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Practice Education Handbook

Bsc (Hons) Occupational Therapy [Athens]


List of Content
Topic Staff Contact Details !"at#s in a na$e% 1' (ntroduction 2' *esponsibilities during practice education 2'1 Student 2'2 Practice educator 2'3 Personal acade$ic tutor 2'- Practice place$ent coordinator 2' Professional practice tutor 3' .rganisation of practice place$ents 3'1 Practice place$ent deli/er0 pattern 3'2 Practice place$ent locations 3'3 Tra/el and acco$$odation e1penses 3'- Practice place$ent allocation process 3' 2odels of super/ision during practice place$ents 3'& !orking relations"ip bet3een practice educators and students 3') Learning agree$ent 3'+ *eflecti/e diar0 3', Practice place$ent portfolio -' Preparing students for practice place$ents -'1 Practice education passport -'2 Healt" clearance c"ecks -'3 *isk 2anage$ent -'- 4nifor$s -' Handbooks -'& 2oodle -') !orks"ops -'+ Preceptor Education Progra$$e ' 5uidance for practice educators and students6 7itness to practise '1 7itness to Practise Panel '2 2onitoring students fitness to practise on t"e 8Sc 9Hons: in .ccupational T"erap0 '3 Disabilit0 and "ealt"-related issues '- Professional unsuitabilit0 Page & ) ) + , , 10 11 12 12 12 13 13 1111 1 1 1 1& 1& 1& 1& 1) 1+ 1+ 1,

Topic &' 5uidance for practice educators and students6 ;ccountabilit0 issues during practice place$ents &'1 (nsurance &'2 Healt" and safet0 during practice place$ents &'3 2eeting religious and cultural practices of students &'- Cri$inal Con/iction C"ecks &' HPC Standards of Conduct< Perfor$ance and Et"ics &'& ;ttendance polic0 during practice place$ents &') Dress code during practice place$ents &'+ *outine ad$inistration procedures &', Punctualit0 &'10 Confidentialit0 &'11 Consent to occupational t"erap0 &'12 4sing (T facilities during practice place$ent &'13 4se of $obile p"ones during practice place$ent )' Contact $ec"anis$s 3it" and support for students during practice education )'1 Practice education "andbook )'2 2oodle )'3 Support $ec"anis$s for practice place$ent )'- 2eetings and /isits )' Student counselling ser/ice )'& Practice place$ent debriefing 3orks"ops +' Contact $ec"anis$s 3it" and support for place$ent pro/iders and practice educators +'1 Practice based learning support 3eb site +'2 De/elop$ent of ne3 place$ent sites +'3 (ndi/idual support +'- !orks"ops ,'Learning outco$es for practice place$ent $odules ,'1 Practice Place$ent 1 ,'2 Practice Place$ent 2 ,'3 Practice Place$ent 3 ,'- Practice Place$ent 10' 5uidance for practice educators and students6 Ho3 to support a student at risk of failing a place$ent


21 22 22 23 23 23 22 2 2 2& 2& 2& 2) 2) 2) 2) 2) 2+

2+ 2+ 2+ 2, 2, 30 30 30 31

Topic 11' 5uidance for practice educators and students6 Ho3 to co$plete t"e assess$ent report for$s 11'1 2id3a0 re/ie3 11'2 7inal e/aluation 11'3 Co$piling t"e assess$ent for$ 11'- ;3arding an o/erall grade for a student#s perfor$ance during practice place$ent 11' 5uidance for a3arding an ; grade 11'& *ecei/ing a failed grade on practice place$ent 11') Deferring a practice place$ent 11'+ Sc"eduling of a deferred or retrie/al place$ent 11', Student e/aluation of practice place$ents 11'10 ;ppeals procedure 12' 5uidance for practice educators and students6 ;rrange$ents for sub$ission of practice place$ent assess$ent for$s to t"e 4ni/ersit0 13' *eco$$ended reading lists for practice place$ents 13'1 Practice place$ent 1 13'2 Practice place$ent 2 13'3 Practice place$ent 3 13'- Practice place$ent 1-' 8ibliograp"0 and reference list

