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First impressions in Washington, as in Pakistan, suggest a man hobbled by the immensity of his countrys problems and the obstacles

that others so easily place in his path. Last month, at the margins of UN General ssembly speechmaking, he and !ndian Prime "inister "anmohan #ingh promised to $uiet e%changes of fire across the &ashmir di'ide. (hese flares appear to outsiders as contri'ed to pre'ent Na)a* from pursuing )hat he so clearly )ants + impro'ed relations and greater direct trade )ith !ndia. s long as firing across the &ashmir di'ide continues, it suggests opposition to this agenda, )hich is critical to Pakistans )ell,being. "ore difficult, by orders of magnitude, )ill be taking action against e%tremists that are dri'ing up Pakistans death toll. Lea'ing aside countries like #yria )hich are in the throes of a ci'il )ar, Pakistan no) ranks abo'e fghanistan, and second only to !ra$, in fatalities due to sectarian 'iolence. The writer is co-founder of the Stimson Centre in Washington.

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