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EngineeringProgramme AccreditationManual

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM i

ENGINEERINGPROGRAMMEACCREDITATIONMANUAL TABLEOFCONTENTS SECTION DESCRIPTION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS DEFINITIONS Acronyms General InstitutionsofHigherLearningandProgramme Accreditation 1.0 Introduction 2.0 AccreditationObjective 3.0 ProgrammeObjectives 4.0 ProgrammeOutcomes 5.0 AccreditationPolicy 5.1 TheAccreditationProcess 5.2 TheAccreditationCycle 5.3 Programmes 5.4 ApplicationandPreparationforAccreditationVisit 5.5 AccreditationEvaluation 5.6 AccreditationDecision 5.7 RevisiontoanAccreditedProgramme 5.8 TheApprovaltoConductaProgramme 5.9 PublicationofAccreditationStatus 5.10 AppealProcedures 5.11 Confidentiality 5.12 Expenses 5.13 ConflictofInterest 6.0 AccreditationProcedure 6.1 ApplicationforAccreditation 6.2 AppointmentofEvaluationPanel 6.3 SchedulingofaVisit 6.4 PreAccreditationVisitMeeting 6.5 AccreditationVisit 6.6 ReportandRecommendation 7.0 QualifyingRequirementsandAccreditationCriteria Criterion1:AcademicCurriculum 7.1 7.2 Criterion2:Students 7.3 Criterion3:AcademicandSupportStaff 7.4 Criterion4:Facilities 7.5 Criterion5:QualityManagementSystem 7.5.1 InstitutionalSupport,OperatingEnvironment, andFinancialResources


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ENGINEERINGPROGRAMMEACCREDITATIONMANUAL TABLEOFCONTENTS(contd) SECTION DESCRIPTION 7.5.2 ProgrammeQualityManagementandPlanning 7.5.3 ExternalAssessmentandAdvisorySystem 7.5.4 QualityAssurance 8.0 AccreditationDocuments 8.1 Introduction 8.2 SelfAssessmentReportHardCopy 8.2.1 GeneralInformation 8.2.2 ProgrammeObjectives 8.2.3 ProgrammeOutcomes AcademicCurriculum 8.2.4 8.2.5 Students 8.2.6 AcademicandSupportStaff 8.2.7 Facilities 8.2.8 QualityManagementSystems 8.2.9 OtherRelevantInformation 8.3 SupportingDocumentDigitalFormat 8.3.1 SupportingInformation 8.3.2 AcademicandLaboratorySupportStaff 8.3.3 ProgrammeStructureandContents 8.3.4 Equipment,Software,TitleofBookandJournals 8.3.5 ExternalExaminerandAdvisoryBoard 8.4 InstitutionalDocumentsandAdditionalDocumentation tobeMadeAvailableDuringtheVisit 8.4.1 IHLDocuments 8.4.2 DocumentsRelatedtoProgrammeObjectives andOutcomes 8.4.3 FinalProjectReports 8.4.4 IndustrialTrainingReports 8.4.5 LaboratoryReports 8.4.6 QualityAssuranceRecords 8.4.7 OtherDocumentation 9.0 ApprovalProcedureforaNewEngineeringProgramme 9.1 EACsInitialEvaluation 9.2 ReportandRecommendation 9.3 EACsDecision


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AppendixA AppendixB AppendixC AppendixD AppendixE AppendixF AppendixG GuidelinesForEvaluationPanel

A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 GL1

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_____________________________________________________ TheEACwouldliketoacknowledgethecontributionsbyvariousindividualsand organisationsincomingupwiththismanual.TheirservicestotheEACarehighly appreciatedandhavebeeninstrumentalinthecontinuallyimprovedversion. *********************** _____________________________________________________

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM v

ENGINEERINGPROGRAMMEACCREDITATIONMANUAL DEFINITIONS Acronyms BEM CQI EAC EAU IEM IHL BoardofEngineersMalaysia ContinualQualityImprovement EngineeringAccreditationCouncil EngineeringAccreditationUnit TheInstitutionofEngineers,Malaysia


Institution of Higher Learning which includes public or private universities, and other institutions authorised by legislation (either directly or indirectly) toawardengineeringdegrees. JabatanPerkhidmatanAwam (PublicServicesDepartment)



MalaysianQualificationAgency OutcomeBased Education is an approach that focuses on outcomes, i.e. the achievements of students that aremeasurable,proven,andcanbeimproved. Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (Malaysia Certificate of Education) Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (Malaysia Higher SchoolCertificateofEducation)



EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM vi



A panel of evaluators appointed by EAC to verify programmecompliancewithaccreditationcriteria.

Accreditation AppealsBoard

A Board to consider appeals from an Institution of HigherLearningonEACdecision.


APerson registeredunderSection10(1),Registration ofEngineers(Amendment)Act2002.

Professional Engineer

APersonregisteredunderSection10(2).Registration ofEngineers(Amendment)Act2002.

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM vii

ENGINEERINGPROGRAMMEACCREDITATIONMANUAL InstitutionsofHigherLearningandProgramme Faculty


The entity which includes schools and departments responsible for designing and conducting the programmetobeaccredited.



The sequence of structured educational experience undertaken by the students leading to completion, onsatisfactoryassessmentofperformance. An engineering qualification in Malaysia normally titledBachelorofEngineering.

Course Stakeholders



Parties having interests (direct or indirect) in the programme output, for example; employers, sponsors,lecturers,andstudents. Staff responsible for teaching and learning activities in the programme leading to the award of an engineeringdegree.






Staff responsible for supporting teaching, learning and administrative activities in the programme implementation. EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM viii




A person with high academic standing appointed by the IHL to assess academic quality and standard of theprogramme.

Industry Advisory A body consisting of professionals from industries, Committee government, professional organisation, regulatory, alumni etc., appointed by the IHL to ensure the programmesrelevancytothestakeholdersneeds.

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Accreditation Approval Permission from the relevant authorities to conduct a newprogramme. Accredited Programme An engineering programme whose graduates are acceptable for graduate registration with BEM and for admissiontoGraduatemembershipofIEM. FullAccreditation This is given to a programme that fully satisfies the minimum standard for accreditation set by BEM, whichisforaperiodof5years. Declined Accreditation This is given to a programme that fails to meet the minimum standard for accreditation and has major shortcomings. In such a case, a further application is notnormallyconsideredwithinthenextoneyear. BEM reserves the right to cease/terminate the accreditation (if it is found that there is non compliance or breach of accreditation requirements afteraccreditationhasbeengiven).

Cessation/ Terminationof Accreditation

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Introduction The Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) registers graduates and professional engineers under the Registration of Engineers Act 1967 (Revised 2002). The pre requisite for registration as a graduate engineer is any qualification in engineeringrecognisedbytheBoard. BEM has a duty to ensure that the quality of engineering education/programme of its registered engineers attains the minimum standard comparable to global practice. Hence the necessity to accredit engineering programmes conducted in IHLs. Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC) is the body delegated by BEM for accreditation of engineering degrees. EAC is made up by representatives of the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM), Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA) and the Public Services Department (Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia (JPA)). The Terms of Reference of the EAC is outlined in Appendix A (Engineering Accreditation Council, Evaluation PanelandAccreditationAppealsBoard).

This Manual outlines details for accreditation of an engineering programme in Malaysia. It serves to facilitate the Institutions of Higher Learning (IHLs) to meet the minimum standard stipulated for the accreditation of their existing engineeringprogrammesornewlyproposedprogrammes. This Manual includes elements of outcomes in the engineering curriculum to ensure a Continual Quality Improvement (CQI) culture in the spirit of Outcome BasedEducation(OBE).


AccreditationObjective The objective of accreditation is to ensure that graduates of the accredited engineering programmes satisfy the minimum academic requirements for registration as a graduate engineer with the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) andforadmissiontograduatemembershipofIEM. In addition, the objective of accreditation is to ensure that Continual Quality Improvement (CQI) is being practiced by IHLs, and accreditation may also serve asatooltobenchmarkengineeringprogrammesofferedbyIHLsinMalaysia. EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 1




ProgrammeObjectives Programme Objectives are specific goals consistent with the mission and vision of the IHL, that are responsive to the expressed interest of programme stakeholders, describing the expected achievements of graduates in their career andprofessionallifefewyearsaftergraduation. An engineering programme seeking accreditation shall respond to the following requirements: (i) Programme Objectives: The programme shall have published Programme Objectives. (ii) Processes and Results: The programme shall have a clear linkage between Programme Objectives and Programme Outcomes (Section 4.0); the process of ongoing assessment and evaluation that demonstrates the achievement of Programme Objectives with documented results; and the evaluation results are used in the continual improvement of the programme. (iii) Stakeholders Involvement: The IHL/faculty shall provide evidences of stakeholdersinvolvementwithregardsto(i)and(ii)above. NoteAprogrammebeingaccreditedforthefirsttime,wouldnotberequiredto provide evidence on the achievement of Programme Objectives. Their graduates areyet to start their careerand reasonable time is expected before they acquire thetargetedobjectives. Note : Please refer to Guidelines for Evaluation Panel for interpretation of requirementsinthissection.


ProgrammeOutcomes Programme Outcomes are statements that describe what students are expected toknowandbeabletoperformorattainbythetimeofgraduation.Theserelate to the skills, knowledge, and behaviour that students acquire through the programme. Studentsofanengineeringprogrammeareexpectedtoattainthefollowing: EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 2



ability to acquire and apply knowledge of science and engineering fundamentals; (ii) acquired indepth technical competence in a specific engineering discipline; (iii) abilitytoundertakeproblemidentification,formulationandsolution; (iv) ability to utilise systems approach to design and evaluate operational performance; (v) understandingoftheprinciplesofdesignforsustainabledevelopment; (vi) understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities and commitmenttothem; (vii) ability to communicate effectively, not only with engineers but also withthecommunityatlarge; (viii) ability to function effectively as an individual and in a group with the capacitytobealeaderormanager; (ix) understanding of the social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilitiesofaprofessionalengineer;and (x) recognising the need to undertake lifelong learning, and possessing/acquiringthecapacitytodoso. An Engineering programme for which accreditation is sought must respond to thefollowing: (i) Programme Outcomes: The IHL/faculty shall have published Programme Outcomes that have been formulated considering items (i) to (x) given above,andanyaddedoutcomesbythatcancontributetotheachievement ofitsstatedProgrammeObjectives. (ii) Processes and Results: The Various Programme Outcomes shall be considered in designing the curriculum as described in Section 7.1 (Criterion 1 Academic Curriculum). In addition to this, a process of measuring, assessing and evaluating the degree of achievement of the students shall be established. The results of this assessment process shall beappliedforcontinualimprovementoftheprogramme. (iii) Stakeholders Involvement: The IHL/faculty shall provide evidences of stakeholdersinvolvementwithregardsto(i)and(ii)above. Note : Please refer to Guidelines for Evaluation Panel for interpretation of requirementsinthissection. EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 3





AccreditationPolicy This section outlines the EACs accreditation policy underlying the whole accreditation process. Accreditation will be considered upon a written request fromtheIHL. TheAccreditationProcess Accreditation of engineering programmes undertaken by the EAC at the request oftheIHLisaccordedtotheengineeringprogrammes. The EACs accreditation process will focus on outcomes and the IHL developed internal systems, which ensure that the graduates are adequately prepared to entertheengineeringprofession. The process also involves determining the effectiveness of the quality assurance systemsandproceduresthatensuregraduatesareadequatelypreparedtoenter theengineeringpractice. TheAccreditationCycle Accreditation is accorded to a programme for a maximum period of five years. TheIHLshallapplyforreaccreditationnotlessthansixmonthsbeforetheexpiry oftheaccreditationperiod. Accreditation is accorded on a full programme cycle basis specifying the years followingandincludingtheyearapprovalisgiven.



Programmes AnIHLmayofferprogramme/sviavariousmodesandatdifferentlocations,such as, fulltime, franchised, twinning, parttime, distance learning, joint degree, multi campus etc. For each of the programmes, the IHL shall apply for accreditationseparately. However, if any of the programmes at different locations and/or via different modesofdeliveryfailstogetaccreditationandthedegreeissuedbytheIHLdoes not differentiate with regards to the location and/or mode of delivery, EAC may takeactiontowithdrawaccreditationofallsuchprogrammesbythatIHL. A programme shall be evaluated based on the criteria stipulated in Section 7 of thisManual. EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 4





ApplicationandPreparationforAccreditationVisit The IHL should make an application for programme accreditation as per the requirement of Section 8 of the Manual to MQA. Appendix F shows the process flow chart on Application For Accreditation and Approval of Engineering Programmes. If the documents submitted are found to be inadequate, the IHL shall be required to provide further information before an accreditation visit can be scheduled. The application will be deemed to have been withdrawn if further informationisnotsubmittedwithinaperiodof3monthsuponrequest. AccreditationEvaluation Accreditation evaluations are conducted to verify that the programme under evaluation is in compliance with the appropriate accreditation criteria in this Manual. The evaluation exercise shall be conducted by an Evaluation Panel appointed by EAC(refertoAppendixA). AccreditationDecision Upon completion of the accreditation exercise, EAC through the recommendationbytheEvaluationPanelmaydecideononeofthefollowing: (i) Toaccordfullaccreditationforfiveyears. (ii) Toaccordlessthanfiveyearsaccreditation. To decline accreditation. In such a case, a further application will (iii) normallynotbeconsideredwithinthenextoneyear. A programme that has minor shortcoming(s) is accorded less than five years accreditation, the IHL shall take appropriate actions to remedy the shortcoming(s), and submit evidence of such corrective action(s). If this is adjudged satisfactory, the remaining period of the accreditation may be accorded by the EAC. A further visit will be scheduled to verify the results of the remedial action(s), unless deemed unnecessary. Failure to address the shortcoming(s) may result in cessation of the programme at the end of the 2 yearperiod. The EAC may defer its decision on accreditation under certain circumstances to allowtheIHLtofulfilcondition(s)thatmaybeimposedbytheEAC. EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 5




EACs decision shall be sent to the IHL, through MQA, with copies to BEM, IEM, MQA, and JPA. The accreditation shall be accorded to a specific programme, locationandmode. RevisionstoanAccreditedProgramme The IHL shall advise the EAC of any changes made to an accredited programme. Failure to do so may cause the EAC to withdraw the accreditation. The EAC may thendirecttheIHLtoapplyforreaccreditationoftherevisedprogramme. TheApprovaltoConductaProgramme The IHL intending to conduct a new programme shall obtain approval from the relevantauthorities. TheIHLshouldsubmitthecompletesetofdocumentsasspecifiedinSection8of this Manual to the EAC through MQA for programme evaluation. The recommendationfromEACshallbeforwardedtotherelevantauthorities. When the documents are considered to be inadequate, theIHL shall berequired toprovidefurtherinformationbeforeanevaluationiscarriedout.Iftherequired information is not provided within a period of 3 months, it shall be deemed that theIHLnolongerintendstoconducttheprogramme. PublicationofAccreditationStatus EACshallregularlyupdatethelistofaccreditedprogrammes. AppealProcedures AnIHLmayappealagainstadecisionmadebyEAC.Thenoticeofappealmustbe made in writing to the Accreditation Appeals Board within 2 weeks upon receiving the decision, stating the basis of the appeal. Appeal documents are to besubmittedwithin4weeksaftertheabovenoticeofappeal. The Appeals Board shall consist of the President of BEM, President of IEM and CEO of MQA or their nominated representatives. The President of BEM or his nominatedrepresentativeshallbetheChairmanoftheAppealsBoard. If necessary, the Appeals Board may appoint a Special Committee, comprising members who are experienced in the accreditation process, to consider an appeal.AnyexpensesincurredshallbebornebytheIHL. EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 6







ThedecisionoftheAppealsBoardshallbeforwardedtotheIHLwithin3months from the receipt of the complete documents. The decision of the Appeals Board shallbefinal. Confidentiality DocumentsorotherinformationobtainedbytheEvaluationPanel,EACstaff,and EAC members in connection with the accreditation exercise shall be treated as confidential. Expenses The IHL shall bear all the costs incurred for carrying out activities related to the approvalandaccreditationofaprogramme. ConflictofInterest Members of EAC, Evaluation Panels, Appeals Board and EAU staff are expected to be constantly aware of any conflict of interest. Members shall declare their interest or withdraw from any situation or activity that may constitute a conflict ofinterest.



