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Curriculum Vitae


Ahmed Charkaoui
Ariesului Street nr. ! "alati #Romania$ %&'()*+ *+ a,

6O7 APPLIE2 FOR /OR0 E1PERIENCE %4 Ma. 5%4) 8 4* Ma. 5%4) 2ri9er and seller Ahni:;<ruct Srl! "alati #Romania$

%4 March 5%44 8 %4 A=ril 5%45

2ri9er and seller Ahmadi CO SRL! "alati #Romania$

E23CATION AN2 TRAININ" 5%%( 8 5%4%

Pu>lic administration technician

The Na9. ?i@h School Romania;"alati Marketin@! Conta>ilit.! Econom.! En@lish! French! Mathematics! "eo@ra=h.

%4 Octo>er 5%4% 8 5& 6une 5%4)

Trade ! Turism and Ser9ices Econom.

The 2anu>ius Economics 3ni9ersit. o< "alati Pu>lic Administration TechnicianALicensed in 7ussiness Administration

Currentl. attendin@ <irst .ear o< 7usinnes Mana@ement s=eciali:ed in Tourism si Trade 8 o>tainin@ m. Master de@ree. PERSONAL S0ILLS Mother ton@ue#s$ Other lan@ua@e#s$ Romanian






S=oken interaction

S=oken =roduction

En@lish Ara>ic

74 A4

74 A4

74 A4

74 A4

74 A4

Le9elsB A4AA5B 7asic user ; 74A75B Inde=endent user ; C4AC5B Pro<icient user Common Euro=ean FrameCork o< Re<erence <or Lan@ua@es

Communication skills

Lider s=irit! ca=acit. o< @i9in@ =roducti9it. e9en under stress conditions! or@ani:ational ca=acit. in Critten and oral discourse !<ast assimilation o< neC in<ormations and skills! seriousness! interessed in Doinin@ socio;cultural acti9ities

European Union, 2002-2013 |

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Or@anisational A mana@erial skills

"reat s=irit o< e9aluation and im=ro9ement! monitori:in@ team Cork # Eualit. control$! !=unctuali. !@reat at auto=er<ctionin@ These skills Cere @ained and im=ro9ed as a result o< Cork eF=erience and seminars i had attended ! related to =ersonal and >usiness de9elo=ment

6o>;related skills

"ained @reat communication skills as a seller resultin@ <rom interaction Cith all kinds o< =eo=le
"ood command in MS O<<ice #/ord! EFcel! PoCerPoint$ /indoCs! Internet EF=lorer

Com=uter skills

A22ITIONAL INFORMATION 7 cate@or. dri9er license #since 5%% $ ?o>>ies B ; >od.>uildin@ ; tennis 8 & .ears acti9e! lots o< com=etitions attended ! o>tained 'th =lace at a +;4% .ear olds com=etition ; com=uter @ames ; readin@ all kind o< >ooks a>out =s.cholo@ical de9elo=ment! =ersonal de9elo=ment and reli@ion ; Cent to marketin@ themed seminars held >. the <amous Lorand Soares S:as: ANNE1ES

European Union, 2002-2013 |

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