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Planning pregnancy/preconception phase Asses risk (thrombophilia screen, family & personal history Stop possible teratogenic drugs

gs (3 month wash out period) Joint care (hematologist/obstetrician)

Pregnancy PV(Normal risk) Target Hct should be kept in the middle of normal range for gestation Platelet count <1000G/I Aspirin 50-100 mg/day LMWH after delivery until 6 weeks post partum

Previous arterial event/ to replace warfarin/ actual thrombosis

High risk pregnancy/ abnormal artery uterine doppler

Aspirin 50-100mg/day LMWH twice daily throughout pregnancy + Interferon alpha

Aspirin 50-100mg/day LMWH throughtout pregnancy At 16-20/40 increase to twice daily Consider interferon alpha

Delivery Consider stopping aspirin 1-2 weeks prior to delivery Stop LMWH 12 hours (prophylactic LMWH) to 24 hours (therapeutic LMWH) before labor is accepted

Postpartum Restart LMWH for 6 weeks Target HCT shall be keep in the middle of normal range

Note: LMWH: Low Molecular Weight warfarin Enoxaparin 40mg/dalterparin 5000 IU High risk pregnancy: 1. Previous maternal major thromboembolic/major hemorarhagic complication 2. Severe cimplication 3. Platelet count >1000x109

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