Listening Script: Tech Talk

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Tech Talk Listening script Unit 1 1.1 1 A B A B A B ) A B A B A 1 A B A B A B 3 A B A B A B Are you Jean-Michel? Yes, I am. Hi, Im Eduardo ante!. Hello.

"ice to meet you. "ice to meet you, too. #elcome to $o %aulo. &han' you. Its nice to (e here. *an you s+ea' %ortu,uese? "o, Im sorry. I only s+ea' a little En,lish. Me too. Just a little, so +lease s+ea' slo-ly. ./. "o +ro(lem0 &his is 2or you. #hat is it? Its an electronic +ass. Is it 2or security? Yes, it is. &han's. #hats this? Its 2or you. Its a manual 2or your machine. &han' you. Youre -elcome. Is it in %ortu,uese? "o, its in En,lish.

1.2 1 A Im here to see 4eclan /elly. B Hes in room nine si5 t-o. A &han's. ) A B A B A 1 A B A B #hat 2li,ht is this? Its Air 6rance three three se7en. 6rom Boston? Yes. &han's. #hats the serial num(er? Its three ei,ht 2our, ei,ht t-o three 2i7e. Ei,ht t-o three 2i7e? Yes, thats ri,ht?

3 A Heres the model num(er. B Is it se7en ei,ht three slash si5 !ero? A "o, its se7en ei,ht three slash se7en !ero. 8 A #hats your +hone num(er? B Its oh one dou(le t-o three, thats the area code. &hen t-o se7en oh, nine three ei,ht. And my e5tension num(er is 2i7e 2our t-o. A And -hats the country code 2or the U/? B Its 2our 2our. 1.3 1 ) 1 3 8 9 : ; < 1= 11 1) 11 13 18 19 1: 1; 1< )= 1.4 1 ) 1 3 8 9 : ; (sound effects) alarm cloc' tele+hone rin,in, 'ey(oard am(ulance siren email arri7in, electric drill aero+lane insect (u!!in, a manual an electronic or,ani!er a +en an a++le a mo(ile +hone a +ass+ort an En,lish dictionary a (a, an electronic +ass a ma+ a +encil a torch a 'ey an oran,e an um(rella a tic'et a (attery an identity card an alarm cloc' a ne-s+a+er

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