 2egistration for each Semester is compulsory. A student who fails to register for semesters is deemed to have voluntarily withdrawn from the programme. Library Registration 0 All newly admitted students are expected to register with the 4niversity Library.

0 !ou are expected to go with your admission letter and passport to obtain library card from the Library 5fficer that will allow you to enter into the Library. 0 Any more information about Library registration procedure" please go the Library for further details.

Other Payments Requirement by Different Categories of Students +he sub3degree students are categori6ed into three as regards payment of tuition fees. note: +hese fees are sub7ect to review by management of the university from time to time as the need arises 0 (enalty for Late (ayment /hen deadline for payment of tuition fees is pronounced by management" students that fail to pay within the stipulated time shall be sub7ected to a penalty. )n addition" students who fail to meet up the re-uirements of management as regards payment of school fees shall be out rightly prevented from writing examinations. Such students will automatically repeat those courses. 0 0 8epartmental Associations 1ollege Screening

University Functions nd Organi!ations " Orientation 5rientation of *ew Students +he orientation of new students shall ta'e place in the second wee' of resumption after registration. )t is intended to enable students settle down and ad7ust to 4niversity life. " #atricu$ation 9very new student must be matriculated before he,she is recogni6ed as having entered for academic programme of the 4niversity. At the ceremony" students are expected to ta'e the matriculation oath" which reads: I solemnly undertake and swear to observe and respect the provisions of the University of agriculture, Makurdi law and statutes, ordinances and regulations lawful made hereunder which are in force and which shall from time to time be brought into force. All students are expected to be formally dressed :i.e. complete with academic gowns; during the induction ceremony. $atriculation mar's the end of students. registration. Students are usually issued with matriculation numbers with which they obtain identity cards from the security department.

" De%artmenta$ ssociations All registered students of the respective programmes are members of the 4niversity of Agriculture" $a'urdi 1hapter of the *ational Associations. <or further information on this" please" contact the departmental Association.s 9xecutives. " Procedure for trave$$ing out of University A student wishing to travel out of campus during the semester period for any reasons should obtain clearance from the department through the =ead of 8epartment or any officer designated by the =ead of 8epartment" by filling the appropriate clearance form and having it signed officially. " Staff and Student Forum& )n addition to the 1ollege forum" the respective 8epartments organi6ed departmental staff and student forum for at least once every academic year. +he forum provides avenues for discussion" exchange of ideas" the opportunity for hearing cases and complaints> opportunity for dissemination of official information" rules and regulations especially those that relate directly to or affect students. Students are normally encouraged in such a forum to raise issues of significance. +he policy is to be seen as part of the efforts of the department administration of the university to bridge communication gap and to encourage the much needed understanding between the department and the students. " Sources of 'nformation a. 2egistration: 9xamination,2egistration officers b. Security $atters: Security 4nit :Annext; c. ?uidance,1ounselling :?eneral Advice on 1areers and personal matters;: Students Affairs 5ffice. " Order of Presentation of Difficu$ties(Com%$aints by Students +he normal route of channelling of complaints or problems is as set below: 1. . &. @. Academic matters: ?uidance and 1ouselling Lecturers to =ead of 8epartment: 9xamination,1ourses 2egistration matters: 9xamination 5fficers Security matters: 1hief Security 5fficer,Security 5fficer

" dministrative Officer to )ead of De%artment& 1. . +imetable matters Lectures,9xaminations: 2esult matters:

" Co$$ege Library Services +here exists a well stoc'ed library at the 1olleges. Ob*ectives of the Library +he ob7ective of the 1ollege Library is naturally derived from the institution it serves. %riefly" the library exists to provide a variety of resources and ancillary services which support and extend the 8epartment.s programmes of instruction and research. +$igibi$ity for use of Library +he library may be used by 1. . All students" staff and members of the %oard of the 8epartment. 2esearch wor'ers authori6ed by the 8epartment.

dmission 5nly registered readers or other persons authori6ed by the 4niversity Librarian can be admitted into the college library upon presentation of their )8 cards. Services 1. ate!"ime: +he library opening hours are $onday to <riday A.&B am to @.BBpm. +he library is closed on public holidays. . #hotocopying: +he library does not own photocopying machine which readers can use for copying articles in boo's and periodicals but it gives permission for materials to be photocopied outside the library. &. $oan: 8ue to lac' of ade-uate resources compared to the number of users" the library does not loan out its materials. @. Inter%library $oan: )n special circumstances" boo's not in the 8epartmental library can be obtained from other libraries within $a'urdi metropolis on inter3library may be ordered upon re-uest and with advance payment. " Other Services 5ther services available in the department include: 0 )nternet Services and =ealth Services

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