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3, 3, -0 -0 -1

Staff Contact Details


=a$e of (nstitution AKMI Metropolitan College Athens 74, Sorou Maroussi in collaboration with Queen Margaret University, E inburgh Telep"one !"# $%# &%''('% 7a1 !"# $%# &%''"$#

Staff )anagiotis Siaperas -icolas /atiana 0enou Eli.a Maglari )oli1eni S3altsi Ioanna /sipra Katerina 2ouri3a 4eorge Kou+anta3is Christos Ko+issopoulos Staff 5ic3y Ma3ellara3i Staff Ilias 5erros

Teac"ing E-$ail psiaperas*a+c,e u,gr*a+c,e u,gr t1enou*a+c,e u,gr /2A /2A /2A /2A /2A /2A Sc"ool .ffice E-$ail =otes v+a3elara3i*a+c,e u,gr School 677ice A +inistrator Learning *esource E-$ail =otes verros*a+c,e u,gr I/ 8esources Manager 9iaison 9ibrarian =otes Stu ent Counsellor Stu ent ;inance A viser

E++anouela Aiginitou library*a+c,e u,gr Staff 9ina :ront.a Student E-$ail l ront.a*a+c,e u,gr

Marilena Stasinopoulou +sta*a+c,e u,gr

!"at#s in a na$e%

Practice Place$ent

/he practice area in which a stu ent is e ucate 7or a stipulate perio o7 ti+e an where pro7essional co+petence is assesse , /he aca e+ic +e+ber o7 sta77 base at the higher e ucation institution who co<or inates the practice e ucation ele+ents o7 the progra++e, /his inclu es the evelop+ent o7 new place+ents an the e ucation o7 practice e ucators An aca e+ic +e+ber o7 sta77 who acts as a contact person 7or a group o7 stu ents an practice e ucators throughout a practice place+ent, /he practice place+ent co<or inator role nor+ally inclu es the co<or ination o7 practice place+ents across a speci7ic site=sector, liaising with the higher e ucation institution an acting in an a visory capacity to practice e ucators an stu ents as re>uire uring practice e1periences /his re7ers to the person supervising stu ents whilst they are on place+ent, -or+ally, the practice e ucator is an occupational therapist who has co+plete a practice e ucators? course an is 7a+iliar with the university assess+ent regulations an processes,

Professional Practice Tutor

Personal ;cade$ic Tutor

Practice Place$ent Coordinator

Practice Educator

1' (ntroduction
@elco+e to the )ractice E ucation Aan boo3 an to the practice e ucation 6

co+ponent o7 the 2Sc BAonsC in 6ccupational /herapy at AKMI Metropolitan College, /he purpose o7 this han boo3 is to bring together the 7ollowing in7or+ationD An overview o7 practice e ucation An overview o7 the roles an responsibilities o7 the stu ent an supporting sta77 uring practice place+ents )ractice e ucation is an integral core ele+ent o7 the curriculu+ enabling stu ents to integrate theory an practice in a +eaning7ul, re7lective an realistic +anner, Stu ents have opportunities to apply, practice, consoli ate an trans7er e1isting s3ills an in a ition, learn new s3ills relevant to each practice setting, Stu ents also gain e1perience in practicing in a sa7e an ethical +anner, In accor ance with the @orl ;e eration o7 6ccupational /herapists Stan ar s B$##$C, stu ents will gain e1perience o7 wor3ing with a range o7 i77erent people who have wi e ranging nee s an in i77erent circu+stances, -or+ally, these e1periences will enco+pass wor3ing with people o7 i77erent age groupsE in ivi uals an groups= co++unities 7ro+ i77erent socio<econo+ic an cultural perspectivesE people who have recently ac>uire an =or long stan ing occupational nee s an health con itions a77ecting i77erent aspects o7 physical an psychosocial 7unctioning, Stu ents will also evelop s3ills in e77ective service elivery within inter pro7essional, +ulti agency conte1ts, /hese +ay inclu e both establishe an e+ergent services within the statutory, in epen ent an voluntary sectors, Each practice place+ent +o ule has a set o7 learning outco+es evise by Queen Margaret University BQMUC an 7ollowe by AMC, /hese outco+es articulate with prior an 7uture university stu ies an , where appropriate, previous practice place+ent +o ules, E+phasis is place upon the process o7 practice o77ering stu ents the opportunity to e1plore an evaluate practice, an evelop pro7essional values to the level o7 co+petence re>uire o7 an entry level practitioner, I hope that that practice e ucation will prove to be a 7ul7illing an e1perience 7or everyone involve , rewar ing

