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NOKIA PHONES secret codes Use at your own risk only.! NOKIA 5110 !

110 "o #iew I$EI nu%&er '(0!( "o #iew So)tware *ersion enter '(0000( +atest *ersion is under P,one In)o "y-e is NSE./N0 '(12302!41( o))ers you Serial Nu%&er and also I$EI nu%&er. ",ere are #arious o-tions to scroll ,ere. ",e ne5t screen is t,e date o) %anu)acture in t,e )or%at $ade6 1113 ",e ne5t screen is t,e -urc,ase date in t,e )or%at Purc,asin7 8ate6 1113 9t,is can &e edited: ",e ne5t screen ,as ;e-aired6 0000 9-resu%a&le at re-air t,e date is entered: ",e ne5t screen ,as "rans)er User 8ata< 9t,e sa%e o-tion as t,e 4110: "o e5it turn t,e -,one o)) and t,en &ack on. '//30( to acti#ate En,anced =ull ;ate 9'e)r0(: (//30( to deacti#ate En,anced =ull ;ate 9(e)r0(: '>320( to acti#ate Hal) ;ate 9',ra0(: (>320( to deacti#ate Hal) ;ate 9(,ra0(: A)ter -ressin7 t,ese codes t,e -,one will s,ut down and start u- a7ain wit, t,e ser#ice acti#ated deacti#ated. !110 Si% ?ard +ockin7 ",ere are )our di))erent ty-es o) Si% +ocks on t,e !110 9not sure a&out 5110 yet:. ?ountry +ock . +ock to S-eci)ic ?ountry Network +ock . +ock to Network Pro#ider +ock . +ock to Ser#ice Pro#ider Si% +ock . +ock to S-eci)ic SI$ ?ard "o see t,e status o) your -,one (-w@9%astercode:@0( 9%astercode: is a 10 di7it nu%&er AI"HOU" t,e &rackets. 0 is a nu%&er 1 t,rou7, >B it s,ows t,e a&o#e locks. Not sure o) w,ic, nu%&ers are assi7ned to w,ic, lock yet. Si% not restricted %essa7e %eans your -,one is NO" si% locked . ?,eck all > to &e sure. Addin7 NEA ;in7 "ones Set S$S? to @/54>05202111 9S%art $essa7in7: Sen) a S$S to 11111 wit, t,e word "ONES in t,e %essa7e A,en you 7et t,e re-lyB edit t,e %essa7e so t,at t,e tone t,at you want does not ,a#e a asterisk in )ront o) it. Now send t,e %essa7e to 11111. ",e -,one will dis-lay NEA ;INC"ONE ;E?EI*E8. ................................................................................ Secret codes )or Nokia 5110 only '(0!( )or c,eckin7 t,e I$EI 9International $o&ile EDui-%ent Identity: '(0000( )or c,eckin7 t,e -,ones so)tware 9SA: . called )ir%ware re#ision in)or%ation. +AS"ES" *ersion *. >.51 901.0!.14: *ersion *. >.51 92!.0/.14: ",is is w,at t,e Nokia 5110 dis-lays w,en so)tware code is ty-ed. * 0>.51 2!.0/.14 NSE.1 =irst line6 ",e So)tware *ersion 9$y 7uess is t,at t,is so)tware ,as &een used in -re#iously Nokia.-,onesB w,at do you say<!:. Second line6 ",e date o) t,e SA release. ",ird line6 NHE.4 ,as so%et,in7 to do wit, t,e ty-e o) -,one you are dealin7 wit,. Is it CS$ 100 9standard:B CS$ 1400 98?S1400: or CS$ 1100 9P?S1100:< Nokia 2110B /110B 41109i: are all NHE ty-es. ",e only t,in7 t,at #ary is t,e code a)ter NHE. 9E4E:. NHE F CS$ 100B NHK FCS$ 1400 . ",e nu%&er in t,e end F t,e %odel 92110i F > etc.: ",e 5110 and !110 is called NSE.1 and NSE./...t,is %ay &e &ecause it su--orts E=; 9<: So)tware u-dateB ,ow<

