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Last month, at the margins of UN General Assembly speechmaking, he and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh promised to q iet

e!changes of fire across the "ashmir di#ide$ %hese flares appear to o tsiders as contri#ed to pre#ent Na&a' from p rs ing &hat he so clearly &ants ( impro#ed relations and greater direct trade &ith India$ As long as firing across the "ashmir di#ide contin es, it s ggests opposition to this agenda, &hich is critical to Pakistan)s &ell*being$ More diffic lt, by orders of magnit de, &ill be taking action against e!tremists that are dri#ing p Pakistan)s death toll$ Lea#ing aside co ntries like Syria &hich are in the throes of a ci#il &ar, Pakistan no& ranks abo#e Afghanistan, and second only to Iraq, in fatalities d e to sectarian #iolence$ The writer is co-founder of the Stimson Centre in Washington.

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