2' *esponsibilities during practice education

/his section o7 the han boo3 outlines the roles an responsibilities o7 the various in ivi uals involve in practice e ucation na+ely the stu ent, practice e ucator, personal aca e+ic tutor, practice place+ent co<or inator an the pro7essional practice tutor, 2'1' *esponsibilities of t"e student :uring practice e ucation, stu ents? responsibilities are toD Assu+e responsibility 7or their learning using available resources, :iscuss any planne absence with the progra++e lea er in a vance o7 the start ate o7 the place+ent, Atten all preparatory place+ent activities on the appointe ates speci7ie by the university, )repare an +aintain their practice e ucation passport, Stu y an beco+e conversant with the learning outco+es 7or each practice 7

place+ent, course assess+ent re>uire+ents an regulations 7or the practice e ucation co+ponent o7 the progra++e, 8ea any pre<place+ent in7or+ation +aterials provi e or reco++en e by the practice e ucator, Abi e by at all ti+es the Aealth )ro7essions Council 4ui ance on Con uct, an Ethics 7or Stu ents, Abi e by all health an sa7ety at wor3 issues an be cognisant o7 policies an proce ures speci7ic to the practice setting, 2e responsible 7or any travelling an acco++o ation costs incurre to an 7ro+ place+ent, 2e punctual at all ti+es an resse appropriately as be7itting 7or the place+ent setting an the wor3 involve , 8e7lect the status o7 a tea+ +e+ber an respect7ully engage with other +e+bers o7 sta77 at the place+ent setting as appropriate, In7or+ the practice e ucator an AMC i7 it is not possible to atten place+ent 7or any reason, Collaborate with the practice e ucator to evise a learning agree+ent 7or each practice place+ent, A here to +atters o7 patient=client con7i entiality as a vise by the practice place+ent setting an the University, Maintain a re7lective iary an practice place+ent port7olio in accor ance with the gui elines provi e by the University, 2e 7ully prepare 7or supervision sessions an contribute to the supervision process in a re7lective +anner, Contribute towar s an on<line iscussion 7oru+ with other stu ents an sta77, Contribute towar s an actively participate in the +i way an 7inal evaluations o7 their per7or+ance isplaying openness to an ac3nowle ge+ent o7 other people?s i eas, Contact AMC i7 there are 7actors a versely a77ecting their per7or+ance uring practice place+ent, Co+plete the Stu ent Evaluation o7 )lace+ent ;or+ an share this with the practice e ucator at the conclusion o7 the place+ent e1perience, 8eturn copies o7 the )ractice )lace+ent Assess+ent ;or+ an Stu ent Evaluation o7 )lace+ent ;or+ to the School 677ice within F wor3ing ays o7 co+pletion o7 place+ent,

2'2' *esponsibilities of t"e practice educator )ractice e ucators B)EC play a 3ey role in the pro7essional evelop+ent o7 occupational therapy stu ents, )ractice e ucators? responsibilities are toD 6btain in7or+ation on the learning outco+es 7or the speci7ic practice place+ent, course assess+ent re>uire+ents an regulations 7or practice place+ents 7ro+ the )ractice<base 9earning Support web siteD httpD==+cs,>+u,ac,u3=)29= ;orwar pre<place+ent in7or+ation to the stu ent in a vance o7 the start o7 the place+ent, /his inclu es an overview o7 the service, clear irections an travel in7or+ation, reco++en e pre<place+ent rea ing an any other in7or+ation consi ere help7ul, 677er the stu ent an in uction into health an sa7ety at wor3 at the start o7 the place+ent, 8