I ,a#e &een asked a lot a&out ,ow to u-date t,e so)tware in Nokia /110. ",e only t,in7 to do 9)or you and %e: is )or us to 7o to t,e nearest Nokia dealer and %ake ,i% do it )or you. Gust re%e%&er t,at it is su--osed to &e )ree 9a recei-t is reDuiet: so donHt let ,i% tell you anyt,in7 else! '(3>!025!25( I'(si%0clock(J to c,eck i) t,e Si%.?lock can &e Sto--ed 9Si%.clock.sto- is a kind o) stand&y %ode w,ic, will sa#e &attery ti%e: '(12302!41( I'(war0anty(J Aarranty code. $enu6 16 8is-lays Serial Nu%&er. 26 8is-lays t,e $ont, and Kear o) $anu)acture 90113: /6 8is-lays 9i) t,ere: t,e date w,ere t,e -,one was -urc,ased 9$$KK: you can ,ere set t,e Purc,asin7 8ate 9Aarnin76 Kou can only do t,is once . so &e care)ul w,at you write...: >6 8is-lays t,e date o) t,e last re-air%ent . i) )ound 90000: !6 8oes anyone know i) t,is is )or u-7radin7 t,e -,oneHs EEP;O$<< 9"rans)er user data<: ",e Ser#ice -ro#ider 9SP: lock is used to lock t,e cell -,one to t,e SPHs SI$ card. Once t,e cell -,one is locked to a s-eci)ic o-eratorB i) one inserts a SI$ card )ro% a di))erent o-erator t,e -,one will re)use to acce-t it! ",e cell -,one will ,owe#er acce-t anot,er SI$ card )ro% t,e sa%e o-erator. All Nokia -,ones 92110 and newer: ,a#e )our di))erent SI$ locks w,ic, can &e used to lock t,e -,one )or u-to > di))erent -ro#iders. Lut %ost -,ones wit, restriction only ,a#e one lock acti#ated. 9 lock 1: ",e %ain code used in Nokia -,ones is6 (-w@9%aster code:@K( ",is code is a&le to c,eckB acti#ate or re%o#e Si% card restriction 9SP.lock:. Use t,e ' key to 7et t,e -B @ and w c,ars. HKH ,as to &e 1B2B/ or > . de-endin7 o) w,at lock you w,at to deal wit,. (-w@12/>5!3410@1( )or Pro#ider.+ock status (-w@12/>5!3410@2( )or Network.+ock status (-w@12/>5!3410@/( )or Pro#ider9<<<:.+ock status (-w@12/>5!3410@>( )or Si%?ard.+ock status 9%aster code: is a 10 di7it codeB &ased on t,e -,ones I$EI nu%&er. 9I can NO" 7i#e you t,e %aster code . SO 8ONH" ASK $E =O; I" !!!!!!!: E56 "o re%o#e restriction on lock 1 ty-e )ollowin7 code6 (-w@9%aster code:@1( I) you Must want to c,eck your -,one use 10 rando% nu%&ers E7. 12/>5!3410 as t,e 9%aster code: e7. "o c,eck i) -,one i) restricted on lock 1 ty-e t,e )ollowin7 code6 (-w@12/>5!3410@1( En,anced =ull ;ate ?odec 9E=;:6 On6 Enter '//30( and E=; will &e acti#ated a)ter a re&oot o) t,e -,one 9 consu%es %ore -ower : O))6 Enter (//30( and E=; will &e switc,ed o)) a)ter a re&oot o) t,e -,one. Hal) ;ate ?odec6 On6 Enter '>320( and Hal) ;ate coded will &e acti#ated a)ter a re&oot o) t,e -,one 9 &etter stand&y ti%e : O))6 Enter (>320( and Hal) ;ate coded will &e de.acti#ated a)ter a re&oot o) t,e -,one En,anced =ull ;ate will 7i#e you %uc, &etter sound Duality w,en you ena&le it. ",e new En,anced =ull ;ate ?O8E? ado-ted &y CS$ uses t,e ASE+P 9Al7e&raic?ode E5citation +inear Prediction: co%-ression tec,nolo7y. ",is tec,nolo7y allows )or %uc, 7reat #oice Duality in t,e sa%e nu%&er o) &its as t,e older =ull ;ate ?O8E?. ",e older tec,nolo7y was called +P?.;PE 9+inear Prediction ?odin7 wit, ;e7ular Pulse E5citation:. Lot, o-erate at 1/ kilo&its.9&ut you take u%ore s-ace on t,e networkB so t,ey can c,ar7e you %ore: . "alk.ti%e is reduced wit, a&out 5N Hal) ;ate will 7i#e you &ad soundDualityB w,ic, 7i#es t,e ser#ice-ro#ider t,e o--ortunity to ,a#e %ore calls on t,e networkB and you %i7,t 7et a lower c,ar7e )ro% t,e%. . Aill 7i#e you /0N lon7er talk.ti%e. "i-s O in)o Power Lutton "i-6 I) you -ress t,e &utton )or a s,ort %o%entB t,e %enu wit, t,e -ro)iles is s,own on t,e dis-lay.