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AccreditationProcedure This section describes EACs accreditation procedures from the process of applicationtothenotificationofaccreditationresult. ApplicationforAccreditation The IHL should make an application for programme accreditation as per the requirement of Section 8 of the Manual to MQA. Appendix F shows the process flow chart on Application For Accreditation and Approval of Engineering Programmes. For a new programme, the IHL should apply for accreditation at least 6 months beforethefinalexaminationofthefirstintakeofstudents. Foracurrentaccreditedprogramme,theIHLshouldapplyforreaccreditationat least6monthsbeforetheexpirydateoftheaccreditation. The IHL applying for accreditation shall ensure that complete information is forwarded to EAC through MQA. If the information submitted is found to be inadequate, the IHL shall be required to provide further information before an accreditation visit can be scheduled. The application will be deemed to have beenwithdrawn,iftherequestedinformationisnotsubmittedwithinaperiodof 3months.


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AppointmentofEvaluationPanel Once the document submitted is complete, an Evaluation Panel shall be appointed as per Appendix A of this Manual. Members of the Evaluation Panel are selected on the basis of their expertise andstanding in a particulardiscipline of engineering. Representatives from both the industry and academia are appointed because of the perspective and experience that each area of endeavourcanbringtotheassessmentofaprogramme,andtothemaintenance of high professional standards. The EAC needs to ensure that not only high standards of academic teaching and achievement are being met, but also that the skills taught and quality of graduates, are relevant to the practices and continueddevelopmentofengineering. The Evaluation Panel needs to be aware of EAC policies on accreditation as outlined in Section 5 of this Manual. The Evaluation Panel will assess all the accreditation criteria set forth in this Manual. The assessment includes the auditingandconfirmationofdocumentssubmittedbytheIHL. The Guidelines for Evaluation Panel (Guidelines on Evaluation Panel Report) are usefultoolsforensuringthateveryimportantaspectofadegreeprogrammeand itsdeliveryareassessedandreportedon. SchedulingofaVisit AvisitisarrangedandcoordinatedbytheEACSecretariatonanappropriatedate suitable to both the Evaluation Panel and the IHL. The visit should be held promptly after the appointment of the Evaluation Panel. It is important that as faraspossible,theagreeddatesofvisitareadheredto. PreAccreditationVisitMeeting The Evaluation Panel should meet at least once before the actual accreditation visit takes place, in order to study and discuss documents, and systematically identify shortcomings. The Panel should strategically plan and/or request supplementary input from the IHL to fill the gaps. Any further information requiredshouldbecommunicatedtotheIHLthroughEAC.ThePreAccreditation Visit Meeting is in addition to the meeting on Day (1) (see Guidelines For EvaluationPanel). AccreditationVisit The accreditation visit will normally be scheduled for a period of two days. The overall conduct of the visit shall be managed by EAC. A typical schedule of the EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 9






visitisgiveninitem3ofGuidelinesForEvaluationPanelofthisManual.Thevisit shallincludebutnotbelimitedtothefollowing: (a) Openingmeetingwiththeprogrammeadministrators. (b) Meetingwithstaffmembers. (c) Meetingwithstudents. (d) Meeting with external stakeholders such as alumni, employers, and industry advisor. (e) Visitingandcheckingoffacilities. (f) Checkingtherelevantdocuments. (g) Exitmeetingwiththeprogrammeadministrators. Meetings with all stakeholders are important, as this would give an indication of theirinvolvementintheCQIprocessoftheprogramme.

ReportandRecommendation The report, prepared in accordance to Appendix D, from the Evaluation Panel shallbesubmittedtotheEACwithin4weeksafterthevisit.

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QualifyingRequirementsandAccreditationCriteria An engineering programme shall be assessed by EAC to enable graduates of the programme to register as graduate engineers with the BEM and to be admitted as graduate members of IEM. The assessment involves a review of qualifying requirements of the IHL and an evaluation based on the following criteria, apart fromprogrammeobjectives(3.0)andprogrammeoutcomes(4.0): Criterion1 AcademicCurriculum Criterion2 Students Criterion3 AcademicandSupportstaff Criterion4 Facilities Criterion5 QualityManagementSystems Theassessmentprocesswillinvolvetwoparts: (i) Initialassessmentofqualifyingrequirements. (ii) Detailedassessmentoftheprogrammebasedontheaccreditationcriteria. The qualifying requirements are meant to screen out programmes that do not meet the core requirements of the assessment criteria. Failure to meet any one of the qualifying requirements will disqualify the programme from further assessment. There are 8 components of the qualifying requirements and each programme is expectedtohaveallthecomponents.Thesecomponentsare: 1 A minimum of 120 credit hours of which 80 credit hours must be core engineeringcoursesofferedoveraperiodoffouryears 2 Finalyearproject(minimum6credithours) 3 Industrialtraining(minimumof2months) 4 Fulltimeacademicstaff(minimumof8) 5 Staff:studentratio1:25orbetter 6 Externalexaminer'sreport(minimumoftworeportsoverfouryears) 7 ProgrammeObjectives 8 ProgrammeOutcomes Iftheprogrammehasmetallthequalifyingrequirements,adetailedassessment of the programme based on the accreditation criteria as explained in the followingsectionswillbecarriedout. Guidelines For Evaluation Panel of this Manual provides some interpretation to thissection. EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 11



Criterion1:AcademicCurriculum The academic curriculum and curricular design shall strongly reflect the philosophyandapproachadoptedintheprogrammestructure,andthechoiceof the teachinglearning (delivery) and assessment methods. The curricular approach, the educational content and the teachinglearning and assessment methods shall be appropriate to, consistent with, and support the attainment or achievementoftheProgrammeOutcomes. A balanced curriculum shall include all technical and nontechnical attributes listed in the Programme Outcomes, and shall have the balance between the essential elements forming the core of the programme and additional specialist oroptionalstudies(electives).Thecurriculumshallintegratetheorywithpractice through adequate exposure to laboratory work and professional engineering practice. Guidelines on academic programme outlined in this Manual provide essential elements and features, which combined together will render a programme acceptableforaccreditationbyEAC. All engineering programmes need to cover the broad areas of their respective disciplines. Appendix B of this Manual provides examples of courses that underpin the broad areas of the respective programmes. Appropriate breadth and depth of the content shall be ensured for all courses. The course structure and sequence of content shall be appropriate. Adequate time shall be allocated for each component of the content/course. Evidence shall be present to show that the contents are being updated to keep up with the scientific, technological and knowledge development in the field, and to meet the needs of society. IHLs shall have mechanisms for regularly identifying topics of contemporary importance at local, national and global levels and topics that may not be adequatelyaddressedinthecurriculum. Other contributing components to the curriculum such as a variety of teaching learning (delivery) modes, assessment and evaluation methods shall be designed, planned and incorporated within the curriculum to enable students to effectivelydeveloptherangeofintellectualandpracticalskills,aswellaspositive attitudes as required in the Programme Outcomes. The assessment to evaluate the degree of the achievement of the Programme Outcomes by the students shall be done both at the programme as well as at course levels. The teaching learning methods shall enable students to take full responsibility for their own learning and prepare them for life long learning. The programme shall demonstrate the relationship between the courses and the Programme Outcomes. EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 12



IHLs need to consult the industry in keeping Programme Objectives, Programme Outcomes, and content uptodate. However, they should not lose sight of the need to provide an education in engineering, which will form a sound basis for a career that is likely to see rapid changes in technology. As a general rule, it will beappropriatefortheprogrammestructuretobedesignedtogiveaprogressive shift of emphasis from engineering science and principles in the early stages towards more integrated studies in the final year, in a way that will impart knowledgeofapplicationsoffundamentalsandprovideafocusforaprofessional approach. Theemphasisonparticularelementsorfeaturesoftheprogrammemustremain flexible, but it will be required in the accreditation process to confirm that minimum levels of understanding and standards of achievement are attained in thebasiccoursesrelevanttothefieldsofengineering. The academic programme component must consist of a minimum total of 120 credithours(notincludingcreditsforremedialcourses)madeupasfollows: (a) A minimum of 80 credit hours shall be engineering courses consisting of engineering sciences and engineering design/projects appropriate to the student'sfieldofstudy. (b) The remaining credit hours shall include sufficient content of general educationcomponent(suchasmathematics,computing,languages,general studies, cocurriculum, management, law, accountancy, economics, social sciences,etc.)thatcomplementsthetechnicalcontentsofthecurriculum. Theessentialelementsandfeaturesareidentifiedforconvenienceunderseveral headings, without implying that each is to be treated as a separate or isolated component.Ingeneral,thesyllabusandcurriculumcontentmustbeadequatein qualityandquantityintermsofcoverageanddepth.Emphasisonthecurriculum shallbeplacedontheunderstandingandacquisitionofbasicprinciplesandskills ofadiscipline,ratherthandetailmemorisationoffacts.Thecurriculumshallalso provide students with ample opportunities for analytical, critical, constructive, and creative thinking, and evidencebased decision making. The curriculum shall includesufficientelementsfortrainingstudentsinrationalthinkingandresearch methods.

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Thecurriculumcontentshouldcoverthefollowing: (i) Engineering mathematics, science, engineering principles, skills and tools (computing,experimentation)appropriatetothedisciplineofstudy; (ii) engineeringapplicationsdesignandprojects; (iii) integrated exposure to professional engineering practice, including managementandprofessionalethics; (iv) laboratory work to complement the science, computing and engineering theory; (v) industrial training exposure to professional engineering practice in an engineeringpracticeenvironment; (vi) exposuretoengineeringpractice; (vii) relevanttutorialclassestocomplementthelectures;and (viii) finalyearproject. TypicalcorecontentsforselectedengineeringdisciplinesareshowninAppendix BofthisManual. Credithours For a 14week semester (not including examination or midterm break), one credithourisdefinedas: onehourperweekoflecture. twohoursperweekoflaboratoryorworkshop. two hours per week of supervised and compulsory tutorial session subject toamaximumofonecredithourforeachcourseinthatsemester. three hours per week of activities involving other modes of delivery such as problembased learning, elearning modules, discovery learning, and courseworkprojects. threehoursperweekofactivitiesinvolvingfinalyearproject. Forindustrialtraining,thefollowingguidelineshallbefollowed: industrial training shall be for a minimum of two months continuous training.Onecredithourisallocatedforeverytwoweeksoftrainingsubject to a maximum of six credit hours. The training shall be adequately EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 14



structured, supervised and recorded in log books/report. The industrial trainingmustbeconductedbeforethefinalsemester. Forfinalyearproject,thefollowingguidelineshallbefollowed: a final year project is subjected to a minimum of six credits hours and a maximumoftwelvecredithours. IHLs may use their version of the credit hours however they must provide the equivalencyaccordingtotheEACsdefinitionofcredithours. Notes: Tutorial Tutorial should be part and parcel of the programme so as to complement the lectures. A tutorial session should preferably not exceed 30 students at any one time. LaboratoryWork Students should receive sufficient laboratory work to complement engineering theory that is learnt through lectures. The laboratory should help students develop competence in executing experimental work. Students should work in groups,preferablynotmorethanfiveinagroup. Throughout the programme, there should be adequate provision for laboratory or similar investigative work, which will develop in the young engineer the confidencetodealwithnewandunusualengineeringproblems. IndustrialTraining Exposure to professional engineering practice is a key element in differentiating an engineering degree from an applied science degree. Although the status of Corporate or Professional Engineer requires a substantial period of experiential formation in industry after the completion of an accredited academic programme, it is clearly inadequate, over the first few critical years, for the student's perceptions of engineering to develop in complete isolation from the realitiesofpractice. Familiaritywith all common engineering processes is essential and exposure at a practical level to a wide variety of processes is required at a level appropriate to EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 15



the young professional. Whilst it is clearly desirable for students to get a feel for theskillsinvolved,thecentralaimistoachieveappreciation,nottoacquirecraft skills. Clearly, many of the latest processes and large scale or costly operations can only be the subject of observation or demonstration, and visits to engineeringworksmaybehelpfulinmanysuchcases. Industrial training is a key component of learning in an integrated academic curriculum. Due to its importance, the programme shall have a minimum of 2 monthscontinuousindustrialtrainingforeachstudent. ExposuretoEngineeringPractice Exposure to engineering practice shall also be integrated throughout the curriculum as it is a key. In addition, exposure to professional engineering practicemayalsobeobtainedthroughacombinationofthefollowing: (i) lectures/talksbyguestlecturersfromindustry; (ii) academicstaffwithindustrialexperience; (iii) coursesonprofessionalethicsandconduct; (iv) industryvisits; (v) anindustrybasedfinalyearproject;and (vi) regularuseofalogbookinwhichindustrialexperiencesarerecorded. It is considered that there is no real substitute for firsthand experience in an engineeringpractice environment, outside the IHLs. The EAC advocates that all engineering academic staff acquire some exposure to such experience, in additiontotheotherelementssuggested,andmakeeffortstoassistallstudents gainplacementsofsuitablequality. FinalYearProject The final year project can provide one of the best means of introducing a real professional approach to engineering studies. For this reason, the use of projects as a vehicle for teaching and for integration of core areas is strongly encouragedthroughouttheprogramme. It is a requirement of the programme to include a significant project in its later stages. The final year project is required to seek individual analysis and judgement, capable of being assessed independently from the work of others. The student is expected to develop techniques in literature review and informationprocessing. EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 16



It is recommended that final year projects should also provide opportunities to utilise appropriate modern technology in some aspect of the work, emphasising the need for engineers to make use of computers and multimedia technology in everydaypractice.

Criterion2:Students The quality and performance of students, in relation to the Programme Outcomes is of utmost importance in the evaluation of an engineering programme. Students intending to pursue engineering programmes shall have a good understanding of mathematics and physical sciences. The normal entry qualification is STPM (with good principal passes in mathematics and physical sciences)oritsequivalent. IHLs shall ensure that students, who do not meet the above criteria, undertake suitable remedial programmes in order to attain the equivalent entry qualification. IHLs must put in place the mechanism for credit transfer/credit exemption to allow alternative educational pathways. A maximum of 30% of the total credit hours is allowed for credit transfer/credit exemption. A programme shallhaveclearpoliciesoncredittransfer/creditexemption. The programme shall provide the necessary teachinglearning environment to support the achievement of the Programme Objectives and Programme Outcomes. The teachinglearning environment shall be conducive to ensure that students are always enthusiastic and motivated. IHLs shall provide necessary counseling services to students regarding academic, career, financial, and health matters. Students shall not be over burdened with workload that may be beyond their abilitytocopewith.Adequateopportunities,suchasinvolvementincocurricular activities such as student clubs, sporting and campus activities, shall be provided forstudentstodeveloptheircharacterapartfromacademicdevelopment.