8eview +aterials containe in the stu ent?s practice e ucation passport, )rovi e a ti+etable outlining the overall structure o7 the place+ent an the responsibilities o7 the stu ent, -egotiate a supervision structure with the stu ent incorporating the learning agree+ent as part o7 this process, 677er in ivi ualise constructive 7ee bac3 to the stu ent on a regular basis, i enti7ying ti+ing o7 7ee bac3 sessions, Maintain recor s o7 supervision sessions, 8eview the stu ent?s practice place+ent port7olio at least once uring the practice place+ent an o77er verbal co++ent, Sign on a wee3ly basis ti+e car s veri7ying nu+ber o7 hours co+plete by the stu ent uring each practice place+ent, Un erta3e the appropriate assess+ent o7 the stu ent on practice place+ent an be conversant with the gui elines provi e by AMC an QMU, Contact the stu ent?s personal aca e+ic tutor i7 there are concerns pertaining to the stu ent?s well being, behaviour or >uality o7 per7or+ance over all, /a3e cognisance o7 co++ents +a e in each Stu ent Evaluation o7 )lace+ent ;or+ an to use this as an integral part o7 a constructive evaluation process, Atten an participate in +eetings, wor3shops associate with practice e ucation, 2'3' *esponsibilities of t"e personal acade$ic tutor /he personal aca e+ic tutor B)A/C is a lecturer 7ro+ the progra++e tea+ who acts as a na+e point o7 contact 7or a group o7 stu ents an practice e ucators uring a practice place+ent, Key responsibilities areD /o o77er support throughout the place+ent, respon ing to re>uests 7or a vice an in7or+ation 7ro+ practice e ucators an their stu ents, 7iel ing any on< site proble+s, o77ering pastoral support an gui ance as re>uire , /o negotiate an appropriate plan o7 action with the practice e ucator an stu ent i7 there is a serious concern pertaining to the >uality o7 the stu ent?s per7or+ance, well<being an =or behaviour, /o liaise with the pro7essional practice tutor i7 concerns arise about a stu ent?s per7or+ance uring a practice place+ent, 2'-' *esponsibilities of t"e practice place$ent co-ordinator /he practice place+ent co<or inator B))CC plays an essential role in 7ostering a culture whereby practice place+ents are seen as a positive activity contributing towar s sta77 continuing pro7essional evelop+ent an recruit+ent within the service, /he practice place+ent co<or inatorD Collaborates with AMC to i enti7y new place+ent opportunities alongsi e new service elivery evelop+ents, Co<or inates the annual return o7 the AMC?s health an sa7ety 7or+s, Co<or inates the returns 7or AMC re>uests 7or place+ent o77ers where possible, within the ti+escale i enti7ie , 2rings to the attention o7 AMC as soon as possible potential i77iculties arising which +ay result in the cancellation o7 a place+ent, Co<or inates responses to stu ents? letters o7 intro uction=recor o7 previous e1perience 7or+s, 9

Ensures sta77 acting in their capacity as practice e ucators have a e>uate training an e+onstrate ongoing co++it+ent to their pro7essional role, 677ers support to practice e ucators ta3ing into account the ti+e an resources necessary 7or stu ent supervision, 2rings to the attention o7 AMC any issues creating i77iculty on place+ent which +ay not be reporte by the practice e ucator or stu ent, /a3es cognisance o7 co++ents +a e in each Stu ent Evaluation o7 )lace+ent ;or+ an to use this as an integral part o7 a constructive evaluation process, Atten s an participate in +eetings, wor3shops an other events associate with practice e ucation,