I) you -ress one %ore ti%eB t,e %o&ile turns itsel) o)). Kou can use t,e u- and down cursor keys to scroll and ena&le a di))erent alert settin7. ",e 5>( "i-6 "y-e 1(B 2(........5>( on t,e key-ad 9w,en youHre not in t,e %enu: to 7et t,e -,one nu%&er used )or wit, t,is key w,en s-eed dialin7. "o77le Headset and Auto settin7s (16 "ry ?onnect t,e -in.out 1.2 9in )ront )ro% t,e ri7,t.: to to77le ,eadset settin7s 9",e -,one will t,ink t,at you ar usin7 a ,eadset . E,eadsetE is dis-layed in t,e +?8: (26"ry ?onnect t,e -in.out 2./ 9in )ront )ro% t,e ri7,t.: to to77le auto settin7s 9",e -,one will t,ink t,at you ar usin7 it in t,e car . EautoE is dis-layed in t,e +?8: ................................................................................ Secret codes )or Nokia !110 only '(0!( )or c,eckin7 t,e I$EI 9International $o&ile EDui-%ent Identity: '(0000( "o #iew So)tware *ersion. '(war0anty( Kou donHt need t,e any %ore . you can Must scroll t,rou7, t,e in)or%ation like in any ot,er %enu. It ,as t,e t,e sa%e data as 4155 and /155 -,ones 9wit, EEditE &utton )or -urc,ase dateB and EUser data trans)erE:. $enu6 16 8is-lays Serial Nu%&er. 26 8is-lays t,e $ont, and Kear o) $anu)acture 90113: /6 8is-lays 9i) t,ere: t,e date w,ere t,e -,one was -urc,ased 9$$KK: you can ,ere set t,e Purc,asin7 8ate 9Aarnin76 Kou can only do t,is once . so &e care)ul w,at you write...: >6 8is-lays t,e date o) t,e last re-air%ent . i) )ound 90000: !6 8oes anyone know i) t,is is )or u-7radin7 t,e -,oneHs EEP;O$<< 9"rans)er user data<: ",e Ser#ice -ro#ider 9SP: lock is used to lock t,e cell -,one to t,e SPHs SI$ card. Once t,e cell -,one is locked to a s-eci)ic o-eratorB i) one inserts a SI$ card )ro% a di))erent o-erator t,e -,one will re)use to acce-t it! ",e cell -,one will ,owe#er acce-t anot,er SI$ card )ro% t,e sa%e o-erator. All Nokia -,ones 92110 and newer: ,a#e )our di))erent SI$ locks w,ic, can &e used to lock t,e -,one )or u-to > di))erent -ro#iders. Lut %ost -,ones wit, restriction only ,a#e one lock acti#ated. 9 lock 1: ",e %ain code used in Nokia -,ones is6 (-w@9%aster code:@K( ",is code is a&le to c,eckB acti#ate or re%o#e Si% card restriction 9SP.lock:. Use t,e ' key to 7et t,e -B @ and w c,ars. HKH ,as to &e 1B2B/ or > . de-endin7 o) w,at lock you w,at to deal wit,. (-w@12/>5!3410@1( )or Pro#ider.+ock status (-w@12/>5!3410@2( )or Network.+ock status (-w@12/>5!3410@/( )or Pro#ider9<<<:.+ock status (-w@12/>5!3410@>( )or Si%?ard.+ock status 9%aster code: is a 10 di7it codeB &ased on t,e -,ones I$EI nu%&er. 9I can NO" 7i#e you t,e %aster code . SO 8ONH" ASK $E =O; I" !!!!!!!: E56 "o re%o#e restriction on lock 1 ty-e )ollowin7 code6 (-w@9%aster code:@1( I) you Must want to c,eck your -,one use 10 rando% nu%&ers E7. 