Criterion3:AcademicandSupportstaff A viable engineering programme is expected to have a minimum of 8 fulltime academic staff relevant to the particular engineering discipline. IHLs may engage parttime staff with acceptable professional qualification in the related engineering fields. The fulltime equivalent of parttime staff shall not exceed 40%. EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 17



Academic staff shall have postgraduate degrees (Masters level or higher). However, a staff member with good first degree and wide industrial/specialist experiencewithacceptableprofessionalqualificationsmaybeconsidered. Itmustbedemonstratedthattheacademicstaffhavethecompetenciestocover all areas of the programme, and are implementing the outcomebased approach to education. The overall competence of the academic staff may be judged by such factors as education, diversity of background, engineering experience, teaching experience, ability to communicate, enthusiasm for developing more effectiveprogrammes,levelofscholarship,participationinprofessionalsocieties and attainment of Professional Engineer status. The IHL should ensure its staff gainthenecessaryindustrialexperiencerequiredtoachieveprofessionalstatus. The fulltime equivalent academic staff to student ratio shall ideally be 1:15 or better to ensure effective teaching, studentstaff interaction, student advising and counselling, IHL service and research activities, professional development andinteractionwithindustries. There shall also be sufficient, qualified and experienced technical and administrative staff to provide adequate support to theeducational programme. It is recommended that each technical staff shall be in charge of not more than twolaboratories.

Criterion4:Facilities The quality of the environment in which the programme is delivered is regarded as paramount in providing the educational experience necessary to accomplish theProgrammeOutcomes. There must be adequate teaching and learning facilities such as classrooms, learningsupport facilities, study areas, information resources (library), computing and informationtechnology systems, laboratories and workshops, andassociateequipmenttocaterformultideliverymodes. Sufficient and appropriate experimental facilities must be available for students to gain substantial experience in understanding and operating engineering equipment and of designing and conducting experiments. The equipment must be reasonably representative of modern engineering practice. Where practical work is undertaken at another institution, or in industry, arrangements must be suchastoprovidereasonableaccessibilityandopportunityforlearning. IHLmustensurethatallfacilitiesaremaintainedandadheredtobestpracticesin safety,healthandenvironmentwhereappropriate. EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 18




For programmes offered wholly or partly in distance mode, or at multiple or remote locations, facilities must be sufficient to support students learning, equivalenttothoseprovidedforoncampusstudents. Support facilities such as hostels, sport and recreational centres, health centres, student centres, and transport must be adequate to facilitate students life on campusandtoenhancecharacterbuilding. Criterion5:QualityManagementSystems

The IHL and the faculty must ensure that there exists a quality management system to oversee and monitor the overall achievement of the programme objectives. These include the controlling, managing, directing, organising and supervisingoftheoverallmanagementsystemoftheIHL.Itmusthaveadequate arrangements for planning, development, delivery and review of engineering programmes together with the academic and professional development of its staff. 7.5.1 InstitutionalSupport,OperatingEnvironment,andFinancialResources The IHL must regards quality engineering education as a significant and long termcomponentofitsactivity.Thiswouldmostcommonlybereflectedfromthe IHLs vision and mission statements and strategic plans. In addition, institutional support may be reflected from the constructive leadership, adequate policies and mechanisms for attracting, appointing, retaining and rewarding well qualifiedstaffandprovidingfortheirongoingprofessionaldevelopment;andfor providing and updating infrastructure and support services. It must ensure that creative leadership is available to the IHL through the appointment of highly qualifiedandexperiencedseniorstaffinsufficientnumbers. The development of academic staff, in particular, through opportunities in further education, industrial exposure, as well as research and development, is of utmost importance for the sustainability and quality improvement of the programme. Opportunities for the development of support staff should also be provided. The IHL shall provide sound policies, adequate funding and infrastructureforthispurpose. Financialresourcesmustbeadequatetoassuretheoverallqualityandcontinuity of the engineering programme. The IHL must have sufficient financial resources to acquire, maintain, and operate facilities and equipment appropriate for the engineeringprogramme. EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 19



ProgrammeQualityManagementandPlanning The IHLs processes for programme planning, curriculum development, and regular curriculum and content review must involve all academic staff. The processes include reviewing Programme Objectives and Programme Outcomes, tracking the contributions of individual courses to the Programme Outcomes, tracking performance assessment processes, reviewing the comments from External Examiners, reviewing feedback and inputs from stakeholders including students and alumni. The process of continual quality improvement shall be implemented with full accountability. For a new programme, the processes surroundingthedecisiontointroducetheprogrammeshouldbeestablished. Programme(s) via various modes and at different locations, such as, fulltime, franchised,twinning,parttime,distancelearning,jointdegreeandmulticampus may be conducted. The IHL awarding the degree shall be responsible for ensuringthequalityandmanagementoftheseprogrammes. 7.5.3 ExternalAssessmentandAdvisorySystem IHLs shall have an external examiner for each programme to independently review the overall academic standard as shown in Appendix E (External ExaminersReport)ofthisManual. The external examiner is a person of high academic standing in the engineering discipline. The externalexaminer isexpected tocarry out the overallassessment of the programme including staff as well as all courses and laboratory work undertaken by the students. Assessment is to be made at least twice during the 5year accreditation cycle, preferably once during the initial period of the accreditationcycleandanotherbeforethenextaccreditationvisit. The IHL shall have an industry advisory system for participation by professional engineers, and employers of engineers for the purpose of planning and continuous improvement of the programme quality. These industry advisors shall be expected to provide inputs and recommendation on an ongoing basis throughparticipationindiscussionandforums. The external examiners report and feedbacks from industry advisors shall be usedforcontinuousqualityimprovement.

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 20



QualityAssurance A quality management system must be in place to assure the achievement of programme outcomes. The IHL shall maintain its quality management system, based on an established quality assurance standard, for example, ISO 9001 Quality Management System, or other quality assurance systems and benchmarking. The quality assurance processes should include among others butnotlimitedto: (a) (b) (c) studentadmission; teachingandlearning; assessmentandevaluation; examinationregulationsandcriteriaforpass/fail; preparationandmoderationprocesses; levelofassessment;and assessmentprocessesincludingfinalyearproject/industrial training.


AccreditationDocuments Introduction TheIHLapplyingforaccreditationmustsubmitdocumentsthatprovide accurate information and sufficient evidence for the purpose of evaluation. It should not be necessary to develop extensive documentation specifically for accreditation evaluation, since the purpose of accreditation is to evaluate the systems already inplace. For each programme to be accredited, unless otherwise stated, the IHL shall submitthefollowingdocuments: i. SelfAssessmentReport(asnotedinSection8.2ofthisManual)Hardcopy ii. Supporting Material Document (as noted in Section 8.3 of this Manual) DigitalFormatincludingdetailsofthesyllabus. iii. Appendix C (Checklist of Documents for Accreditation/Approval of New programmeandRelevantInformation) Institutional Documents and Additional Documentation (as noted in Section 8.4) tobemadeavailableduringthevisit.

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 21




A Self Assessment Report is an account of the IHLs plan, implementation, assessmentandevaluationoftheprogrammeconducted.Itisareflectiononthe processes with results obtained used in continual quality improvement at all level of the programmes activities. This appropriately bound document ranging between 50 100 pages with all pages numbered and a table of contents, shall provide the information and description about the programme to enable the Evaluation Panel to objectively assess the programme for the purpose of accreditation or approval. The emphasis shall be on qualitative description of eachaspectandcriterion,andhowthesemeetthestandardsandexpectationas set out in this Manual. In other words, this summary document is a form of self assessmentofIHLsprogramme. The generalstructure of the self assessment report shall follow the guidelines as described in Sections 8.2.1 to 8.2.9 in conjunction with Appendix C of this Manual.AppendixGprovidessomeoftheprescribedformatfortheinformation. The submission must be comprehensive, easily readable, free standing, and provide a coherent overview with the text addressing each major point in a definitive manner. It must be concise but of sufficient depth and detail in conjunction with the supporting information to appropriately represent the program. It will not be sufficient to merely provide a collection of disparate items,orpointtoawebsite,andleavetheEACtofindthe relevantinformation. The IHL is advised to provide accurate information as required by the accreditation Manual, since the Evaluation Panel will verify the information duringthevisit. 8.2.1 GeneralInformation

ProvidegeneralinformationontheIHLandonthespecificprogramme. Provide detailed information on programme history of accreditation (year ofaccreditation,conditionsimposedandactionstaken). Describe any self initiated changes made to the programme and state the yearthechangeswereintroduced.



EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 22




StatethevisionandmissionoftheIHLand/orfaculty. DescribetheProgrammeObjectivesandstatewheretheyarepublished. DescribehowtheProgrammeObjectivesareconsistentwiththevisionand missionoftheIHLand/orfacultyandstakeholdersrequirements. Describe the processes used to establish and review the Programme Objectives, and the extent to which the programmes various stakeholders areinvolvedintheseprocesses. DescribehowtheIHLensuresachievementoftheProgrammeObjectives. Describe the ongoing evaluation of the level of achievement of these objectives, and the extent to which the programmes various stakeholders areinvolvedintheseprocesses.






(vii) Describe how the results obtained from evaluation are being used to



ListdowntheProgrammeOutcomesandstatewherearetheypublished. Describe how the Programme Outcomes relate to the Programme Objectives. Describe how the Programme Outcomes encompass the outcome requirements of Section 4.0 of this Manual.



EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 23



Describe the processes used to establish and review the Programme Outcomes, and the extent to which the programmes various stakeholders are involved in theseprocesses. Describethedatagatheredandexplaintheresultoftheassessment. Explain how the assessment results are applied to further develop and improve theprogramme. demonstrateachievementoftheProgrammeOutcomes.



(vii) Describe the materials, including student work and other tangible materials that


AcademicCurriculum (i) Discuss the programme structure and course contents to show how they are appropriate to, consistent with, and support the development of the range of intellectual and practical skills and attainment or achievement of the Programme Outcomes. (ii) DescribeDiscusstheprogrammedeliveryandassessmentmethodsandhowthese are appropriate to, consistent with, and support the development of the range of intellectual and practical skills and attainment or achievement of the Programme Outcomes. (iii) The information required in items (i) and (ii) should include but not limited to the following: o A matrix linking courses to Programme Outcomes to identify and track thecontributionofeachcoursetotheProgrammeOutcomes. o Distributionoftheengineeringcoursesaccordingtoareasspecifictoeach programme. o Distributionoftherelatednonengineering(generaleducation)courses. o Distributionofthecoursesofferedaccordingtosemester. SamplesofthetableformatareavailableinAppendixG. EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 24





(ii) Discusstherequirementandprocessforadmissionofstudentstotheprogramme. (iii) Discussthepoliciesandprocessesforthecredittransfer/exemption. (iv) Discussthestudentworkload. (v) Discuss students activities and involvement in student organisations that provide experience in management and governance, representation in education and relatedmattersandsocialactivities. (vi) The information required in items (i) to (v) should include but not limited to the following: o Thedistributionofstudentsenrolmentforallacademicyearsforthepast fouryears(Table6inAppendixG). o The entry qualification of final year students of the current semester (Table7inAppendixG).

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 25




Discussthestrengthandcompetenciesoftheacademicstaffincoveringallareas of the programme, and in implementing the outcomebased approach to education. Discuss how the overall staff workload enables effective teaching, studentstaff interaction, student advising and counselling, IHL service and research activities, professionaldevelopmentandinteractionwithindustries. Discuss the sufficiency and competency of technical and administrative staff in providingadequatesupporttotheeducationalprogramme. The information required in items (i) to (iii) should includebut not limited to the following:




A breakdown in terms of numbers of academic staff (fulltime, parttime andinterprogramme)byyearforthepastfouryear(Table8inAppendix G).

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 26 A summary of the academic staff teaching workload for the current semester(Table13inAppendixG). A summary of the post held by full time academic staff (Table 12 in AppendixG). A summary of the professional qualifications and membership in professionalbodies/societiesofacademicstaff(Table11inAppendixG). Ananalysisofallacademicstaff(Table9inAppendixG).

A summary of the academic qualifications of academic staff (Table 10 in AppendixG).





The staff : student ratio by year for all academic years for the past four years(Table16inAppendixG).

A listing of lecturers/invited speakers from industry/public bodies and theirlevelofinvolvement.

Facilities (i) Discuss the adequacy of teaching and learning facilities such as classrooms, learningsupport facilities, study areas, information resources (library), computing and informationtechnology systems, laboratories and workshops, andassociatedequipmenttocaterformultideliverymodes. (ii) For programmes offered wholly or partly in distance mode, or at multiple or remote locations, describe how the facilities provided are equivalent to those providedforoncampusstudents. Describe the adequacy of support facilities such as hostels, sport and recreationalcentres,healthcentres,studentcentres,andtransportinfacilitating studentslifeoncampusandenhancingcharacterbuilding. Theinformationrequiredinitems(i)to(iii)shouldbeprovidedinthesupporting documentbutnotlimitedtothefollowing: o Asummaryintabulatedformthelecturefacilities(givenumber,capacity, andaudiovideofacilitiesavailable). o A summary in tabulated form the laboratories (list down the equipment availableineachlaboratory). o A summary in tabulated form the workshops (list down the equipment/machineryavailableineachworkshop). EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 27





o A summary in tabulated form the computer laboratories (list down the hardwareandsoftwareavailable). o A summary in tabulated form the other supporting facilities such as the library (list down the titles of books/journals/magazines/standards of relevancetotheprogramme). o Asummaryintabulatedformrecreationalfacilities. o A summary in tabulated form information on recent improvements and plannedimprovementsinthesefacilities.

QualityManagementSystems (i) Outline the organisational structure of the IHL as well as the structure within the faculty/department/programme. Discuss the level and adequacy of institutional support, operating environment, financial resources, constructive leadership, policies and mechanisms for attracting, appointing, retaining and rewarding well qualified staff and provision of professional development; and provision of infrastructure and support services to achieve Programme Objectives and assure continuityoftheprogramme.Allrelevantpoliciesaretobemadeavailableduring thevisit. (ii) Discuss the mechanism for programme planning; curriculum development; curriculum and content review; responding to feedback and inputs from stakeholders including industry advisors, students and alumni; tracking the contributions of individual courses to the Programme Outcomes; tracking performance through assessment; responding to External Examiners comments; reviewing of Programme Objectives and Programme Outcomes; and continual quality improvement. Where these are discussed elsewhere in the report, specify their locations. For a new programme, IHL also need to discuss the processes surroundingthedecisiontointroducetheprogramme.

(iii) Summariseresponsestotheexternalexaminerreport. (iv) Discuss how the IHLs quality management system provides quality assurance and benchmarking. (v) The information required in items (i) to (iv) should be provided in the supporting documentnotlimitedtothefollowinginformation: EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 28



Evidenceontheparticipationofacademicstaff,supportstaffandstudentsinthe continualqualityimprovementprocess. Evidence on the development of academic staff through opportunities in further education,industrialexposure,aswellasresearchanddevelopment. Policies, internal processes and practices that are in place at all levels within the IHLrelatingtothefivecriteriaasstatedinSection7ofthisManual. Evidence of the ongoing participation of the industry advisors in discussion and forums,professionalpracticeexposure,andcollaborativeprojects.

8.2.9 OtherRelevantInformation Includeanyadditionalinformation,whichsupportsthecontinuingprogressandvisibility oftheprogramme,suchasmajorresearchaccomplishments.


SupportingMaterialDocumentDigitalFormat This document is to provide supporting material for the programme in digital format (softcopy)asfollows:


SupportingInformation Provide additional information on the IHL, faculty/school/department, and programme notprovidedintheselfassessmentreport.


AcademicandLaboratorySupportStaff ProvidenomorethanatwopageCVforeachstaffmember.

