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Katelyn Thomas

Discourse Community: Lee County Area Farmers

-Tobacco hand-setter: this is a tool that was used a very long time ago by farmers to set tobacco in the fields -Boots: these are essential to a farmer they are a part of you and the preferred shoe ware of farmers -John Deere Magnet: this is the type of tractor that many of the farmers own and use to complete their work

-How do you become a part of the Lee County Area Farmers? -What does it mean to be a member of the Lee County Area Farmers? -How can the Lee County Area Farmers expand their membership or become more well known? -How can the Lee County Area Farmers educate the community?

Question: How can the Lee County Area Farmers educate the community? Answer: In order to educate the community the Lee County Area Farmers need to make their selves more known in the community. We need to participate in social events and make speeches. In addition to this we could advertise in our community and have days set up for the community to learn more about us (like an open house of fun-day). Agriculture is very important in our community and the number of people involved is decreasing; we need to get our numbers up and explain to people what we do and how important we are.

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