12/>5!3410 as t,e 9%aster code: e7. "o c,eck i) -,one i) restricted on lock 1 ty-e t,e )ollowin7 code6 (-w@12/>5!3410@1( En,anced =ull ;ate ?odec 9E=;:6 On6 Enter '//30( and E=; will &e acti#ated a)ter a re&oot o) t,e -,one 9 consu%es %ore -ower : O))6 Enter (//30( and E=; will &e switc,ed o)) a)ter a re&oot o) t,e -,one. Hal) ;ate ?odec6 On6 Enter '>320( and Hal) ;ate coded will &e acti#ated a)ter a re&oot o) t,e -,one 9 &etter stand&y ti%e : O))6 Enter (>320( and Hal) ;ate coded will &e de.acti#ated a)ter a re&oot o) t,e -,one IN=O En,anced =ull ;ate will 7i#e you %uc, &etter sound Duality w,en you ena&le it. ",e new En,anced =ull ;ate ?O8E? ado-ted &y CS$ uses t,e ASE+P 9Al7e&raic?ode E5citation +inear Prediction: co%-ression tec,nolo7y. ",is

tec,nolo7y allows )or %uc, 7reat #oice Duality in t,e sa%e nu%&er o) &its as t,e older =ull ;ate ?O8E?. ",e older tec,nolo7y was called +P?.;PE 9+inear Prediction ?odin7 wit, ;e7ular Pulse E5citation:. Lot, o-erate at 1/ kilo&its. 9&ut you take u- %ore s-ace on t,e networkB so t,ey can c,ar7e you %ore: . "alk.ti%e is reduced wit, a&out 5N IN=O Hal) ;ate will 7i#e you &ad soundDualityB w,ic, 7i#es t,e ser#ice-ro#ider t,e o--ortunity to ,a#e %ore calls on t,e networkB and you %i7,t 7et a lower c,ar7e )ro% t,e%. . Aill 7i#e you /0N lon7er talk.ti%e. S%art%assa7in7 wit, Nokia !110. Ait, t,e tone /! you can 7et anot,er rin7in7 tone #ia S%art%assa7in7 9 4110i : =irst you %ust ,a#e a 4110iB ne5t order a new rin7in7ton wit, your SI$.?ard in t,e 4110iB select one and order #ia S$SB i) your S$S was send succes)ull you %ust turn o)) your 4110i. "ake your SI$ )ro% t,e 4110i into t,e !110 and switc, it on. A)ter a )ew seconds you recei#e a S$S 9",e new rin7in7 tone:. ;ead t,e S$S and you can ,ear your new tone in t,e %enu as tone /!. Anot,er way o) doin7 it 9t,e easy way w,en it co%es to all...: As )ar as I knowB t,is -erticular -rocedure only works wit, t,e !110. Also note t,at so%e network o-erators does not allow you to %ake international calls wit,out )irst -ayin7 a de-ositB and t,is syste% is in =inland. Le)ore c,an7in7 t,e S$S ?entre nu%&erB you also %i7,t want to write t,e old nu%&er down. In Es,ortE ,ereHs w,at you do. +ooks co%-licatedB &ut once youH#e 7ot t,e %essa7e te%-lateB youHre rockinH. 1: ?,an7e t,e S$S ?entre Nu%&er )ro% w,ate#er youH#e 7ot now to @/54>05202111 2: Send an S$S %essa7e wit, word "ONES to nu%&er 11111 Ha#e a #ery s%all cu- o) co))ee w,ile waitin7 )or "AO %essa7es to &e recei#ed &y your -,one 9",ereHll &e %ore i) youH#e 7ot deli#ery re-orts ON:. ",ese %essa7es are two -arts o) a list o) %elodiesB and t,e )irst %essa7e is used as a te%-late to reDuest a %elody. Keyin7 it in %anually takes )ore#erB and ne#er worked )or %e. Kou could look t,rou7, &ot, o) t,e% and write down all t,e %elody na%es and