ProgrammeStructureandContents Provide evidence of the use of tutorials and nonconventional delivery methods such as ProblemBasedLearning(PBL)techniquesalongsidetraditionallectures. Provide a summary of the industrial training schemes, and the list of companies involved. Provideanevidenceofactivitiesrelevanttoindustryexposure.


EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 29



Equipment,Software,TitleofBooksandJournals Providealistingofallequipmentandsoftwareusedbytheprogrammeincludingrecent additions and planned additions, as well as the supporting title of books, and journals fortheprogramme.


ExternalExaminerandAdvisoryBoard Provide the external examiner reports and reports/minutes from advisory board meetings.


Institutional Documents and Additional Documentation to be Made Available During theVisit The following items, which are evidences to support the information requested in Sections8.2and8.3shallbemadeavailableduringthevisit: IHLDocuments ProvidetheHandbook,Calendarsupplement,orotherofficialpublicationrelatingtothe faculty/school/department, and containing the statement of programme details; IHL prospectus;andanyotherdocumentsthatrelatetothefaculty/school/department,and programme.



DocumentsRelatedtoProgrammeObjectivesandOutcomes Provide all relevant documents and evidences related to Programme Objectives and ProgrammeOutcomes(onecopy)asfollows:


course files for every course offered by the programme, provide the course information to include the targeted course learning outcomes, a matrix linking course outcomes to programme outcomes, course synopsis/syllabus, and a list of references (texts used). Final examination papers complete with answer scheme and graded examination papers with low, medium and high grades are also to be provided. Any information with regard to other learning activities and assessment measures such as projects, quizzes, tutorial questions, assignments, class projects, copies of the course notes (optional), and any other materials used for the course are also to be included. For laboratory courses, provide a copy of the syllabus, experimentinstructionsheets,aswellassupportinginformation. EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 30



objectives and outcomes assessment instruments supporting documentation for objectives and outcomes assessment including sample questionnaires, portfolios, surveyforms,videorecordings,etc. allevidencesrelatedtoCQIoftheprogramme. anyotherrelevantdocuments.




FinalProjectReports For sample students, provide a copy of the final project report, instruction sheets, and gradesheetsorotherevaluationsfortheproject. Providethelistingoffinalprojecttitlesforthepastfewyears.


IndustrialTrainingReports For sample students, provide a copy of the training report, guidelines for the training, reviewsbytheindustrysponsorsaswellasthefacultymentors.


LaboratoryReports For sample students, provide a copy of the laboratory reports, instruction sheets, and gradesheetsorotherevaluationsfortheprojectlaboratoryreport.


QualityAssuranceRecords Provide minutes and records of action and improvement for meetings of the programme teaching team, Industry Advisory Committee, staffstudent consultation forums.

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 31



OtherDocumentation Provide any other documentation that might help the Evaluation Panel in the assessmentoftheprogramme.




EACsInitialEvaluation Theevaluationprocedureatthisstageshallcomprisethefollowingsteps: (a) ApplicationforApprovaltoConductaNewDegreeProgramme The IHL intending to conduct a new programme shall obtain approval from the relevantauthorities. The IHL should submit the complete set of documents (refer to Section 8 and Appendix C) through MQA for initial evaluation by the EAC. The recommendation fromtheEACwillbeforwardedtotherelevantauthorities. When the documents are considered to be inadequate, the IHL shall be required to provide further information before an evaluation is carried out. If the required informationisnotprovidedwithinaspecifiedperiod,itshallbedeemedthattheIHL nolongerintendstoconducttheprogramme. (b) InitialEvaluation TheEACshallappointanEvaluationPaneltoevaluatetheproposedprogramme. Theevaluationshallcoverthefollowingareas: (i) general awareness of current development in engineering education and engineeringpractice; (ii) thestatedProgrammeObjectivesandProgrammeOutcomes; (iii) involvementofstakeholders; EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 32

ENGINEERINGPROGRAMMEACCREDITATIONMANUAL (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) TheevaluationmayincludeavisittotheIHLbytheEvaluationPanel.



thecoursecontent; thequalityofstaff,theeducationalculture; theteachingfacilities; thelibrary/resourcecentre; theIHLsqualitysystemsandprocesses; theassessmentprocedureandexaminationrules;and otherrelatedactivities.

ReportandRecommendation ThereportfromtheEvaluationPanelshallbesubmittedtoEACwithin4weeksafterthe appointment/visit.


EACsDecision Basedontheevaluation,EACmaydecideononeofthefollowing: torecommendapprovaloftheprogrammetobeconducted to recommend conditional approval for the programme to be conducted with the provision that the IHL takes certain actions to rectify all the shortcomings indicatedinthereportwithinaspecifiedperiodasdeterminedbyEAC nottorecommendapproval.

The recommendation from EAC is specific to the programme, location and mode of study.WherethesameprogrammeisofferedbytheIHLatdifferentlocationsand/orvia different modes of delivery, the IHL shall make a separate application for each of the programmes. EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM 33



APPENDIXA ENGINEERINGACCREDITATIONCOUNCIL,EVALUATIONPANEL ANDACCREDITATIONAPPEALSBOARD 1.0 ENGINEERINGACCREDITATIONCOUNCIL The Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC), representing BEM, IEM, MQA and JPA, shall be an independent body for the accreditation of engineering programmes. The policy on the accreditation of engineering programmes is laid down by EAC and is subject to changes as deemed necessary by EAC. Implementation of the policyistheresponsibilityoftheEAC. MembersofEACshallbeappointedbyBEMasfollows: a) AChairman(nominatedbyBEM). b) ADeputyChairman(nominatedbyIEM). c) 15 members representing each of major branches (e.g. Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical and Electronics) and each of the constituent organisationsnominatedbyBEM,IEM,MQAandJPA. (i) 5membersnominatedbyBEM (ii) 5membersnominatedbyIEM (iii) 1membernominatedbyJPA (iv) 1membernominatedbyMQA (v) 3membersfromthemajoremployersofengineersinMalaysia d) ExOfficio: RegistrarofBEM SecretaryofBEM

TheEACshallcomprisepersonsfromacademicinstitutionsandindustries,witha minimumof50%fromtheindustries.InappointingthemembersofEAC,BEM shallmaintainareasonablespreadofexpertiseacrossvariousbranchesof engineering. ThefinaldecisiononthemembershipoftheEACiswiththeBEM. All members shall be professional engineers, unless not available within the constituentorganisation.
EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM A1



Termsofreferenceshallbeto: formulateandupdatetheaccreditationpoliciesandcriteria. approvedetailedguidelinesandoperatingproceduresforaccreditation. oversee all operational arrangements, and appoint members of the EvaluationPanel. receive evaluation report on engineering programmes, and decide whetheraccreditationshouldbegrantedorotherwise. establish and maintain a list of local and foreign accredited engineering programmes. respond to any complaints or appeals concerning the accreditation processandtoanyproposalsforchange. oversee the development and operation of accreditation and mutual recognitionofprogrammeswithothercountries. keep the Board informed of the activities of EAC. Where necessary make recommendationstotheBoard. foster the dissemination of developments and best practices in engineeringeducation. advice the Board on public statements or representations that should be madeinrelationtoengineeringeducation. holdconsultationmeetingswithIHLsasandwhennecessary. holdmeetingsatleast6timesperyear. 2.0

EVALUATIONFORAPPROVALTOCONDUCTANEWPROGRAMME The EAC shall appoint an evaluator to assess the application. The person should haveextensiveacademicexperienceand/orindustrialexperience. EVALUATIONPANELFORACCREDITATION TheEvaluationPanelshallbeappointedbyEACandnormallyconsistsof: aChairperson;and two members, typically chosen for their broad experience in engineering and their ability to evaluate the generic programme outcomes and quality systems. The Evaluation Panel should include at least one member with extensive academic experience, and one member with extensive industry experience. Allmembers must be chosen from related fieldtotheprogrammebeingevaluated. AllmembersoftheEvaluationPanelshallbeprofessionalengineers.
EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM A2




ACCREDITATIONAPPEALSBOARD The Accreditation Appeals Board shall consist of the President of BEM, President of IEM and Chief Executive Officer of MQA or their nominated representatives. The President of BEM or his nominated representative shall be the Chairman of theAccreditationAppealsBoard. If necessary, the Accreditation Appeals Board may appoint a Special Committee, members of which must be experienced in accreditation process, to consider an appeal.AnyexpensesincurredshallbebornebytheIHLmakingtheappeal. ThedecisionoftheAccreditationAppealsBoardshallbefinal.


EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM A3



ENGINEERINGCONTENTFORSELECTEDENGINEERINGDISCIPLINES ANDINNOVATIVEPROGRAMMES EngineeringSciences,Principles,andApplications An accredited programme is expected to cover the broad areas of the respective disciplines at an appropriate level. The following are examples of underpinning coursesthatmaybeintroducedfortherespectivedisciplines: CIVIL Strengthof Materials Structural Analysisand Design Fluid Mechanics/ Hydraulics Soil Mechanics/



ELECTRICAL Circuitsand Signals



ELECTRONICS Circuitsand Signals


Staticsand Dynamics

Materialand FieldsandWaves EnergyBalance

Fieldsand Waves

FluidMechanics Instrumentation andControl

Chemical Kinetics& ReactorDesign Momentum Transfer



andHeat Transfer

Digitaland Analog Electronics

Digitaland Analog Electronics

Engineering Civil Engineering Materials Staticsand Dynamics

Construction Engineering

Mechanical Design

Machinesand Drives


Microprocessor System


andControl Vibrations

Power Electronics


Programming Techniques Introductionto ElectricalPower System Computer Architecture


Surveying Water Resources and Hydrology

PowerStation andHighVoltage Engineering SolidMechanics Communications System Manufacturing/ PowerSystem Production/ Analysis

Separation Process ProcessDesign ProcessControl & Instrumentation


EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM B1

ENGINEERINGPROGRAMMEACCREDITATIONMANUAL Highwayand Transportation ElectricalPower ElectronicDrives andMachines andApplications Safetyand Environmental Protection Environmental Studies


Electronic SystemAnalysis andDesign Multimedia Technologyand Applications

Environment alStudies

Electronicsand ElectricalEnergy Microprocessors Utilization

Computer Aided Engineering

Plantand Equipment Design ViabilityLegal Framework, Economics, Operabilityand Reliability

(b) Mathematics,StatisticsandComputing These courses should be studied to a level necessary to underpin the engineering coursesoftheprogrammeandwithabiastowardsapplication.Theuseofnumerical methods of solution is encouraged, with an appreciation of the power and limitations of the computer for modelling engineering situations. Wherever practicable, it is preferred that mathematics, statistics and computing are taught in the context of their application to engineering problems and it follows that some mathematical techniques may be learnt within other subjects of the course. In addition to the use of computers as tools for calculation, analysis and data processing,programmeshouldintroducetheirapplicationinsuchareaas:

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM B2

ENGINEERINGPROGRAMMEACCREDITATIONMANUAL Civil Mechanical Computer aided Computer aided and analysis and design manufacture design Economics Economics for analysis for analysis decisionmaking decisionmaking Electrical Mathematical applications Chemical



Mathematical Computer analysis and applications design

Statistical and Statistical and Economics analysis for Numerical Numerical techniques decision techniques making Computer Numerical Data bases and Data bases and Computer Applications methods and Applications information information optimization systems systems Operational research Operational research Operational research Databases and Information Systems

Business and Online control of operations management andprocesses systems Statistical Numerical techniques (c) and

EngineeringApplications Emphasis on Engineering Applications in degree programmes aims to ensure that all engineering graduates have a sound understanding of uptodate industrial practice, inparticular: CivilEngineering: to appreciate the characteristic and structural behaviour of materials in a varietyofuserenvironments tobeabletoanalyseanddesignstructuralcomponentsfromthesematerials to appreciate the range of manufacturing methods currently available and theskillswhichtheyrequireinpeople to appreciate the cost aspects of material selection, manufacturing methods, operation and maintenance in their interaction with design and product marketing to understands the whole process of industrial decisionmaking in design, manufacturing and use and how it must be influenced not only by technical
EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM B3



ideas but also by the practical constraints of financial and human resources andbythebusinessandsocialenvironmentofengineering. MechanicalEngineering: to appreciate the characteristic behaviour of materials in a variety of user environments to appreciate the range of manufacturing methods currently available and theskillswhichtheyrequireinpeople to appreciate the cost aspects of material selection, manufacturing methods, operation and maintenance in their interaction with design and product marketing to understand the whole process of industrial decisionmaking in design, manufacturing and use and how it must be influenced not only by technical ideas but also by the practical constraints of financial and human resources andbythebusinessandsocialenvironmentofengineering. ElectricalandElectronicEngineering: to appreciate the characteristic behaviour of materials in electrical and electronicsystems to be able to analyse and design electrical and electronic systems from devices/componentsmadeofvariousmaterials to appreciate cost effectiveness of component/device equipment selection, manufacturingprocessandintegrationprocess to appreciate the range of manufacturing methods currently available and theskillswhichtheyrequireinpeople. to understand the whole process of industrial decision making in design, manufacturing and use and how it must be influenced not only by technical ideas but also by the practical constraints of financial and human resources andbythebusinessandsocialenvironmentofengineering. ChemicalEngineering to appreciate the characteristic and structural behaviour of materials in a varietyofuserenvironments tobeabletoadoptthesematerialsinprocessdesignandanalysis tounderstandthegeneralsequenceofprocessingstepsforanygiventypeof chemicalprocess to calculate and analyse the material and energy flows for a given chemical process to understand the selection or estimation of process operating conditions, selectionofprocessequipment,maintenanceandprocesstroubleshooting to analyse the various types of unit operations and processing steps and to decide their relative advantages or disadvantages on the basis of environment,economics,safetyandoperability.
EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM B4



to understand the various process control schemes for the purpose of maintaining production quality, ensuring process safety and preventing waste.


EvaluatinganInnovativeProgramme It is a challenge for an accreditation process to promote innovation, experimentation and dissemination of good practice, while maintaining standards that can be objectively certified nationally and internationally. Innovation by its nature challenges existing wisdom, but not every programme that departs from existingnormscanbesaidtobeinnovativeordesirable.Allfundamentalsrequired intheprogrammemustbemaintained. The EAC accreditation system encourages innovation by minimising prescriptiveness in how the required outcomes are attained. Programme evaluation will always focus on the intent of the criteria and on the demonstrated capabilityofgraduatestoenterengineeringpracticeataprofessionallevel.Clearly however,aprogrammewhichdepartsradicallyfromthemethodsnormallythought necessaryforexample,byemployingonlyafractionofthenormalcomplementof staff may expect a searching examination of method as well as outcomes. The EACandtheEvaluationPanelareexpectedtobereceptivetonewapproaches,and to use the best judgement available to evaluate the substance and merit of the programme. Continuing innovation and developmentcan be expected to lead to restatement of thecriteriaandpolicyofaccreditation.

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM B5



ENGINEERINGACCREDITATIONCOUNCIL ChecklistofDocumentsforAccreditation*/ApprovalofNewProgramme**andRelevant Information Pleasetick: Accreditation ApprovalofNewProgramme * For programme applying for accreditation only, please fill in the table for qualifying requirementsbelow: QualifyingRequirementsforProgrammeApplyingfor Yes/No Accreditation Minimum120credithoursofwhich80credithoursmust 1 beengineeringsubjects 2 Finalyearproject 3 4 5 6 7 8 Industrialtraining Minimumof8fulltimeacademicstaff Staff:studentratioof1:25orbetter(ideallyitshouldbe 1:15orbetter) Externalexaminer'sreport ProgrammeObjectives ProgrammeOutcomes

Failure to meet any one of the qualifying requirements will mean that the programme shall not be assessed for accreditation, and the process shall stop here and no submission to the EAC can be made by the IHL. IHL are advised to ensure all requirements are fulfilled by the programmebeforereapplyingforaccreditation.


EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM C1

ENGINEERINGPROGRAMMEACCREDITATIONMANUAL INTRODUCTION A GENERALINFORMATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NameofIHL AddressofIHL Nameof Faculty/School/Department NameandphoneNo.ofStaffto beContacted ProgrammeforAccreditation EACReferenceNumber DegreetobeAwardedand Abbreviation: IHLAwardingtheDegree:(if differentfromA1) ModeofStudy[Full Time/Twinning/PartTime/Others (pleasespecify)]


TobefilledinbytheIHLwhere applicable

Checkedby EAU

10 DurationofProgramme(inyears) MediumofInstructionof ProgrammeEvaluated LanguageAvailableforReference 12 Materials 11

13 IHLacademicsession 14 URLaddressIHLwebsite

Indicatethelocationoftheseitems Checkedby inthedocumentssubmittedand/or EAC inthedocumentstobemade Secretariat availableduringthevisit

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM C2

ENGINEERINGPROGRAMMEACCREDITATIONMANUAL B 1 2 3 4 5 C PROGRAMMEACCREDITATIONHISTORY YearProgrammeIntroduced YearofLastAccreditationforthis Programme Conditions(ifany)fromPrevious Accreditation ActiontakenontheConditions above MajorChanges(SelfInitiated), ReasonsandYearofChanges PROGRAMMEOBJECTIVES Evidencequotedshouldbemade availableasperrequirementin SectionJorK State the vision and mission of the IHLand/orfaculty DescribetheProgramme Objectivesandstatewherethey arepublished DescribehowtheProgramme Objectivesareconsistentwiththe visionandmissionoftheIHL and/orfacultyandstakeholders requirements Describetheprocessesusedto establishandreviewthe ProgrammeObjectives,andthe extenttowhichtheprogrammes variousstakeholdersareinvolved intheseprocesses Describe how the IHL ensures achievement of the Programme Objectives Describetheongoingevaluationof thelevelofachievementofthese objectives,andtheextenttowhich theprogrammesvarious Indicatethelocationoftheseitems inthedocumentssubmittedand/or inthedocumentstobemade availableduringthevisit TobefilledinbytheIHLwhere applicable


Checkedby EAU

Checkedby Evaluation Panel

1 2

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM C3

ENGINEERINGPROGRAMMEACCREDITATIONMANUAL stakeholdersareinvolvedinthese processes Describehowtheresultsobtained fromevaluationarebeingusedto improvetheeffectivenessofthe programme


7 D

PROGRAMMEOUTCOMES Evidencequotedshouldbemade availableasperrequirementin SectionJorK ListdowntheProgramme Outcomesandstatewhereare theypublished DescribehowtheProgramme OutcomesrelatetotheProgramme Objectives DescribehowtheProgramme Outcomesencompasstheoutcome requirementsofSection4.0ofthis Manual Describetheprocessesusedto establishandreviewthe ProgrammeOutcomes,andthe extenttowhichtheprogrammes variousstakeholdersareinvolved intheseprocesses Describethedatagatheredand explaintheresultofthe assessment Explainhowtheassessmentresults areappliedtofurtherdevelopand improvetheprogramme Describethematerials,including studentworkandothertangible materialsthatdemonstrate achievementoftheProgramme Outcomes Indicatethelocationoftheseitems inthedocumentssubmittedand/or inthedocumentstobemade availableduringthevisit Checkedby Evaluation Panel

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM C4



Evidencequotedshouldbemade Indicatethelocationoftheseitems availableasperrequirementin Checkedby inthedocumentssubmittedand/or SectionJorK Evaluation inthedocumentstobemade Foritem1&2,referto8.2.4(iii)for Panel furtherinformation/presentation availableduringthevisit formattobeincluded Discuss the programme structure and course contents to show how they are appropriate to, consistent with, and support the development of the range of intellectual and practical skills and attainment or achievement of the Programme Outcomes. Discusstheprogrammedelivery andassessmentmethodsandhow theseareappropriateto, consistentwith,andsupportthe developmentoftherangeof intellectualandpracticalskillsand attainmentorachievementofthe ProgrammeOutcomes CRITERION2:STUDENTS Evidencequotedshouldbemade availableasperrequirementin Indicatethelocationoftheseitems Checkedby SectionJorK inthedocumentssubmittedand/or Evaluation Foritem1to5,referto8.2.5(vi) inthedocumentstobemade Panel forfurther availableduringthevisit information/presentationformatto beincluded Discussstudentsperformancein relationtoProgrammeOutcomes Discusstherequirementand processforadmissionofstudents totheprogramme Discussthepoliciesandprocesses forthecredittransfer/exemption Discussthestudentworkload EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM C5

1 2 3 4

ENGINEERINGPROGRAMMEACCREDITATIONMANUAL Discussstudentsactivitiesand involvementinstudent organisationsthatprovide experienceinmanagementand governance,representationin educationandrelatedmattersand socialactivities


CRITERION3:ACADEMICANDSUPPORTSTAFF Evidencequotedshouldbemade availableasperrequirementin Indicatethelocationoftheseitems Checkedby SectionJorK inthedocumentssubmittedand/or Evaluation Foritem1to3,referto8.2.6(iv) inthedocumentstobemade Panel forfurther availableduringthevisit information/presentationformatto beincluded Discussthestrengthand competenciesoftheacademicstaff incoveringallareasofthe programme,andinimplementing theoutcomebasedapproachto education Discusshowtheoverallstaff workloadenableseffective teaching,studentstaffinteraction, studentadvisingandcounselling, IHLserviceandresearchactivities, professionaldevelopmentand interactionwithindustries Discussthesufficiencyand competencyoftechnicaland administrativestaffinproviding adequatesupporttothe educationalprogramme

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM C6



Evidencequotedshouldbemade availableasperrequirementin Indicatethelocationoftheseitems SectionJorK Checkedby inthedocumentssubmittedand/or Foritem1to3,referto8.2.7(iv) Evaluation inthedocumentstobemade forfurther Panel availableduringthevisit information/presentationformatto beincluded Discusstheadequacyofteaching andlearningfacilitiessuchas classrooms,learningsupport facilities,studyareas,information resources(library),computingand informationtechnologysystems, laboratoriesandworkshops,and associatedequipmenttocaterfor multideliverymodes Forprogrammesofferedwhollyor partlyindistancemode,orat multipleorremotelocations, describehowthefacilitiesprovided areequivalenttothoseprovided foroncampusstudents Describetheadequacyofsupport facilitiessuchashostels,sportand recreationalcentres,health centres,studentcentres,and transportinfacilitatingstudents lifeoncampusandenhancing characterbuilding CRITERION5:QUALITYMANAGEMENTSYSTEMS Evidencequotedshouldbemade availableasperrequirementin SectionJorK Outlinetheorganisationalstructure of the IHL as well as the structure within the faculty/department/programme. Discuss the level and adequacy of Indicatethelocationoftheseitems inthedocumentssubmittedand/or inthedocumentstobemade availableduringthevisit Checkedby Evaluation Panel

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM C7

ENGINEERINGPROGRAMMEACCREDITATIONMANUAL institutional support, operating environment, financial resources, constructive leadership, policies and mechanisms for attracting, appointing, retaining and rewarding wellqualified staff and provision of professional development; and provision of infrastructure and support services to achieve Programme Objectives and assure continuity of the programme. Discuss the mechanism for programme planning; curriculum development; curriculum and content review; responding to feedback and inputs from stakeholders including industry advisors, students and alumni; tracking the contributions of individual courses to the Programme Outcomes; tracking performance through assessment; responding to External Examiners comments; reviewing of Programme Objectives and Programme Outcomes; and continual quality improvement. Where these are discussed elsewhere in the report, specify their locations. For a new programme, IHL also need to discuss the processes surrounding the decision to introduce the programme. Summariseresponsestothe externalexaminerreport. Discuss how the IHLs quality management system provides quality assurance and benchmarking.


EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM C8



Evidenceofstakeholders involvementinalltheprocesses above Otherrelevantevidencesavailable tosupportclaimsmade(e.g. minutesofmeetingsofrelevant committees,surveyforms) Relevantevidencesavailableto supportclaimsmadefor programmeoutcomes(eg.learning andassessmenttoolssuchas studentportfolios,surveyforms) Listoffinalyearprojecttitlesfor thepastfiveyears Summaryoftheindustrialtraining schemesandlistofcompanies involved. Evidenceontheparticipationof academicstaff,supportstaffand studentsinthecontinualquality improvementprocess. Evidence on the development of academic staff through opportunities in further education, industrial exposure, as well as researchanddevelopment. Policies,internalprocessesand practicesthatareinplaceatall levelswithintheIHLrelatingtothe fivecriteriaasstatedinSection7of thisManual. Evidence of the ongoing participation of the industry advisors in discussion and forums, professional practice exposure, and collaborativeprojects.


Checkedby Evaluation Panel

4 5

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM C9

ENGINEERINGPROGRAMMEACCREDITATIONMANUAL K INSTITUTIONALDOCUMENTSANDADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION Handbook,CalendarSupplement, orotherOfficialPublication RelatingtotheEngineeringFaculty, andContainingtheStatementof ProgrammeDetails IHLProspectus AdditionalInformationontheIHL, FacultyofEngineering,And ProgrammenotProvidedinthe HardCopyDocumentorCD AnyotherOfficialDocumentsthat RelatetotheEngineeringFacultyin otherforms Coursefilesdetaileddescription ofthecontent(syllabus),targeted learningoutcomes,course informationdistributedto students,learningactivities, assessmentmethods,learning modes,textsused,prerequisites, gradedexaminationpaperswith low,mediumandhighgrades, tutorialassignments,classprojects, acopyofthetextbook,andany othermaterialsusedforthe course.Forlaboratorycourses, provideacopyofthesyllabus, experimentinstructionsheets, gradedstudentlaboratorywork withlow,mediumandhighgrades, aswellassupportinginformation Copyofthefinalyearproject report,instructionsheets,and gradesheetsorotherevaluations fortheprojectforsamplestudents forthepastfiveyear Tobemadeavailableduringthe visit


Checkedby Evaluation Panel

2 3

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM C10

ENGINEERINGPROGRAMMEACCREDITATIONMANUAL Evidenceoftheuseoftutorialsand nonconventionaldeliverymethods suchasProblemBasedLearning (PBL)techniquesalongside traditionallectures Copyofthetrainingreport, guidelinesforthetraining,reviews bytheindustrysponsorsaswellas thefacultymentorsforsample studentsforthepastyear Listofactivitiesandevidence relevanttoindustryexposure. Anysupportingdocumentationfor objectivesandoutcomes assessmentincludingsample questionnaires,portfolios,survey forms,videorecordings,etc. AllevidencesrelatedtoCQIofthe programme Describe the procedures used for credit transfer/credit exemption and provide evidence of implementation of such procedures. Acceptance of transfer students and provide evidence that the processes and procedures are working Relevant policies on Institutional Support, Operating Environment andFinancialResources







15 Anyotherrelevantdocuments

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM C11



APPENDIXD ENGINEERINGACCREDITATIONCOUNCIL EvaluationPanelReport NameofIHL: ProgrammeforAccreditation: GeneralRemarks A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Minimum120credithoursofwhich80credithoursmustbeengineeringsubjects Finalyearproject Industrialtraining Minimumof8fulltimeacademicstaff Staff:studentratiois1:25orbetter(ideallyitshouldbe1:15) Externalexaminer'sreport ProgrammeObjectives ProgrammeOutcomes

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM D1



B B1

ASSESSMENT *Deletewhereapplicable ASSESSMENTOFPROGRAMMEOBJECTIVESANDPROGRAMMEOUTCOMES 1 PROGRAMMEOBJECTIVES Comments/Remarks on Programme Objectives: The Evaluation Panel shall comment on the appropriateness of the Programme Objectives as well as the Processes and Results, andStakeholdersinvolvementasrequiredbySection3.0oftheManual. ProgrammeObjectives: ProcessesandResult: StakeholdersInvolvement: PROGRAMMEOUTCOMES Comments/Remarks on Programme Outcomes: The Evaluation Panel shall comment on theappropriatenessoftheProgrammeOutcomesaswellastheProcessesandResultsas requiredbySection4.0oftheManual. ProgrammeOutcomes:





EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM D2




ProcessessandResult: StakeholdersInvolvement: OverallComments/Remarks: *Poor/Satisfactory/Good


B2 ASSESSMENTCRITERIA 1 1.1 CRITERION1:ACADEMICCURRICULUM CreditHours (a) Totalnumberofcredithours (b) Numberofcredithoursforengineeringsubjects (c) Numberofcredithoursforrelatednonengineeringsubjects

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM D3




TheCurriculum (a) ProgrammeStructure,CourseContents,andBalancedCurriculum (b) ProgrammeDeliveryandAssessmentMethods (c) Laboratory (d) FinalYearProject (e) IndustrialTraining (f) ExposuretoProfessionalPractice Comments/Remarks/Recommendations:*Poor/Satisfactory/Good i)Strength ii)Weakness iii)Concern iv)Opportunitiesforimprovement

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM D4



2 2.1


CRITERION2:STUDENT StudentAdmission (a) Entryrequirements(Academic) (b) Transfer policy/Selection Procedures/Appropriateness of arrangements for Exemptionsfrompartofthecourse StudentDevelopment (a) Studentcounselling (b) Workload (c) Enthusiasmandmotivation (d) Cocurricularactivities (e) ObservedattainmentoftheProgrammeOutcomesbythestudents

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM D5



Comments/Remarks/Recommendations:*Poor/Satisfactory/Good i)Strength ii)Weakness iii)Concern iv)Opportunitiesforimprovement 3 3.1 CRITERION3:ACADEMICANDSUPPORTSTAFF AcademicStaff (a) Academicqualifications (b) Professionalqualification,experience&development (c) Research/publication/consultancy (d) Industrialinvolvement (e) Teachingload/contacthours
EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM D6



(f) Motivationandenthusiasm (g) Useoflecturersfromindustry/publicbodies (h) AwarenessoftheOutcomeBasedapproachtoeducation 3.2 SupportStaff(LaboratoryandAdministration) (a) Qualificationandexperience (b) Adequacyofsupportstaff DevelopmentofStaff (a) Staffdevelopment (b) Staffassessment (c) Academicstaff:studentratio
EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM D7




Comments/Remarks/Recommendations:*Poor/Satisfactory/Good i)Strength ii)Weakness iii)Concern iv)Opportunitiesforimprovement 4 CRITERION4:FACILITIES (a) LectureroomsquantityprovidedandqualityofA/V (b) Laboratory/workshopstudentlaboratoryandequipment (c) IT/computerlaboratoryadequacyofsoftwareandcomputers (d) Library/resourcecentrequalityandquantityofbooks,journals,andmultimedia (e) Recreationfacilities
EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM D8



Comments/Remarks/Recommendations:*Poor/Satisfactory/Good i)Strength ii)Weakness iii)Concern iv)Opportunitiesforimprovement 5 5.1 CRITERION5:QUALITYMANAGEMENTSYSTEMS InstitutionalSupport,OperatingEnvironment,andFinancialResources (a) Sufficienttoassurequalityandcontinuityoftheprogramme (b) Sufficienttoattractandretainawellqualifiedacademicandsupportstaff (c) Sufficienttoacquire,maintain,andoperatefacilitiesandequipment ProgrammeQualityManagementandPlanning (a) System for programme planning, curriculum development, and regular review of curriculumandcontent


EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM D9




ExternalAssessment'sReportandAdvisorySystem (a) Externalexaminersreportandhowthesearebeingusedforqualityimprovement (b) Advisorypanelfromindustriesandotherrelevantstakeholders QualityAssurance (a) Systemforstudentadmissionandteachingandlearning (b) System of assessment and evaluation of examinations, projects, industrial training, etcincludingpreparationandmoderationofexaminationpapers Comments/Remarks/Recommendations:*Poor/Satisfactory/Good i)Strength ii)Weakness iii)Concern iv)Opportunitiesforimprovement


EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM D10



EVALUATIONPANELASSESSMENTREPORTSUMMARY OverallComments/Remarks: i)Strength ii)Weakness iii)Concern iv)Opportunitiesforimprovement v)Othercomments/remarks DateofVisit: _________________________________ ProgrammeTitle: ________________________________ Faculty: _________________________________ FullAccreditation(5years) Condition(s)tomeet/Recommendationforfurtherimprovement _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________
EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM D11



Accreditation(1year/2years/3years/4years) Conditionstomeet/Recommendationforfurtherimprovement

_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ DeclinedAccreditation Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________ _ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ PreparedandsubmittedbyEvaluationPanel: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM D12

Chairman:_______________________ Member:_______________________ Member:_______________________ Member:_______________________

Signature:__________________ Signature:__________________ Signature:__________________ Signature:__________________





ACTIONBYENGINEERINGACCREDITATIONCOUNCIL(EAC) DateReceivedbytheEAC: _________________________ CommentsbytheEAC: (i) _________________________________________________________________________ (ii) _________________________________________________________________________ (iii) _________________________________________________________________________ (iv) _________________________________________________________________________ RecommendationbyEAC ConcurswithEvaluationPanel*Yes/No IfnotagreeablewithEvaluationPanel'srecommendation,EACrecommendationsare: (i) FullAccreditation(5years) Condition(s)tomeet/Recommendationforfurtherimprovement _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (ii)Accreditation(1year/2years/3years/4years) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM D13



(iii)DeclineAccreditation Reasons ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (iv) Reasons ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ACTIONBYSECRETARIAT (i) DateoftransmissionofdecisiontoIEM (ii) DateofTransmissionofdecisiontoBEM (iii) DateofTransmissionofdecisiontoMQA (iv) DateofTransmissionofdecisiontoJPA (v)DateofissueofAccreditationCertificate _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Condition(s)tomeet

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM D14



EXTERNALEXAMINERSREPORT Theexternalexaminersannualreportshallcontainbutnotbelimitedtothefollowing: (i) (Assessmentonprogrammecurriculum(eg.objectivesandoutcomes) (ii) Assessmentofstaffqualityincludingqualificationandindustryexposure.Also assessmentofloadingofeachstaffinteaching,research,consultancyand supervisionofstudentprojects. (iii) Assessment on staffstudent ratio and student workload. If not sufficient, correctiveactiontobetakenbytheIHL. (iv) Assessment on the process of preparation of the examination papers i.e. proceduresforsetting,vetting,qualityassurance,confidentialityandsecurity. (v) Assessment on the examination papers and marking schemes set for the standard of question, coverage of the syllabus, adequate balance between theory and application, whether the questions set are of equal level, adequate choiceofquestions,appropriatenessofmarkingscheme. (vi) Assessment on the marked answer scripts from samples of good candidates, average candidates and weak candidates. Fairness/disparity of marking, follow through method adopted where one section answer is wrong, the response of thecandidatestothequestion,themarksdistribution. (vii) Assessmentoncoursework,laboratorywork,assignment,designprojects,final yearprojects. (viii) Assessmentonexaminationproceduresandregulations. (ix) Managementcommitmenttowardstheprogramme.

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM E1




Receive application from IHL through MQA


Application complete?

Action by IHL/MQA

Appoint Evaluation Panel



Conduct Approval evaluation


Fix the date of visit

Pre-meeting of Panel

Accreditation Visit

Review Evaluation Report

The EAC Meeting


Accreditation decision?

Submit the Approval decision to IHL

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM F1



The Board Meeting

Submit decision to MQA and IHL

Update list of accredited programmes on website B End

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM F2



Notes: 1) a) Application for Recommendation for Approval to conduct engineering programmetobesubmittedbeforeofferingtheengineeringprogramme. b) Approval to conduct any engineering programme does not guarantee full accreditation. The faculty needs to apply for accreditation of the programme asspecifiedintheEACManual. 2) For programmes offered outside Malaysia, the EAC will use the accredited list by theprofessionalengineeringbodyofthehomecountryasaguide.

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM F3



TABLE1 CoursetoPOMatrix(SAMPLE)
Emphasis to the PO Code Course 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 1 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .. 1


Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 Subject 4 Subject 5 Subject 6 Subject 7 Subject 8 Subject 9 Subject 10 Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 Subject 4 Subject 5 Subject 6 Subject 7 Subject 8 Subject 9 Subject 10 Subject 1

Key 1 2 3

NoEmphasis Verylittleemphasis Moderateemphasis Strongemphasis

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM G1




DistributionofEngineeringCoursesforanEngineeringProgramme (SAMPLE)

EAC Equivalent Groupings CourseCode Course CourseType Total Lab/ Lecture Workshop/ Project PBL*/Design Tutorial Credits XXXX Subject1 Core 28 28 3 BroadArea1 XXXY Subject2 Core 28 28 3 XXXZ Subject3 Core 28 28 3 YYYY Subject4 Core 42 3 BroadArea2 YYYX Subject5 Core 14 28 28 3 YYYZ Subject6 Core etc. etc. BroadArea3 BroadArea4 FGHI ElectiveI Elective ElectiveCourses HIJK ElectiveII Elective IJKL ElectiveIII Elective TotalContactHours TotalEquivalentCreditHours IndustrialTraining ABCD IndustrialTraining Core 10Weeks BCDE ProjectI Core Thesis FinalYearProject DEFG ProjectII Core Thesis


EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM G2









EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM G3



TABLE4 DistributionofGeneralEducationCoursesforanEngineeringProgramme(SAMPLE)
Hours EAC Course Areas(EAC) Code Course Equivalent Type Lecture Lab/Workshop/Project Tutorial Total XXXX Subject1 Core 42 14 3.5 XXXY Subject2 Core 28 28 3 Applied Science/Maths/Computer XXXZ Subject3 Core 42 6 3.21 TOTALCREDITSHOURS 26.56 XXXX Subject1 Core 42 3 Subject2 Core 42 3 Management/Law/Accountancy XXXY TOTALCREDITHOURS 6 XXXV Subject1 Core 35 14 3 XXXW Subject2 Core 42 3 XXXX Subject3 Core 28 2 Communication XXXY Subject4 Core 28 2 Skills/Humanities/Ethics XXXZ Subject5 Core 42 3 TOTALCREDITHOURS 13 H CoCurriculum1 Core 14 CoCurriculum H CoCurriculum2 Core 14 TOTALCREDITHOURS 2 TOTALCREDITHOURSFORGENERALEDUCATIONCOURSES 47.57

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM G4



TABLE5 CoursesOffered(ProgrammeStructure)AccordingtoSemesterandTotalCredit Hours(SAMPLE)




Course Type
Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core

IHLCredits Engineering Related Courses Courses

3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3

EACEquivalentCredits Engineering Related Courses Courses

3 3.71 3.82 3.71 1 3 3.5 3.93 3.5 3


Subject1 Subject2 Subject3 Subject4 Subject5 Subject1 Subject2 Subject3 Subject4 Subject5







EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM G5





YEAR 200a/200b 200b/200c 200c/200d 200d/200e

1 Year 2ndYear 3rdYear 4thYear

TotalNo.ofStudents PerYear




ENTRYQUALIFICATION STPM Matriculation Diploma Others(PleaseSpecify) TOTAL


EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM G6




Breakdown in terms of Numbers of Academic Staff (Fulltime, PartTime and Interprogramme)byYearforallAcademicYearsforthePastFourYears ACADEMICSTAFF

200b/200c 200c/200d 200d/200e

(a) Totalnumberoffulltimestaff (includingthoseservicingother programme,staffonstudyor sabbaticalleave&tutors) (b)Fulltimeequivalentofacademic staffservicingotherprogramme (c)Academicstaff(onstudyor sabbaticalleave) (d)Tutors (e)Effectivefulltimeacademicstaff =(a)(b)(c)(d) (f)Fulltimeequivalentofacademic stafffromotherprogramme servicingthisprogramme (g)Fulltimeequivalentofparttime academicstaff FullTimeEquivalentAcademicStaff (FTES)ContributingtoStaff:Student Ratio=(e)+(f)+(g) Notes:

If an academic staff member is involved in teaching more than one degree programme (including offcampus anddistancelearning),thenthefulltimeequivalentofthatparticularstaffhastobecalculated. Forfulltimeequivalentstaffcalculation,thefollowingcanbeusedasabasis: OneFullTimeEquivalentStaffMembershouldnormallyhave15contacthours(lecture/tutorial/lab supervision/studentconsultation)perweek.

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM G7

Name PostHeld DateofFirst Appointmentatthe Fac/Sch/Dept. PartorFullTimeorfrom otherProgramme AcademicQualifications/ FieldofSpecialization/ InstitutionandYearof Award ProfessionalQualification Membershipin ProfessionalBodies Govt./Industry Practice This Fac/Sch/Dept. Professional Society(Indicate Society) Research Consulting/ WorkinIndustry Publications LevelofActivity (high,med,low,none) Yearsof Experience


EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM G8





AcademicQualificationofAcademicStaff Number

AcademicQualifications Doctorate Masters Bachelor TOTAL


ProfessionalQualificationsandMembershipinProfessionalBodies ofAcademicStaff Number

TypeofQualification/Field PEng CEng CPEng FIEM MIEM GraduateMemberIEM IEAust etc

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM G9



TABLE12 Post

PostHeldbyAcademicStaff Number Full Time Part Time

Professor Assoc.Professor Lecturer Others Tutors TOTAL

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM G10




PartorFullTime orFromOther Programme CoursesTaught(CourseCode/CreditHrs.)


EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM G11



PostHeld DateofFirst Appointmentatthe Fac/Sch/Dept. Academic Qualifications/Field ofSpecialization/ InstitutionandYearof Award



Govt./Industry Practice


YearsofExperience This Fac/Sch/Dept.

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM G12






200c/200d 200d/200e AVERAGE


200a/200b 200b/200c

EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM G13




INTRODUCTION This Appendix serves as a guide to all Evaluation Panel members who are appointed by the EAC, on their responsibilities and conduct during the accreditation exercise. It must be adhered to strictly in order to ensure consistencies between one Evaluation Panel to another in terms of evaluation and final recommendation. The Guidelines has been developed based on the IEM Accreditation Handbook for Engineering Degrees: Volume 1 & 2 and Buku PenilaianKursusPengajianIPTS,LAN,andimprovedfurtherbasedonfeedbacks fromWashingtonAccordMentorsandrelevantstakeholders,IHLandindustries.


PREPARATIONFORACCREDITATIONVISIT The Evaluation Panel needs to be aware of the EAC policies on accreditation as detailedinSection5ofthisManual.

The Evaluation Panel members shall read the programme documentation carefully, with a view to ensuring that it provides the necessary information soughtbytheEACintheprescribedformat. The Evaluation Panel will assess the Programme Objectives and Outcomes as well as carry out an evaluation based on all the accreditation Criteria 1 to 5 set forth in Section 7 of this Manual. The assessment includes the auditing and confirmation of documents submitted by the IHL. If the document submitted is not complete, the Evaluation Panel shall request for the additional information throughtheEAU. This Guidelines for Evaluation Panel is a useful tool for ensuring that every important aspect of a degree programme and its delivery are assessed and reported on. However, it should be remembered that the aim of the accreditation is to determine whether a degree programme meets the academic requirementsoftheEAC. The Evaluation Panel chair and Evaluation Panel members, either together or separately,shouldpreparealistofquestionsforeachsectionofthecriteriatobe certain that all aspects of the criteria have been addressed. If the IHL does not provide sufficient information, the EAU should be notified and asked to request the additional information from the IHL. When the information is received, it should be forwarded to the Evaluation Panel chair and Evaluation Panel
EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM GL1



members. It is highly desirable for the Evaluation Panel to meet face to face and/or communicate by phone and/or email (preaccreditation visit meeting) regardingissuesassociatedwiththeevaluationbeforethefinalDay(1)meeting. Issues related to curriculum should have been cleared before the Day (1) meeting.

DURINGVISIT Experience indicates that the success and credibility of an accreditation visit is shapedby: the professionalism and prior preparation of the Evaluation Panel and therigourandobjectivityofonsiteenquiriesandthereport, thequalityoffeedbackprovidedtotheIHLbytheEvaluationPanel, thetimelinessofreporttotheEAC. The visit schedule should allow time for group discussion among all Evaluation Panel members for preliminary feedback and discussion of issues with the Dean and/orHeadoftheFaculty/School/Department/Programme. TypicalSchedule Accreditation:Day(1) A day before the accreditation visit, the Evaluation Panel chair and Evaluation Panelmembersshouldholdafurthermeetingtofinalisetheirfindingsandother issuesrelatedtotheinstitutionalprogrammetobeevaluated.Itisalsoimportant toreviewthequestionsandconcernsthattheyhavedeveloped.Atthismeeting, theEvaluationPanelchairandEvaluationPanelmembersshoulddiscusstheEAC evaluationcriteriaandhowtheyapplytotheprogrammebeingevaluated. Thediscussionshouldinclude,butnottobelimitedtothefollowing: theprogrammeobjectivesandspecificationofgraduateoutcomes whether the development, review and attainment monitoring of graduateoutcomesareinformedbyindustrystakeholders whether the outcome specification drives a topdown educational design process
EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM GL2



whether the academic curricular reflects a professional engineering programme,andwhetheritsatisfiesthecriteriacompletely whether the learning outcomes and assessment measures within courses systematicallymaptotrackdeliveryofthetargetedgraduateoutcomes whether the mathematics, chemistry and physics courses are at appropriatelevels whetherthecontentofeachcourseisappropriate whetherthelevelofcoursematerialisappropriate whetherthecoursesarebuiltonpreviouscoursework whethertheteachinglearningprocessincludesappropriateassessment whethertheinternshipandprojectworkareatasufficientlevel students standing in terms of their admission standards, their academic performance,theirindustrialinternship the academic and support staff in terms of their credentials and qualifications, their range of competencies, their advanced degrees, their industrial experience, their teaching loads, their involvement and accountability as an Evaluation Panel member for educational design, reviewandimprovement,etc. whether the facilities are appropriate for the programme and operational, whether there are sufficient laboratory space for the programme,whethersafetyisathemeconveyedinthelaboratories,etc. whetherthequalitymanagementsystemisadequatefortheprogramme whethertheexternalassessmentisappropriate,consistentandfair whether the quality loop is properly closed at both programme and individualcourselevels

These matters should be discussed by the Evaluation Panel to ensure that they are all in agreement with the issues to be investigated during the accreditation visit and be used as a basis for finalising proposed questions or themes for questioning during the various visit sessions. A proposed schedule for the evaluation visit is provided below. It should be noted that the objective is to be efficient with the time available, and to ensure that all of the questions and issuesareaddressed. AccreditationVisit:Day1 8.309.00 EvaluationPanelMeeting(PrivateSession) 9.009.10 EvaluationPanelbriefingtotheIHL 9.109.30 IHL (Vice Chancellor/Rector/Dean/Head) briefing to the EvaluationPanel
EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM GL3



