New Resume Format For MBA Student

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~ Mobile: +91- 9226581440 !e"iali#a$io%: Ma&o': (i%a%"e Mi%o': Ma')e$i%*


Management trainee position in finance utilizing exceptional analytical and communication skills. Long-term ob ective is to manage branch or department of financial institution.
$-./ i% 0'o*'e11

Pursuing MBA (Finance) from G.H. Raisoni Global Business School, Jalgaon, which is
affiliated to the nternational !ni"ersit# of $ienna, %ustria.

Pursuing M. Com (&ost %ccounting) from M. !. ". #ollege Malegaon $camp%, which is
affiliated to the Pune !ni"ersit#.
E.-"a$io%al 2-ali3i"a$io%

Bachelor of Commerce, (' %((eared in )**+,*- from M. !. ". #ollege Malegaon

$camp%, which is affiliated to the Pune !ni"ersit#.

Higher Secondary Certificate (Standard . )' %((eared in )*** from &. '. (. )idyalaya,
/alegaon, which is affiliated to the Pune !ni"ersit#.

Secondary School Certificate (Standard .)' %((eared in 0112 from &. '. (. )idyalaya,
/alegaon which is affiliated to 3asi4 Board.
Com!-$e' 0'o3i"ie%"/

/S 5ffice Photosho( /S,& 6 SPSS 6all#1.*

-mme' T'ai%i%* a%. 0'o&e"$1 De$ail1

Portfolio /anagement Ser"ices at 7ar"# Stoc4 Bro4ing 8td. at 3ashi4 Branch. Sector %nal#sis at !nicon n"estment Solution P"t. 8td. at 3ashi4 Branch. !tudy *f +rand consciousness of ,algaon #ity. $"roup pro ect% 'otential study for one more management institute in ,algaon. $"roup pro ect%.

I%.-1$'ial Vi1i$

Jain rrigation, Jalgaon 7o4ta 9all /ill Pari"ar Jalgaon. /atri: 8aboratories, H#derabad. 6%6% &onsultanc# Ser"ices. H#derabad



"ood Motivational and #ommunication skills. -mbitious. /nthusiastic. #reative and 0edicated to 1ork Leadership 2ualities and !mart 3orking nature.
C-''i"-l-m A"$i,i$ie1

'articipated in the 1orkshop on ;esearch Methodology in +usiness Management using !'!!. *rganized by ;aisoni "roup of :nstitution. 0iploma in 'ersonality 0evelopment and !oft !kill Management from <lan the =inishing !chool. (no3ledge !eries /vent of understanding the 4!upply #hain 5 6ime Management7 by 8sigma achievers of 9utan Mumbai 6iffin +ox !uppliers -ssociation.
4a%*-a*e1 K%o5%

;nglish (<RS) Hindi (<RS) /arathi (<RS)


6raveling. Listening music. :nteraction 3ith people. :nternet surfing.

0e'1o%al I%3o'ma$io%

Name: Date Of Birth: ermanent Addre!!: Contact Number: 9ate'

&hetan Ga=anan $ibhandi4 23rd 3o" 012+ >?>. 4!hree7 9i3as. !ubhash #ho3k. !angmesh3ar. Malegaon. 0ist-9asik. !tate- Maharashtra. 1))>?20--*@*)??-)+>2*?

Place' #ibhandi$

Chetan ".

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