t,en erase t,e second %essa7e. /: "ri% t,e )irst %essa7e down. A,en you recei#e itB itHll look so%et,in7 like t,is6 tones PQ*con)6 &ee-s.con) PQ*nu%&er6 @>>12/>5!3410 Select rin7tone P.)ilena%e .P)i7aro1 P')lute P',un7aria P',un7ary2 P'M&ells P'larry P'li&erty P'%oRart/ ",e %essa7e ca &e tri%%ed down to6 tones PQ*con)6 &ee-s.con) PQ*nu%&er6 @>>12/>5!3410 Select rin7tone P.)ilena%e .P)i7aro1 ..and sa#ed it. 9E@>>12/>5!3410E a&o#e is Must an e5a%-le nu%&er. On your -,one itHll &e your nu%&er: >: Now t,at you ,a#e t,is sa#ed te%-lateB all you ,a#e to do is o-en

t,e %essa7eB edit it and re-lace t,e E)i7aro1E %elody na%e wit, w,ic,e#er %elody you want to download. 5: An e5a%-le %essa7e to send )or reDuestin7 t,e $ont,y Pyt,onH =lyin7 ?ircus ",e%e w,ic, is t,e Eli&eryE %elody would &e6 tones PQ*con)6 &ee-s.con) PQ*nu%&er6 @>>12/>5!3410 Select rin7tone P.)ilena%e .Pli&erty !: A)ter youH#e sent t,is %essa7e and 7one &ack to t,e %ain screenB you s,ould &e noti)ied t,at t,e -,one ,as recei#ed a rin7 toneB and you can listen to itB sa#e it or discard it. 3: I) you sa#ed itB itHll a--ear as rin7 tone nu%&er /! in t,e list 9to not include t,is in t,e na%e! +ist o) %elodies6 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS )i7aro1 9Pro&a&ly so%et,in7 )ro% =i7aroHs Aeddin7: )lute 9$isc )ro% $oRartHs $a7ic =lute: ,un7aria 9Not tried it: ,un7ary2 9Not tried it: M&ells 9Gin7le Lells: larry 9+eisure Suit +arry: li&erty 9$ont,y Pyt,on t,e%e: %oRart/ 9Not tried it: nac,t 9Not tried it: nutc,in 9Not tried it: nut)air 9Not tried it: nut%arc, 9Not tried it: nuttre9Not tried it: nutwltR 9Not tried it: sonatac 9Not tried it: star 9StarsHn Stri-es<: was,-ost 9A %arc, 6.: +isten to t,e %elodies 9in %-/: &e)ore 8ownload t,e tone wit, your Nokia $o&ile... 9",e )iles are %issin7 at t,e %o%ent..&ut t,ey will &e ,ere soonB sorry!: =i7aro191/1 K&: Nut?,in954 K&: =lute9122 K&: Nut=air9105 K&: Hun7aria913> K&: Nut$arc,944 K&: Hun7ary2913 K&: Nut"re-943 K&: GLells9101 K&: NutAltR911! K&: +arry91!3 K&: Sonatac91/3 K&: +i&erty911/ K&: Star91/1 K&: $oRart/91>5 K&: Aas,-ost9115 K&: Nac,t912> K&: Cet t,e &est $-/ Player ,ere6 AinA%- NullSo)tBInc. "HANKS 7oes to Es-en +yn7aas ................................................................................ Ot,er new ;in7in7 tones. Send an S$S to @234//215111 9$"N Su&scri&ers: or @2342/215111 9*odaco% Su&scri&ers: in t,e )ollowin7 )or%at6 9Su&scri&ers outside Sout, A)rica can send to eit,er nu%&er: =or%at6 ;"'NA$E e7. ;"'KNICH" will send t,e ;in7in7 "one Kni7,t ;ider to your -,one NL. Only ONE ;in7in7 tone can &e re-laced. ",at is t,e -ersonal one. Eac, ti%e you download a new tone it will re-lace t,e old one. "o 7et a list o) ;in7in7 tones a#aila&le send a %essa7e +IS" to one o) t,e a&o#e nu%&ers. ",e ;in7in7 "ones a#aila&le at -resent are 6 So%e ;in7in7 "ones Ha#e &een re%o#ed as we &elie#e t,ere %ay &e co-yri7,t on t,ese tunes. I) you know i) any ot,er