Meetings with Programme head(s) and leadership team to discuss curriculum design and quality system (includes morningtea) Meeting with academic staff (schedule to be established theeveningbefore) Evaluation Panel Meeting (Private Session) to review displayeddocuments(includesalightworkinglunch) EvaluationPanelVisittosupportingunitsandfacilities Meetingwithstudents Meeting with external stakeholders (employers, alumni, industry advisors/programme advisors) (includes a light refreshment) Evaluation Panel Meeting (Private Session) to discuss issuesandtopreparedraftreport

10.3012.00 12.002.00 2.003.00 3.004.00 4.005.00


6.00 Returntohotel 7.3010.30 EvaluationPanelWorkingDinner(PrivateSession) AccreditationVisit:Day2 8.3010.00 Evaluation Panel tour of engineering laboratories and associatedfacilities 10.0011.00 Evaluation Panel review of examinations, course materials andstudentwork(includesmorningtea) 11.0012.00 Evaluation Panel Meeting with technical/administrative staff (additional meeting with academic staff and/or studentsmayalsobearranged) EvaluationPanelMeeting(PrivateSession)(includesalight 12.002.00 workinglunch) 2.003.00 Evaluation Panel review of quality assurance system and outcomebasedassessmentprocesses
EngineeringAccreditationCouncil|BEM GL4



Evaluation Panel Meeting (Private Session) to revise draft report(includesalightrefreshment)

4.305.00 ExitmeetingwithIHLSeniorleadershipteam Throughout the discussions with the administrators, academic staff, students, and support staff, the Evaluation Panel should confirm that an outcomebased approachtoeducationisprogressivelybeingimplementedbytheIHL. Meeting with alumni, employers, and other stakeholders are important, as this would give an indication of their involvement in the CQI process of the programme. EVALUATIONPANELREPORT GENERALSTATEMENT

It is expected that all IHLs will strive to achieve and maintain the highest standards. Thus, the quality control aspect has to be audited by the Evaluation Panel. The Evaluation Panel is to evaluate the submitted documents and check on the relevant sections of Appendix C (Checklist of Documents for Accreditation/ApprovalofNewProgrammeandRelevantInformation). The Evaluation Panel is to prepare a report as per Appendix D (Evaluation Panel Report). Appropriate comments and remarks shall be made based on the assessment, which includes auditing and confirmation of the documents submittedbytheIHL. TheEvaluationpanelreport(AppendixD)shall: (a) StatewhethertheprogrammemeetsEACrequirements. (b) Where appropriate, provide constructive feedback (weakness and concern) and note positive elements (strength). Suggestion for opportunities for improvementshouldbegiveninthereport. (c) In the event of adverse comments, provide a judgement as to the seriousness, any remedial action proposed or required, the time frame for the remedial action, and whether accreditation should be recommended, or deferred. (d) MakeclearandunequivocalrecommendationstoEAC.
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The Evaluation Panel report should be forwarded to EAC no later than 4 weeks afterthevisit. For full accreditation, there should not be any weaknesses for each criterion (Section 7.1 to 7.5) including the programme objectives and outcomes (Section 3.0 and 4.0). Up to four (4) years accreditation may be recommended if the programme has several weaknesses (minor shortcomings) and concerns. Declined accreditation, would be recommended for the programme if there are anymajorshortcomings(noncompliances)foranyofthecriterion. Before proceeding with the thorough evaluation of the criteria, the Evaluation Panel must ensure that the following qualifying requirements have been met by theprogramme: 1. Minimum 120 credit hours of which 80 credit hours must be engineering subjectsnormallyofferedoverafouryearperiod 2. Finalyearproject 3. Industrialtraining 4. Minimumof8fulltimeacademicstaff 5. Staff:studentratioof1:25orbetter 6. Externalexaminer'sreport 7. ProgrammeObjectives 8. ProgrammeOutcomes If any of the requirements above are not met, the application for accreditation shallberejected.

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ASSESSMENTANDEVALUATION The following guidelines may be used by the Evaluation Panel to evaluate the ProgrammeObjectivesandProgrammeOutcomes. PROGRAMMEOBJECTIVES MANUAL REFERENCE
Section3.0(i) Programme Objectives

An engineering programme seeking accreditation shall have published Programme Objectives that are consistent with the mission and vision of the IHL, and are responsivetotheexpressedinterestofvariousgroupsofprogrammestakeholders. The following are examples of performance indicators expected for Programme Objectives: defined,measurableandachievable linkedtoProgrammeOutcomes haveownniche detailedoutanddocumented published consistentandlinkedtomission&visionofIHLsandstakeholderneeds linkedtocurriculumdesign reviewedandupdated The process of establishing the educational objectives should be evaluated by the EvaluationPanelbyexaminingtheevidenceprovidedbytheprogramme.Thefollowing guidelinesarerecommendedforevaluation: PerformanceLevel IndicativeGuide Poor Failtoaddresstheperformanceindicators Satisfactory Addressingmostoftheperformanceindicators Good Addressingallormoreoftheperformanceindicators

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The programme shall have a clear linkage between Programme Objectives and Programme Outcomes; having the process of formulating Programme Objectives; and the process of assessing and evaluating the achievement of ProgrammeObjectiveswithdocumentedresults;andtheevaluationresultsare usedinthecontinualimprovementoftheprogramme. The following are examples of performance indicators expected for Processes &Results: EstablishedprocessforformulatingProgrammeObjectives EstablishedprocessforassessingachievementofProgrammeObjectives Established process for evaluating achievement of Programme Objectives theperformancetargetoftheProgrammeObjectivesisachieved evaluationresultsareusedintheCQIoftheprogramme Theprocessforachievingthestatedobjectivesthroughcontinuousquality improvementshallbeevaluatedbasedonthefollowingguidelines: PerformanceLevel IndicativeGuide Poor Failtoaddresstheperformanceindicators Satisfactory Addressingmostoftheperformanceindicators Good Addressingallormoreoftheperformanceindicators

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The IHL shall provide evidence of stakeholders involvement in the programme withregardtoSections3.0(i)and(ii)oftheManual. The following are examples of performance indicators expected for StakeholdersInvolvement: high degree of involvement in defining Programme Objective statements highdegreeofinvolvementinassessingtheachievementofProgramme Objectives highdegreeofinvolvementinassessingimprovementcycles(CQI) involvementinstrategicpartnership Theinvolvementofstakeholdersshouldbeofprimeimportanceforthe programme.TheEvaluationPanelshallexaminetherelationshipestablished betweentheprogrammeandtheintendedstakeholders.Thefollowing guidelinesarerecommendedforevaluation: PerformanceLevel IndicativeGuide Poor Failtoaddresstheperformanceindicators Satisfactory Addressingmostoftheperformanceindicators Good Addressingallormoreoftheperformanceindicators

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Section4.0(i) Programme Outcomes


An engineering programme seeking accreditation must have published Programme Outcomesthathavebeenformulatedconsideringitems(i)to(x)giveninSection4.0of theManual,and/oranyaddedoutcomesbytheprogrammethatcancontributetothe achievement of its stated Programme Objectives. The Programme Outcomes must be shownlinkedtotheProgrammeObjectives. ThefollowingperformanceindicatorsareexpectedforProgrammeOutcomes: covers(i)to(x) linkedtoProgrammeObjectives haveownwordings haveownniche defined,measurableandachievable detailedoutanddocumented published consistentandtiedtoProgrammeObjectives outcomesinlinewithnationalneeds reviewedandupdated Evaluationshallbebasedonthefollowing: PerformanceLevel IndicativeGuide Poor Failtoaddresstheperformanceindicators Satisfactory Addressingmostoftheperformanceindicators Good Addressingallormoreoftheperformanceindicators

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Section4.0(ii) Processesand Results


The programme shall also establish a process of measuring, assessing and evaluating the degree of achievement of Programme Outcomes by the students. The results of thisassessmentprocessshallbeappliedforcontinualimprovementoftheprogramme. ThefollowingperformanceindicatorsareexpectedforProcessesandResults: processesforallelementsofcriteriaarequantitatively/qualitatively understoodandcontrolled processes are clearly linked to mission, programme objectives, and stakeholdersneeds systematicevaluationandprocessimprovementinplace CQIinvolvedsupportareas processesaredeployedthroughouttheprogramme,faculty,andIHLs soundandhighlyintegratedsystem commonsourcesofproblemsunderstoodandeliminated sustainedresults resultsclearlycausedbysystematicapproach Evaluationshallbebasedonthefollowing: PerformanceLevel IndicativeGuide Poor Failtoaddresstheperformanceindicators Satisfactory Addressingmostoftheperformanceindicators Good Addressingallormoreoftheperformanceindicators

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MANUAL REFERENCE Section 4.0(iii) Stakeholders Involvement

The IHL shall produce evidence of stakeholders involvement in the programme withregardtoSections4.0thesecondgroupof(i)and(ii)intheManual. The following performance indicators are expected for Stakeholders Involvement: high degree of involvement in defining Programme Outcomes statements highdegreeofinvolvementinassessingtheachievementofProgramme Outcomes highdegreeofinvolvementinassessingimprovementcycles(CQI) involvementinstrategicpartnership Theinvolvementofstakeholdersshouldbeofprimeimportanceforthethe programme.TheEvaluationPanelshallexaminetherelationshipestablished betweentheprogrammeandtheintendedstakeholders.Evaluationshallbe basedonthefollowing: PerformanceLevel IndicativeGuide Poor Failtoaddresstheperformanceindicators Satisfactory Addressingmostoftheperformanceindicators Good Addressingallormoreoftheperformanceindicators *PleaserefertothefollowingTablePO1forfurtherexplanationaboutevidenceetc.

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TablePO1Explanationonthepossibleevidencesacceptableforevaluation Required Featuresof Generallynot PossibleEvidence Comments Programme acceptable Outcomes Evidencemustbedirectly linkedtothespecific outcomebeingassessed. Studentsdonot Studentlearning Alimitedsetof possessthelong outcomesthathave performanceindicators term,objective, notbeendefined havebeendevelopedthat calibrated (e.g.,Whatis defineeachofthe perspectiveon effective outcomestobeassessed. theirperformance communication Datacollectionmethods levelthatfaculty skills?Howwillyou arefocusedonthe do.Therefore, knoweffective indicatorsandcaninclude studentopinion communication Demonstratio surveysareaweak suchthingsas:student nofStudent skillswhenyousee methodfor portfolios;subjectcontent Outcomes it?)Studentself examinations; demonstrating assessmentsand achievementof performanceevaluationof surveysareusedas outcomes.Using work/study,internorco theonlyevidenceof coursemappingto ops;and/orperformance studentoutcomes. observations.Surveysand documentsstudent Usingcourse otherindirectmeasures learningonly mappingasan documentswhatis providesecondary indicatorofstudent evidenceandshouldbe taughtnotwhat learning. usedinconjunctionwith islearned. directmeasuressuchas thoseabove. Theeducational experienceto Mapofoutcomestothe achievethe curriculumorassociated targeted Makingthe programmeactivities programme assumptionthat Outcomes (studentprofessional outcomesshould studentsachieveall Linkedtothe groups);coursesyllabithat beguaranteedto outcomesbymerely Curriculum indicatethedesired allstudents;itis completingthe programmelearning notnecessarythat curriculum. outcomesthatare alloutcomeshave coveredinthecourse. thesameemphasis inallprogrammes.
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ENGINEERINGPROGRAMMEACCREDITATIONMANUAL Collecting informationthatis notusedtoevaluate outcomes.; Schematicdrawingofthe inappropriateuseof assessmentprocesswitha assessmentmethods; timelinethatreflects nodirectmeasures systematicprocesses. ofstudentlearning, Documentationofhowthe overuseofsurveys; processisbeingsustained datacollectionis andwhatmultiple irregular;inefficient assessmentmethodsare process;inordinate beingusedtoassessthe facultyprogramme variousoutcomes. assessmentload; facultynotinvolved inthedecision makingprocess.


Assessment Process

Everyoutcome doesnotneedto beassessedyearly; assessmentcycles shouldmeet programmeneeds forinformation, butmustbe systematic. Systematictimeline fordatacollection shouldbeevident. Process coordinatoris desirable.

Documentationof Documentationthat resultswith doesnotfocus Summaryofresultsare evaluationis availablethatreflects directlyonthe importanttothis evidenceofsystematic process;presentation process.Generally, With outcomesassessment. ofrawdataorcharts alotofrawdataor Documented Summaries,evaluationof ofrawdatainstead tablesofresults Results results,andactiontakenis ofbriefsummariesof withnosummaries presentedoutcomeby findingsandaction generallyreflect outcome. taken(i.e.,data inadequate dump). evaluation processes. Adhocconsideration ofprogramme Datamustbeevaluatedby improvement; thefacultyoragroupof traditionalcourse facultyand evaluations& recommendationsfor Results student actiondocumented.For Appliedfor satisfactionsurveys thoseIHLsthathavehad Programme usedasbasisfor multiplecyclesof Improvement improvements. assessment, Failuretodocument documentationshould howthechangesthat reflecttheresultsof aremaderelateto previousimprovements. theevaluationofthe assessmentdata.
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ENGINEERINGPROGRAMMEACCREDITATIONMANUAL Facultynotinvolved indecisionsabout Outcomesaremeasurable, assessment; inthatthereare assessmentisdone Measurement performanceindicatorsfor byexternalparties; ofOutcomes eachoutcome,which useofmethodsthat enabledirect donotalignwith measurement. programmesown definitionofits outcomes.


Coursegradesdo notconstitute measurementof outcomes.Surveys allow measurement,but arenotdirectly focusedonstudent work.

Outcomes Relatedto Programme Objectives

Itisimportantto notethattheterms Nocleardistinction outcomesand betweenobjectives objectivesare andoutcomes.Terms notstandardised. areused Clearlinkagesbetweenthe Someprogrammes interchangeably aftergraduation mayuseother throughoutthe programmeobjectivesand termstodescribe document,anditis studentlearning thesame notclearthata outcomes. processes.Itis distinctionhasbeen importantto madebetweenhow understandthe theyareassessed termsbeingused andevaluated. byeach programme.


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Good Satisfactory Poor Addressing:NotatallYesalot Programme Structureand The academic curriculum and curricular design shall strongly reflect the philosophy and approach adopted in the programme structure. The programme Course Contents,and structure shall be appropriate to, consistent with, and shall support the attainmentorachievementoftheProgrammeOutcomes. Balanced Curriculum Emphasisonthecurriculumshallbeplacedontheunderstandingandacquisition of basic principles and skills of a discipline, rather than detail memorisation of facts. The curriculum shall also provide students with ample opportunities for analytical, critical, constructive, and creative thinking, and evidencebased decision making. The curriculum shall include sufficient elements for training students in rational thinking and research methods and other Programme Outcomeslistedbytheprogramme.Presenceofcocurriculumactivitiestoenrich students experiences, foster personal development and prepare them for responsibleleadership.Foreachcourse,titleshallbesuitable;prerequisitesshall bementioned,appropriateintermsofcontent. The course content and core materials etc. shall cover eachcomponent specified in Appendix B to an appropriate breadth and depth, and shall be adequate and relevant to the Programme Outcomes. Adequate time shall be allocated for each component of the content/course, including the elective courses. The sequence of contents shall be appropriate and updated to keep up with the scientific, technological and knowledge development in the field, and to meet the needs of society. There shall be mechanisms for regularly identifying topics of contemporaryimportanceatlocal,nationalandgloballevelsandtopicsthatmay notbeadequatelyaddressedinthecurriculum. Thecurriculumcontentshallcover: mathematical techniques, technical subjects, cocurriculum subjects and technicalcommunicationsubjects. technical proficiency in a major field of engineering, including the ability totackleawidevarietyofpracticalproblems.
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a professional attitude towards matters such as the design reliability and maintenance,productqualityandvalue,marketingandsafety. skillsinoralandwrittencommunication. an appropriate exposure to professionalism, codes of ethics, safety and environmentalconsiderations.

