Conjunctions Worksheet (Joining Sentences)

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Intensive English

Conjunctions Worksheet (Joining Sentences)

Conjunctions are words that join two or more words or sentences. Example; for, and, but, or,
because, so.
Directions: Join the two sentences together using one of the following conjunctions.
and, but, or, because, so
Example: John loves football. John loves basketball.
Answer: John loves football and basketball.
1. Stephen plays soccer. Stephen plays basketball.
2. Donald loves to travel. Donald often forgets his suitcase.
3. Sharon enjoys cooking. Sharon goes grocery shopping often.
4. The dog loves to go for walks. The dog does not walk fast.
5. David is good at baseball. David does not like to play baseball.

Fill in the correct conjunction in each sentence.


I had to eat dinner, ______ I really wanted to play outside.

2. I ate chicken _______ corn.

3. It was hot out, ______ I brought a water bottle to keep me cooled off.
4. He did not come ______ I went home.
5. Will you take this ______ that?
6. We were tired ______ we went to bed early.
7. She walked to the door ______ opened it.
8. She has a bicycle ______ no car.

Intensive English
9. They missed the bus ______ they were late.
10. He crossed the street ______ walked into a shop.
11. You must behave yourself ______ he will punish you.
12. We can do it tomorrow ______ not today.
13. The man dived into the river ______ saved the boy.
14. I was late ______ I had to take a taxi.
15. It was raining all day ______ we stayed at home.
16. He was fishing all day ______ did not catch anything.
17. Is this yours ______ hers?
18. She put on a coat ______ she was cold.
19. The baby cried ______ it was hungry.
20. A fish can swim ______ cannot fly.

Join these pairs of sentences using or, because, so.


He had no money. He sold his bicycle.

2. I must go now. It is getting late.

3. Do you want an apple? Do you want an orange?
4. He lost his shoes. He walked home barefoot.
5. Take an umbrella. It is raining.
6. I bought some sugar. I did not buy any salt.
7. We like Miss Jones. She is very kind.
8. I needed a pen. I had no money to buy it.
9. The glasses fell down. It broke into pieces.
10. I cant see well. I wear glasses.
11. She could not carry the box. We helped her.
12. You are fat. You eat too much.
13. It was very hot. I switched on the fan.
14. They did not go to work. It was a holiday.
15. He was ill. He did not go to school.


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