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Syllogism Rules Normally Every Book Uses venn diagrams to solve syllogisms.

But venn diagram method would kill out a lot of time to solve syllosims in an exam. so we are providing set of syllogism rules.I hope these rules are definetely helpful to solve Syllogism problems quickly in any bank exam Rule 1: Statement starting will keyword ALL Ex. Statement : All dogs are cats Conclusion : Some cats are dogs Rule 2: Statement starting will keyword SOME Ex. Statement : Some dogs are cats Conclusion : Some cats are dogs Rule 3: Statement starting will keyword NO Ex. Statement : No dog is a cat Conclusion : No Rule 4: Statement starting will keyword SOME NOT Ex. Statement Read Below statementstatementconclusion AllAllAll AllNoNo AllSomeNo SomeAllSome SomeSomeNo SomeNoSome NoNoNo NoAllSome NoSomeSome not reversed : cat is a dog


dogs table



cats Carefully:

Conclusion Conclusion Not Conclusion reversed


Note: You can cancel out common terms in two statements given, then on the remaining terms apply the syllogisms rules and solve Combination of statements: Ex 1: Statement : All tables are furniture All furniture are toys Conclusion : All tables are toys

Ex 2: Statement : All tables are furniture No furniture is a toy Conclusion : No table is toy Ex 3: Statement : All tables are furniture Some furniture are toys Conclusion : No conclusion Ex 4: Statement : Some tables are furniture All furniture are toys Conclusion : Some tables are toys Ex 5: Statement : Some tables are furniture Some furniture are toys Conclusion : No conclusion Ex 6: Statement :Some furniture are tables No table is a chair Conclusion : Some furniture are not chairs Ex 7: Statement : No table is a furniture No furniture is toy Conclusion : No conclusion Ex 8: Statement : No table is a furniture All furniture are toys Conclusion : some toys are not tables Ex 9: Statement : No chair is a table Some tables are furniture Conclusion : Some furniture are not chairs Note:Interchange between reading the question as well as the conclusion before arriving at the answers. Always evaluate each and every conclusion to find out how many conclusions are possible.

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