Programme Deliveryand Assessment Methods

The curriculum shall be balanced and includes all technical and nontechnical attributes listed in the Programme Outcomes. Electives are strongly encouraged, monitored, and appraised. The proportion of electives shall not exceed the core subjectsandshallpreferablyofferwideoptions.Thecurriculumintegratestheory with practice through adequate exposure to laboratory work and professional engineeringpractice. The programme delivery and assessment methods shall be appropriate to, consistent with, and shall support the attainment or achievement of the Programme Outcomes. Alongside traditional methods, other variety of teaching learning(delivery)modes,assessmentandevaluationmethodsshallbedesigned, plannedandincorporatedwithinthecurriculumtoenablestudentstoeffectively develop the range of intellectual and practical skills, as well as positive attitudes asrequiredintheProgrammeOutcomes. The assessment to evaluate the degree of the achievement of the Programme Outcomes by the students shall be done both at the programme as well as at course levels. The teachinglearning methods shall enable students to take full responsibilityfortheirownlearningandpreparethemforlifelonglearning. The Evaluation panel is to find out from Staff Members and Students on the opportunities provided for interaction and group learning. Tutorials must be supervised and attendance made compulsory. Sufficient contact hours must be allocated for consultation and interaction between staff members and students. The staff members can be full time academic staff members at the remote campuses,orqualifiedEngineersfromtheindustry. Tutorials, group learning, interaction and innovative educational experience are giventocomplementlectures.Tutorialandallotherdeliveryapproachesarepart andparceloftheprogrammesoastocomplementthelectures.Atutorialsession shouldpreferablynotexceed30studentsatanyonetime.

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ENGINEERINGPROGRAMMEACCREDITATIONMANUAL Laboratory LaboratoryreportsshallbecheckedbytheEvaluationPanel.


The assessment of laboratory reports shall have been done through a systematic manner. There must be proper laboratory supervision by academic staff members or qualified Engineers from the industry. Students shall receive sufficient laboratory work to complement engineering theory that is learnt through lectures. The laboratory should help students develop competence in executing experimental work. Students are working in groups, preferably not morethanfiveinagroup. Laboratory exercises shall be relevant and adequate, illustrative, developing instrumentation skills, and inspection of reports show that the required outcomeshavebeenachieved. FinalYear Project FinalyearprojectreportshallbecheckedbytheEvaluationPanel. The assessment shall have been done through a systematic manner. The appropriateness of the project topics in relation to the degree programme is to be monitored. It is proposed that at least 9 reports are to be examined by the EvaluationPanel(3fromthebestgroup,3fromthemiddlegroupand3fromthe poor group). The supervisors of the Projects must be academic staff members or qualified Engineers from the industry. The place where the projects are conductedshouldhavethefacilitiestosupporttheprojects. The final year projects is made compulsory to all students and demands individual analysis and judgement, and assessed independently from the work of others. The student is shown to have developed techniques in literature review and information prospecting. It provides opportunities to utilise appropriate modern technology in some aspect of the work, emphasising the need for engineers to make use of computers and multimedia technology in everyday practice. Industrial Training Exposuretoprofessionalengineeringpracticeintheformofanindustrialtraining scheme is made compulsory. The industrial training is shown to have exposed students and to have made them familiar and to be aware of to a practical level with all common engineering processes. Efforts have been made to assist all studentsgainplacementsofsuitablequality.

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Exposuretoengineeringpracticeareintegratedthroughoutthecurriculum.Ithas beenobtainedthroughacombinationofthefollowing: (a) lectures/talksbyguestlecturersfromindustry; (b) academicstaffwithindustrialexperience; (c) coursesonprofessionalethicsandconduct; (d) industryvisits; (e) anindustrybasedfinalyearproject; (f) regularuseofalogbookinwhichindustrialexperiencesarerecorded.

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Unlessstatedotherwise,theevaluationshouldfollowthisscale: Good Satisfactory Poor Addressing:NotatallYesalot

Entry Requirements (Academic) Transfer policy/Selection Procedures/Ap propriatenessof Arrangements forExemptions fromPartof the Course/Transfer Policy Student Counseling Workload

The entry requirement to the programme shall be evaluated to ensure that the students accepted are at the minimum qualifications required for training and educationasanengineer. The IHL shall develop a clear, documented and enforced policy on admission and transfer of students. The policy shall take into account the different background of students in order to allow alternative educational pathways. The exemptionsofcredithoursshallbebasedonjustifiablegrounds.Amaximumof 30%ofthetotalcredithoursisallowedforcredittransfer.

IHLs shall monitor and evaluate student performance, advise and counsel students regarding academic and career matters, as well as provide assistance inhandlinghealth,financial,stress,emotionalandspiritualproblems. Students shall not be over burdened with workload that may be beyond their abilitytocopewith. AverageCredithoursper14weeksemester: 18 25 16 & 17 15 or less Poor Satisfactory Good

Enthusiasmand The teachinglearning environment shall be conducive to ensure that students Motivation arealwaysenthusiasticandmotivated.
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IHLs shall also actively encourage student participation in cocurricular activities and student organisations that provide experience in management and governance, representation in education and related matters and social activities.

Observed The Evaluation Panel is to get a firsthand feel of the students achievement of Attainmentof theProgrammeOutcomesbyinterviewingandobservingthematrandom. theProgramme Outcomesby theStudents

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Unlessstatedotherwise,theevaluationshouldfollowthisscale: Poor Satisfactory Good Addressing:NotatallYesalot ACADEMICSTAFF

Adequacyof The staff shall be sufficient in number and competencies to cover all curricular AcademicStaff areas. Academic Qualification There must be at least 8 fulltime staff members for a particular degree programme.Itisproposedatleast60%ofthestaffmembersbefulltimers,and majority with PhDs in appropriate areas, while the remaining at Masters in appropriateareas Professional Qualification Research/ Publication StaffMembersareencouragedtoattaintheProfessionalEngineerstatusand beactiveinengineeringlearnedsocietiessuchasIEM,IMechE,IEEetc. Academic Staff members should be given opportunities to conduct research. TheIHLshouldhaveresearchgrantforthestaffmembers. ResearchOutputincludesrecentpublicationinconferences/refereedjournals andpatents. Industrial Involvement/ Consultancy TheEvaluationPanelistoassesswhetherthestaffmembersareinvolvedin appropriateconsultancyandindustrialjobs.

TeachingLoad Averageteachingload(teachinghoursperweek):<12hours(good),1215 (satisfactory),>15(poor), Motivation and Enthusiasm TheEvaluationPanelistohaveaseparatemeetingwiththefacultystaff memberstoassesstheirmotivationandenthusiasm.

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Useof TheFacultyisencouragedtoinviteengineersfromindustryandprofessional Lecturersfrom bodiestodeliverseminars/lectures/talkstostudents.However,thisisnot Industry/Public meantasreplacementofthefulltimestaffmembersforteachingpurposes. Bodies AwarenessOf theOutcome Based Approachto Education TheEvaluationpanelistoassessthestaffawarenessoftheOutcomeBased approachtoeducation.

SUPPORTSTAFF Qualifications Certificates,diplomasanddegreesintherelevantareas: >80%ofstaff(Good) 6080(Satisfactory) <60(Poor) Adequacyof SupportStaff 1LaboratoryStaffMemberto1Laboratory:Good 1LaboratoryStaffMemberto2Laboratories:6080%Satisfactory DEVELOPMENTOFSTAFF Staff

The IHL shall systematically plan and provide appropriate training, sponsorship for Postgraduate Studies/ sponsorship for conferences, sabbatical leave for the academic staff. Similarly for support staff, the IHL shall provide the opportunities forthemtoupgradetheircompetenciesthroughtrainingandpracticalexposure. TheIHLshallincorporateannualassessmentofthestaffperformancewhich takesintoaccountparticipationinprofessional,academicandotherrelevant bodiesaswellascommunityinvolvements. SimilarlytheIHLshallalsoestablishaworkingsystemforevaluation/feedbackby studentsonmattersrelevanttotheiracademicenvironment.

Staff Assessment

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Staff:Student The Evaluation Panel shall evaluate the ratio of academic staff: student for the Ratio programmeforthelastfouracademicsessions.Thefollowingguideshallbeused forevaluation. Poorerthan1:201:20orbetterpoorerthan1:151:15orbetter PoorSatisfactoryGood CRITERION4:FACILITIES Aspects GuideforEvaluation Facilities in terms of lecture rooms, laboratory facilities, library/resource centre, shouldbeavailableandaccessibletothestudents. In the case of offcampus/distancelearning mode, the Evaluation Panel should comment on whether the facilities are equivalent to those provided for the on campus students. In the case where the students are sent to the main campus to complete the experiments over a short period of time rather than being spread out (as in the case of main campus), the Evaluation Panel should commentontheeffectivenessofsuchapracticeinthereportafterinterviewing thestudents. Lecture Rooms Quantity Providedand Qualityof A/V (a) Lecture Rooms Quantity and Quality (in terms of furniture, environment andAVEquipment) Satisfactory Poor Good InadequateModeratelyAdequateAdequate

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ENGINEERINGPROGRAMMEACCREDITATIONMANUAL Laboratory/ Workshop Student Laboratory and Equipment


Laboratory/Workshop The laboratory facilities should be examined to ensure therearesufficientfacilitiesandequipmenttocaterforthestudents. Average Student Number per Laboratory Experiment where there is no group activity: 6ormore(Poor)45(Satisfactory)2orless(Good) Average Student Number per Laboratory Experiment where group activity is required: 6ormore(Poor)45(Satisfactory)3orless(Good)

IT/Computer IT/ComputerLaboratory Laboratory AverageNumberofStudentsperComputer:Aminimumof10:1 Adequacyof Software greaterthan6(Poor)45(Satisfactory)3orless(Good) Library/ Resource Centre Quantityof Books Provided The IHL is to have sufficient titles of text and reference books, standards and journalstosupportteachingandresearchfortheprogrammeevaluated. Foroffcampus/distancelearningmode,theEvaluationPanelshouldcomment onhowthelearningmaterialsaremadeavailableandaccessibletothestudents. PoorSatisfactoryGood AvailabilityNotatallYesalot

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Unlessstatedotherwise,theevaluationshouldfollowthisscale: Satisfactory Poor Good InadequateModeratelyAdequateAdequate

Qualityand Continuityof the Programme Attractand RetainaWell Qualified Academicand SupportStaff Acquire, Maintain,and Operate Facilitiesand Equipment

InstitutionalSupport,OperatingEnvironment,andFinancialResources The Evaluation Panel should examine the evidence provided by the Faculty/IHL on whether the institutional support and financial resources is sufficient so that the programme can be assured of quality and continuity. External support from externalbodiesshouldbeencouraged. The Evaluation Panel should examine the evidence provided by the Faculty/IHL on whether the institutional support and financial resources is sufficient so that theprogrammecanattractandretainwellqualifiedacademicandsupportstaff. Externalsupportfromexternalbodiesshouldbeencouraged. The Evaluation Panel should examine the evidence provided by the Faculty/IHL on whether the institutional support and financial resources is sufficient so that the programme can acquire, maintain and operate facilities and equipment. Externalsupportfromexternalbodiesshouldbeencouraged.

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ENGINEERINGPROGRAMMEACCREDITATIONMANUAL Systemfor Programme Planning, Curriculum Development ,andRegular Curriculum AndContent ProgrammeQualityManagementandPlanning


The Evaluation Panel should concentrate on auditing the implementation of the quality control system. Generally the Evaluation Panel will assess whether there are proper and sufficient policies/rules/regulations/ procedures in the Department/ Faculty or IHL; and whether those systems are implemented. Quality system such as ISO9000 should be encouraged. Other form of implementation for quality purposes such as external examiners, board of studies,andbenchmarkingshallalsobeevaluated. Theestablishedsystemfortheprogrammeshallbeevaluatedtoseethe effectivenessofsuchsystemtowardsimprovementoftheoverallprogramme quality. ExternalAssessmentandAdvisorySystem The programme shall appoint an external examiner to asses the overall quality of the programme. The Evaluation Panel shall examine the external examiners reports and determine whether the recommendations by the examiners have beenimplementedbytheprogrammetoimprovetheoverallquality.

External Examiners andhow theseare beingused forQuality Improvement Advisory Evaluation Panelfrom Industries andother Relevant Stakeholders Systemfor Examination Regulations including Preparation and Moderation of Examination Papers

The programme shall have advisory Evaluation Panel from industries and other relevant stakeholders. The programme shall provide evidence of meetings and dialogueswiththeadvisoryEvaluationPanelandtheextentoftheirinvolvement intermsofqualityimprovement.

QualityAssurance The IHL shall establish a working system for examination regulations including preparationandmoderationofexaminationpapers.

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ENGINEERINGPROGRAMMEACCREDITATIONMANUAL Systemof Assessment for Examinations ,Projects, Industrial Training


The IHL shall establish a working system for assessment of examinations, projects, industrial training and other forms of learning delivery. The scope of assessment shall be wide enough to cover the achievement of programme outcomes.

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DISTANCELEARNING/OFFCAMPUSPROGRAMMES The quality of the environment in which the programme is delivered is regarded as paramount in providing the educational experience necessary for engendering independenceofthoughtofitsgraduates. Theremustbeadequateclassrooms,learningsupportfacilities,studyareas,information resources (resource centres or libraries), computing and information technology systems, and general infrastructure to meet the programmes objectives. This must enable students to learn the use of modern engineering, organisational and presentation tools, and explore beyond the formal dictates of their specific programmeofstudy. For programmes offered wholly or partly in distance mode or at multiple or remote locations, communication facilities must be sufficient to provide students with the learning experience and support equivalent to oncampus attendance. There must alsobeadequatefacilitiesforstudentstudentandstudentstaffinteractions. Laboratories and workshops should be adequately equipped for experiments and handson experience in the areas of the engineering subjects. Adequate experimental facilities must be available for students to gain substantial understanding and experience in operating engineering equipment and of designing and conducting experiments. The equipment must be reasonably representative of modern engineering practice. Where practicalwork is undertaken at another IHL, or in industry, arrangements must be such as to provide reasonable accessibility and opportunityforlearning,aswellassupervisionandmonitoringbytheteachingstaff. In assessing the nontraditional mode of delivery, it is proposed that the Evaluation Panel should give a report that compares the system of the parent IHLs (or main campus) and the system in each of the remote locations or branch campuses or distancelearning modes. Assuming the syllabus and examination questions are the same, the following areas need to be addressed in detail (A table of comparison between the main campus and the remote location/distancelearning mode will be useful): (a)TeachingStaff Percentageoftheparttimestaffandtheirworkload Number of supporting academic staff members for tutorials or interaction with offcampusordistancelearningorremotelocationstudents Percentageofthestafffrommaincampusandtheirworkload
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ENGINEERINGPROGRAMMEACCREDITATIONMANUAL (b)Student Entryrequirement SelectionProcedures StudentCounseling ExposuretoIndustry EnthusiasmandMotivation Workload Interactionwithotherstudents Interactionwithteachingstaff (c) FacilitiesavailableattheRemoteLocation LectureRoomsandAVfacilities Laboratory/Workshop IT/ComputerandAdequacyofSoftware LibraryResources RecreationFacilities (d) QualityControl Assessmentofcoursework FinalExaminationandGrading ModerationorQualityAssuranceProcessbythemaincampus


Evaluation Panel visit is required for each remote location (preferably by the same EvaluationPanelwhoassessesthedegreeprogrammeatthemaincampus).

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