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Tech Talk Listening script Unit 2 2.1 A This is the English alphabet. B And the American alphabet. A OK.

This is the alphabet in English and American. Are you ready? ABC B E! A "#$ B %K& A '(O B )*+ A ,TU B -./ A 01 B .e say 2ee in America. A .ell3 in England 4e say 2ed. B $t5s 2ee. A And 2ed. B 1ee. 2.2 6 2 9 : ; < = > 2.3 A B A B A B A B A B A B A $ 4or7 8or $B'. $ 4or7 8or ,A). $ 4or7 8or "EC. $ 4or7 8or T%/. $ 4or7 8or KAO. $ 4or7 8or ,#-. $ 4or7 8or BT+. $ 4or7 8or .,0. "ood morning. "ood morning. $5m here to see %ohn #eath. .hat5s your name3 please? $t5s 'aria Bada?o2. #o4 do you spell that? 'y 8irst name5s 'aria3 '@A@+@$@A. And your last name? Bada?o23 that5s B@A@ @A@%@O@1. And 4hat company are you 4ith? $ 4or7 8or %0+ Technologies. %0+? That5s right. Than7 you. )lease haAe a seat.

2.4 6 ninety@siB 2 t4enty@seAen 9 eighty : eighteen ; seAenty@t4o < 8ourteen = 8orty 2.5 A OK3 this is the order. There are siB items. B All right3 4hat are they? A $5ll read them. Are you ready? B 0es3 ready. A OK. ,iBteen ,@hoo7s3 re8erence number E$ dash C>9. B ,iBteen? A That5s right3 siBteen. Then eighty@8iAe si2e t4elAe U@bolts3 re8erence number 'T% slash siB t4o. B ,lash siB t4o. OK3 got it. A (eBt is seAenty@t4o spring clamps3 part number * eight t4o three siB. B OK3 seAenty@t4o. A 0es3 then $ 4ant 8ourteen nylon ropes. +e8erence number 0 dash nine 8iAe eight. B #o4 many again? A !ourteen. And siBty@8our "@clips. That5s .+A double 8iAe seAen. B OK3 siBty@8our "@clips. A And the last thing is si2e eighteen 4ashers. $ 4ant eighty 4ashers3 part number %, slash eight siB. B %, slash eight siB? A That5s right. And that5s it. B OK3 so that5s siBteen ,@hoo7s3 re8erence number E$ dash C>9

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