The Writer Is Co-Founder of The Stimson Centre in Washington

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A role reversal of this kind, mirroring Indias decades-long misfortunes in Kashmir, could only multiply Pakistans domestic woes.

A political settlement, if one can be found, will have to tackle this issue which, in turn, re uires improved ties between Pakistan and India. !awa" #harif has great sympathy and support in $ashington. %he &bama administration will continue to provide assistance to tackle Pakistans economic, energy and internal security woes. 'irst impressions in $ashington, as in Pakistan, suggest a man hobbled by the immensity of his countrys problems and the obstacles that others so easily place in his path. (ast month, at the margins of )! *eneral Assembly speechmaking, he and Indian Prime +inister +anmohan #ingh promised to uiet e,changes of fire across the Kashmir divide. %hese flares appear to outsiders as contrived to prevent !awa" from pursuing what he so clearly wants - improved relations and greater direct trade with India. As long as firing across the Kashmir divide continues, it suggests opposition to this agenda, which is critical to Pakistans well-being. +ore difficult, by orders of magnitude, will be taking action against e,tremists that are driving up Pakistans death toll. (eaving aside countries like #yria which are in the throes of a civil war, Pakistan now ranks above Afghanistan, and second only to Ira , in fatalities due to sectarian violence. The writer is co-founder of the Stimson Centre in Washington.

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