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Photo Narratives: Defining (Our) Selves A Hands-On Workshop led by Betty Yu (For participants ages 15 and up) Sunday,

November 24th, 3-5pm Through the Parlor exhibition space 24 Rutgers St (between Henry and Madison) RSVP to:

Still from Betty Yus film Discovering My Grandfather Through Mao, 2011.

This hands-on workshop invites participants to contribute their own stories about labor, race, and the meaning of "home" to the ongoing project by artist Betty Yu called "WORKShifts: Race, Labor and Defining Ourselves." Participants are asked to bring 3-5 photographs that represent a sense of home & place, express their perspective on race or tell the story of their work life. Preferably these photos would be original but they can from other sources if necessary. Photographs should be at least 5 x 7 inches in size or larger. Through storytelling and essay writing with guided questions, participants' works will be included (with their permission) in an on-line component of the exhibit. Please be prepared to talk about your story for your photographs. Participants are strongly encouraged to bring original photos from their own collection. Please note: We will not keep your original photos. *In addition to English, this workshop can be conducted in Chinese and Spanish. Please RSVP to:, and let us know if you would like translation.

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