tunes w,ere t,ere %ay &e co-yri7,tB -lease e.%ail %e and I will re%o#e t,e%. NA$E "O LE SEN" *IA S$S 8ES?;IP"ION O= ;INCINC "ONE6 EN"E;" ",e%e )ro% t,e Entertainer $ISSION $ission I%-ossi&le K$?A K$?A =+IN"S" =lintstones AASHPOS" AE88INC Aeddin7 $arc, A8A$S Ada%s =a%ily LA;LIE Lar&ie 8oll LA""+E LENNKH LO+E;O ?OUN"8 +OONEK +ooney "unes ;OALOA" ;owB ;ow ;ow your &oat S?A"$AN S?OOLK8OO UKKONOOA KES"E;8AK AL8E+ AAHO+E LO;E"US L;AH$S ?O+ONE+ 8?;O?K 8EA"H 8UA+INC EU;OPE =+U"E HA++OAEEN HEK HUNCA;IA I$PE;IA+ ISON"A+ON GANIS +AS"EN +ATINCAN +E*ON $AA$$E $UNS"E;S NA?H" NU"=AI; PI??O+O PIENI PO+KKA ;OS*O;OOPE SESA$E SUU;IGA$A SA=INA+ "E+E"ULLIES ",anks 7oes to Garkko *il,unen )or t,e correct s%s nu%&ers. ................................................................................ +atest So)tware #ersion6 >.//. In t,is swB it actually i%-ro#e t,e rece-tion Duality and %ake so%e c,an7es to t,e S$S rin7in7.",ere are so%e %inor c,an7es to t,e -ro)ile %enus6 H+on7 O +oudH S$S alert is now called HAscendin7H. HAarnin7 "onesH is now HAarnin7 and Ca%es "onesH. It also see%s t,at t,e S$S #olu%e is linked to t,e rin7in7 #olu%e. i.e. i) t,e I set rin7in7 le#el 1 t,e S$S alert is Duiet and so on.

An i%-ro#e%ent6 ",e HNo Ser#iceH areas &etween cells see% to ,a#e disa--eared. A,en t,e -,one does 7o HNo Ser#iceHB it will #ery Duickly lo7 onto a new cellB usually wit,in a )ew seconds. A 7reat i%-ro#e%ent )ro% t,e last. 91 . 2 %inutes: Lecause o) t,is I ,o-e to see an i%-ro#e%ent in &attery li)e as t,e -,one is not 7oin7 on to )ull -ower to try and )ind a cell to lo7 on to. E#er t,e less6 ",e &uRRin7 in t,e ear-iece is still -resent. ",e deskto- c,ar7er now works correctly w,en t,e -,one is inserted wit, t,e &attery connected. A &u76 w,en editin7 a s%s t,e cursor is one c,aracter %ore to t,e ri7,t on t,e dis-lay! In ot,er -lacesB e.7. t,e -,one&ookB e#eryt,in7 is nor%al! t,ou7, A -ro&le% wit, Nokia 8ata Suite 1.2 9N8S:. ",e in)ra red )unction ,as now 7one inter%ittent. I ,a#e con)ir%ed t,is &y usin7 a */.1> -,one w,ic, works -er)ectly wit, %y installed #ersion o) t,e N8S. Lasically i) I connect t,e -,one usin7 t,e ;S2/2 ca&le t,e N8S works )ine. I) I t,en disconnect and re.connedct usin7 I;B also no -ro&le%. I) I t,en disconnect and re.connect a 2nd ti%e usin7 Ir I 7et no connection. ",e Ir sy%&ol on t,e -,one )las,esB t,en 7oes staticB t,en )las,es a7ain. Nokia are lookin7 into t,is )or %e. ",anks 7oes to 8ody Soe,ardy and so%e ot,er 7uys. ................................................................................ "i-s O in)o ",e 5>( "i-6 "

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