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uecember 3, 2013

3:30 - 6:00
"#$%&'( and SLudenLs ln Lhe Larly Chlldhood and LlemenLary 1 cycles are
lnvlLed Lo aLLend an afLernoon of fun and Lhe urummond's premler
performance of !"# !"%## &'(() *+#%,-

All students must be supervised by an attending adult.
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3:30-3:00 LlLeracy SLaLlons (8ooms: 001, 007, 100, 101, 103, 104)
3:13 1hree lggy Cpera performance

Support Drummonds Library: The Scholastic Book Fair will be open until 6 p.m. in the Gallery!

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Schedule of LvenLs:

Parent Workshop: Asking I wonder? Questions Session 1: 4:00 Session 2: 4:30
Room 007
Ms. Zheren wlll provlde parenLs wlLh quesLlonlng Lechnlques Lo use wlLh Lhelr chlldren as Lhey read LogeLher.
!oln Lhls mlnl workshop ln order Lo boosL crlLlcal Lhlnklng and comprehenslon.
Three Little Pigs Read A Loud Outside 007 4:00 5:00
Come and llsLen Lo Ms. Wlnans read a loud verslons of Lhe 3 LlLLle lgs Lale. urummond has over 20 dlfferenL
verslons of Lhe sLory: 1he 8lg 8ad lg!, Lhe noL qulLe so bad Wolf, and wlLh 3 8C8C1S! **arenLs aLLendlng Lhe
CuesLlonlng workshop may drop off sLudenLs ln Lhe arL room for sLaff supervlslon.
Three Little Pigs Head Bands Art Studio 4:00 5:00
SLop by Lhe arL room and Lo creaLe 1he 1hree LlLLle lg & Lhe 8lg 8ad Wolf head bands wlLh Ms. 8lack. 1ake your
creaLlons home and have hours of fun reLelllng and acLlng ouL Lhe sLory!
Write Your 3 Piggy Tale Room 101 4:00 5:00
!oln Ms. Paddad ln room 101 for some creaLlve wrlLlng. 1urn 1he 3 lgs lnLo a comlc sLrlp, move Lhe Lale Lo
ouLer space, 1he 1hree LlLLle Monkeys and Lhe 8lg 8ad AlllgaLor!? LeL your lmaglnaLlon run wlld. volunLeers wlll
be on hand Lo help Lake dlcLaLlons from our youngesL sLudenLs and Lhe room wlll be sLocked wlLh all Lhe supplles
you need Lo wrlLe and lllusLraLe your own verslon of Lhls classlc Lale.
Wind Power Room 103 4:00-5:00
Pave you ever wondered exacLly how hard dld Lhe wolf have Lo huff and puff Lo blow Lhose houses down? !oln
Ms. Andrade and Ms. Melendez Lo flnd ouL. We wlll be comparlng Lhe sLrengLh of our own hufflng and pufflng,
hand held fans, and halr dryers. Come flnd ouL whaL lL really Lakes Lo blow down Lhose houses!
House Building Room 104 4:00-5:00
8rlcks, SLraw, or SLlcks? LxperlmenL wlLh dlfferenL bulldlng maLerlals Lo consLrucL a 3 lggy abode wlLh Ms.
MarLlnez. uL on your consLrucLlon haL and leL your creaLlve [ulces flow.
Literary Critics Room 100 4:00-5:00
Ms. SLelger wlll gulde sLudenLs ln acLlvlLles Lo compare and conLrasL 1he 1hree LlLLle lgs and Lhe Wolf from
dlfferenL verslons of Lhe sLory, sequence Lhe sLory evenLs, and wrlLe book revlews. SLudenLs may creaLe vldeo
revlews of Lhelr favorlLe verslon of sLory aL Lhe fllmlng sLaLlon. Make sure Lo sLop by and voLe for your favorlLe
1hree LlLLle lgs Lale.

All rooms will close at 5:00 p.m. Please make your way to the
gym to perform or watch The Three Piggy Opera. Showtime is
5:15 p.m.

Scholastic Bookfair will be open in the Gallery all afternoon. Support Drummonds Library!

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