2' *esponsibilities of t"e professional practice tutor /he pro7essional practice tutor B))/C is responsible 7or the co<or ination, evelop+ent an review o7 practice e ucation within the 7ra+ewor3 o7 the 2ScBAonsC 6ccupational /herapy curriculu+, /he pro7essional practice tutor?s responsibilities areD /o engage with local, regional, national networ3s to pro+ote an 7acilitate the continuing sustainability o7 practice e ucation within the occupational therapy curricula an across the broa er pro7ile o7 allie health pro7ession progra++es o77ere by the AMC ;aculty o7 Aealth an Au+an Sciences, /o collaborate with place+ent provi ers to co+ply with practice e ucation gui ance an stan ar s provi e by aca e+ic, regulatory an pro7essional bo ies, /o plan an i+ple+ent a range o7 +echanis+s 7or the istribution an casca ing o7 practice e ucation ocu+entation an in7or+ation to practice place+ent co<or inators, practice e ucators an stu ents, /o plan a co+prehensive, balance place+ent pro7ile 7or each pre< registration occupational therapy stu ent ensuring that as 7ar as is possible, satis7actory notice is given to the practice place+ent co<or inators? networ3, practice e ucators an stu ents, /o prepare stu ents 7or their roles an responsibilities uring practice e ucation, /o co<or inate AMC contact +echanis+s 7or stu ents an practice e ucators uring practice place+ents, /o review each stu entGs progress an place+ent gra e as assesse an reco++en e by practice e ucators, /o contribute towar s the e ucation o7 e1isting an potential practice e ucators, /o ta3e cognisance o7 7ee bac3 7ro+ all sta3ehol ers in practice e ucation an use this as an integral part o7 a constructive evaluation process,

3' .rganisation of practice place$ents

3'1' Practice place$ent deli/er0 pattern

/he 8Sc 9Hons: .ccupational T"erap0 >;t"ens? progra++e e+ploys two practice place+ent +o els, /hese are a 7ull ti+e, bloc3 place+ent +o el an an integrate +o el, where stu ents un erta3e place+ents along with coursewor3 in the sa+e wee3, /he integrate +o el is a well establishe

+o el within health care courses an recognises the pivotal role o7 practice place+ents in the e ucational process, /his 7ra+ewor3 +a1i+ises opportunities to synthesise theory an practice, /he elivery pattern 7or practice place+ents is illustrate in /able %,
Table 16 Practice place$ent deli/er0 pattern for 8Sc 9Hons: .ccupational T"erap0 >;t"ens? @ear of Place$ent Progra$$e Hear % Hear $ Hear " Hear 4 )))% )))$ )))" )))4 Se$ester $ $ $ % Duration & wee3s 7=t ( wee3s 7=t & wee3s 7=t ( wee3s 7=t Place$ent Da0s "# ays 4# ays "# ays 4# ays Hours $%7 $(( $%7 $((

In or er to +eet stan ar s establishe an +onitore by pro7essional bo ies, it shoul be note that by the en o7 )ractice )lace+ent 4 stu ents +ust have success7ully co+plete a +ini+u+ o7 %### hours o7 practice e ucation BC6/, $##(E @;6/, $##$C, /he e1act nu+ber o7 hours is +onitore through co+pletion o7 wee3ly ti+e car s, /hese are provi e by AMC an are chec3e an signe by the practice e ucator on a wee3ly basis, Absence o7 a written recor o7 the appropriate nu+ber o7 hours +ay result in stu ents having to co+plete e1tra place+ent hours prior to gra uation, I7 i77iculties arise with place+ent hours, practice e ucators an stu ents are actively encourage to raw this to the attention o7 AMC so that a +utually acceptable plan o7 action can be evelope ,
Students are reAuired b0 t"e professional bodies to co$plete a $ini$u$ of 1000 "ours of practice education 9C.T< 200+B !7.T< 2002: and to "onour t"e progra$$e regulations' ;t t"e conclusion of eac" place$ent< students $ust retain and securel0 store t"eir place$ent ti$e cards' T"ese $a0 be reAuired to /alidate place$ent "ours at an0 ti$e during t"e progra$$e' Students $a0 not book "olida0s during practice place$ent $odules' Public "olida0s are not included in t"e o/erall place$ent "ours' Hours gained fro$ failed practice place$ents $a0 not co$pensate for ti$e lost in subseAuent place$ents 9C.T< 200+:'

