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Problem 2.44 For the circuit shown in Fig. P2.

44, calculate the average incident power, the average reected power, and the average power transmitted into the innite 100- line. The /2 line is lossless and the innitely long line is slightly lossy. (Hint: The input impedance of an innitely long line is equal to its characteristic impedance so long as = 0.)


2V Z0 = 50 Z1 = 100

i Pav r Pav t Pav

Figure P2.44: Circuit for Problem 2.44.

Solution: Considering the semi-innite transmission line as equivalent to a load (since all power sent down the line is lost to the rest of the circuit), ZL = Z1 = 100 . Since the feed line is /2 in length, Eq. (2.96) gives Zin = ZL = 100 and l = (2 / )( /2) = , so e j l = 1. Hence = ZL Z0 100 50 1 = = . ZL + Z0 100 + 50 3

Also, converting the generator to a phasor gives Vg = 2e j0 (V). Plugging all these results into Eq. (2.82), V0+ = Vg Zin Zg + Zin e j l 1 + e j l = 2 100 50 + 100

1 1 (1) (1) + 3

= 1e j180 = 1 (V). From Eqs. (2.104), (2.105), and (2.106),

i Pav =

V0+ |1e j180 |2 = = 10.0 mW, 2Z0 2 50

i r = Pav = ||2 Pav

1 2 10 mW = 1.1 mW, 3

t i r Pav = Pav = Pav + Pav = 10.0 mW 1.1 mW = 8.9 mW.

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