Williamsvictoria CB Vocab

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Victoria Williams


a two-digit numerical system, which computers use to store data and compute functions

Noun this Binary is so cool

Victoria Williams



machine that performs 4 basic functions: input, processing, storage, and output

noun Ihave a apple computer

Victoria Williams


physical parts of the computer that you can see and touch

noun the hardwre on my computer is mest up

Victoria Williams


physical parts of the computer that you can see and touch

noun the hardwre on my computer is mest up

Victoria Williams

Input Device


devices used to enter data into the computer; mouse, keyboard, scanner, microphone, digital camera are input devices.

Noun My dad has a input device in his bag

Victoria Williams

Output Devices

devices used to put out data processed by the computer; monitor, printer, and speaker are output devices.

noun I have a output devices.

Victoria Williams

Operating System

loads automatically and controls just about everything on your computer. Example: Microsoft Windows.

noun all computers have a operating system

Victoria Williams


v-- The main body or brain of a computer, also called the system unit.

Noun I have never sean a processor in my life

Victoria Williams

Software Software

-- the programs or other "instructions" that a computer needs to perform specific tasks

Noun I clik software

Victoria Williams

Storage devices

a hardware device used to record and store data, such as a hard drive, flash drive, floppy disk, CD ROM, memory card

noun My mom hays a storage devices

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