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Requirements: 1) Complete an Adopt An Element information sheet. (60% of grade)

You may use a variety of reference sources. Possible ideas are encyclopedias (book or CD Rom), science encyclopedias, science catalogs, magazines, and/or Internet sites*. Information sheets must be neat, written in black ink, and contain all the information requested. You also need to provide a list of your sources on the back of your information sheet. A minimum of three sources are required.

2) Create an advertisement for your element. (40% of grade)

The advertisement must include the elements name, symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, cost, and an advertising slogan that describes one or more of its important uses. Advertisements must be neat, colorful, and contain all the information listed above. You may add pictures that relate to your advertisement theme.

Example: Be sure to include: Elements symbol Elements name Atomic number Atomic mass Ad slogan Cost Your name You may add pictures or drawings that illustrate the various uses for your element. Your ad must follow the same format as this example!



Atomic Mass Atomic Number Symbol & Name

Arsenics a sure fire way to deal with a nasty rat, It works better than a mean old cat! Cost = $3.20 for 1 gram John Smith


Cost Name

A list of periodic table sites is available on

The Science Spot Go to Kid Zone, then choose Chemistry Links

Adopt An Element
Fact Sheet
Symbol ______________ # of Protons ______________ Melting Point oC ______________

Name ____________________________________ Element ___________________________

Atomic Number ______________ # of Neutrons ______________ Boiling Point oC ______________

Atomic Mass ______________ # of Electrons ______________ Normal Phase ______________

Cost = __________ for __________ Classification: H Nonmetal H Metal H Metalloid

My element belongs to the ___________________________ family. Origin of Name ____________________________________________________________________ Discovered by __________________________________________________________ in ________ Interesting Info: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
May include important uses, interesting facts, common compounds, etc.

Adopt An Element
Grade Sheet
Advertisement = 24 points (40%)

Name ___________________________

Provided basic information* ................................ + 12 __________ H Atomic # H Atomic mass H Symbol H Name H Cost H Students Name __________ __________

Slogan and pictures relevant .............................. + 10 Followed directions ............................................ + 2 Neat, correct spelling/format, original

Information Sheet = 36 points (60%)

Provided basic information ................................. + 10 __________ H Name H Protons H Boiling Point H Cost H Nonmetal/Metal/Metalloid H Family H Origin of Name H H Discovery & Date H H H H H H Interesting Information/Uses References ......................................................... + 9 __________ Minimum of 3; provided required information; correct format Miscellaneous .................................................... + 6 Black ink, complete sentences, correct spelling, neat __________ H Symbol H Neutrons H Normal Phase H Atomic # H Electrons H Atomic Mass H Melting Point

Other information ............................................. + 11 __________

Total Points = __________ out of 60 = __________% A B C D F

Adopt-An-Element Project List

Teacher Information

Visit the Chemicool site for details on cost information. * Cost listed on Los Alamos ** No cost available H He Li Be B C N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc* Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Rn* Ce Pr Nd Pm* Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Th* Cm* Cf* U** Ra** Es**

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