3'2' Practice place$ent locations )lace+ents are locate in Athens in locations close to the ca+pus thus ensuring that both stu ents an practice e ucators can be e77ectively supporte by the progra++e tea+, Stu ents un erta3e place+ents in locations where there are establishe agree+ents in e1istence between AMC an place+ent provi ers, )lace+ents will be in a iverse range o7 settings in preparation 7or the realities o7 practice an +ay inclu e private hospitals, private rehabilitation centers, private psychology clinics, +unicipal health centers, cerebral palsy 4reece, 11

E77orts will be +a e where possible, to acco++o ate the nee s o7 isable stu ents, those who have 7a+ily an caring co++it+ents or stu ents with e1ceptional circu+stances through the allocation o7 practice place+ents within reasonable travelling istance o7 their place o7 resi ence, /he responsibility is with the stu ent to bring their circu+stances to the attention o7 the pro7essional practice tutor prior to the allocation o7 place+ents, 3'3 Tra/el and acco$$odation e1penses /here is no provision by AMC 7or acco++o ation whilst on place+ent, It is the stu ent?s responsibility to arrange suitable acco++o ation 7or the uration o7 their place+ents using the in7or+ation resources available in AMC?s on line plat7or+, 3'-' Practice place$ent allocation process Speci7ic allocation o7 stu ents to place+ent sites is co+plete nor+ally & wee3s be7ore the start ate o7 the place+ent an isplaye in Moodle, /he practice place+ent co< or inators networ3 is noti7ie by post=e<+ail when allocations have been co+plete 7or each practice place+ent +o ule, Stu ents 7orwar a recor o7 previous e1perience 7or+ an intro uctory letter to the relevant practice place+ent co<or inator or speci7ic place+ent site at least si1 wee3s a vance o7 each practice place+ent, AIC stu ents will have their Clinical )ractice )lace+ents at rehabilitation centers, psychiatric clinics, centers 7or treat+ent o7 cerebral palsy, which belong in their +aJority to the private sector an sign a contractual agree+ent with AMC, /he stu ents will enhance their port7olio with particular clinical cases that they un erta3e their intervention,

Stu ents co+plete a practice place+ent planning 7or+ on<line an uploa this to an electronic rop bo1 in Moo le, /he practice base learning tea+ use this in7or+ation to help in7or+ the allocation process, )lace+ents are allocate by the pro7essional practice tutor accor ing to the pro7ile o7 stu ents? practice place+ent e1perience to ate, their evelop+ent nee s an place+ent availability, -or+ally stu ents woul not be place in a service where they have wor3e previously but in rotation to i77erent available locations, E77orts are to be +a e where possible, to acco++o ate the nee s o7 isable stu ents, those with 7a+ily responsibilities an caring co++it+ents or stu ents with e1ceptional circu+stances, /here is no provision by KIC 7or acco++o ation whilst on place+ent, Het, all place+ent locations have been chosen so as to be close to the AMC ca+pus pre+ises, Stu ents are responsible 7or organising suitable acco++o ation 7or the uration o7 their place+ents,

3' ' 2odels of super/ision during practice place$ents @ithin the conte1t o7 the 2Sc BAonsC 6ccupational /herapy LAthensM, a variety o7 supervision +o els are use throughout practice place+ents to provi e 7le1ible, supportive learning e1periences B-AS E ucation 7or Scotlan , $##7C, E1a+ples inclu eD 3' ' 1' ;pprentices"ip $odel 9161:


6ne stu ent per practice e ucator, /he practice e ucator structures the stu ent learning e1periences an provi es irect supervision an role<+o elling to the stu ent throughout the course o7 their place+ent, /he egree o7 supervision an the a+ount o7 responsibility given to the stu ent +ay vary, epen ing on the practice setting, 3' ' 2' Peer assisted learning $odel 9261: 6ne practice e ucator supervises two or +ore stu ents, Aere the e+phasis is on peer an sel7< irecte learning where the stu ents support each other an wor3 together an the practice e ucator acts as a resource, provi ing gui ance to the stu ent, +onitoring per7or+ance an provi ing opportunity 7or the stu ents to ta3e increasing responsibility with service users, 2ene7its o7 this +o el inclu e evelop+ent o7 tea+<wor3 s3ills, increase proble+<solving s3ills an a sense o7 share <ownership o7 the learning e1perience, 3' '3' SplitCS"ared 2odel 9162: In this +o el, the e ucation o7 a stu ent +ay be share between two or +ore +e+bers o7 a tea+ within a wor3place, Co+binations +ight inclu e an e1perience practice e ucator an a new practice e ucatorE two practice e ucators 7ro+ i77erent organisations an the place+ent being structure aroun the patient Journey 7or e1a+ple, 7ro+ pri+ary to secon ary care, /his +o el +ay be an attractive option 7or practitioners who wor3 part< ti+e, or i7 the practitioner?s caseloa is couple with +anage+ent responsibilities, 3' '-' ProDect focused $odel /his +o el is in7luence by global rivers to prepare stu ents 7or practice in a changing health an recognises the nee 7or conte+porary occupational therapists to possess s3ills an lea ership 7or wor3ing preventatively within co+ple1 syste+s an whole populations BC6/ $##(E Sca77a $#%#E /ownsen N )olataJ3o $##7C, Stu ents are engage to i+ple+ent proJects an =or un erta3e a 3ey role in a evelop+ental aspect o7 proJect wor3, )ro7essional supervision is provi e by an occupational therapist, this +ay be on a 7ace< 7ace basis, by istance via telephone an =or in7or+ation technologies, /hroughout the place+ent, an i enti7ie +entor at the host site co<or inates the learning outco+es, Stu ents +ay wor3 in pairs or groups uring these place+ents a77or ing opportunities to realise the bene7its o7 peer assiste learning, 3'&' !orking relations"ip bet3een students and practice educators during practice place$ents Stu ents will wor3 closely with their practice e ucators uring practice place+ents, It is i+portant to re+e+ber that practice e ucators? 7irst responsibilities are to service users an that in a ition to 7acilitating stu ents? learning they have +any a itional responsibilities to eal with on a ay to ay basis, 4iving consi eration an thought to practice e ucators? nee s an responsibilities shoul enable the establish+ent o7 a goo collaborative wor3ing relationship, In a ition to ongoing in7or+al supervision 7ro+ the practice e ucator, nor+ally, stu ents receive a wee3ly 7or+al supervision session uring the 7ull ti+e place+ent, I7 these sessions are not 7orthco+ing 7ro+ the practice e ucator, it is the stu ent?s right to re>uest the+, 13

Each practice place+ent +o ule has a uni>ue set o7 learning outco+es, evise by QMU an a here to by AMC, /hese outco+es articulate with prior an 7uture coursewor3 an previous practice place+ent +o ules, 9earning outco+es increase in co+ple1ity as the stu ent progresses through the progra++e an each place+ent provi es one o7 the buil ing bloc3s 7or 7uture ones, )ractice e ucators collaborate with stu ents to i enti7y how AMC learning outco+es 7or each practice place+ent will be achieve an help the stu ent to eter+ine a clear pathway 7or achieving these through the evelop+ent o7 a learning agree+ent, 3')' Learning agree$ent ;or each practice place+ent stu ents prepare a learning agree+ent in collaboration with their practice e ucatorBsC, /his enables stu ents to 7ocus on aspects o7 practice in which they wish to have +ore e1perience an helps the+ to capitalise upon learning opportunities speci7ic to each practice setting, 9earning agree+ents 7oster the integration o7 theory an practice through their e+phasis upon prior learning an e1ploration o7 the process an outco+e o7 learning, Stu ents negotiate an 7ul7il the learning obJectives an are active partners in their own learning process, Conse>uently, there is share responsibility 7or the outco+e o7 the learning e1perience as stu ents wor3 in partnership with their practice e ucatorBsC to try to secure a success7ul outco+e, Stu ents an practice e ucators are provi e with access to the learning agree+ent han boo3 either through Moo le or QMU?s )ractice< base 9earning Support web site at httpD==www,>+u,ac,u3=pbl=6cc/herapyAo+e,ht+ 3'+' *eflecti/e diar0 Stu ents use re7lective iaries as part o7 the process o7 learning an re7lection an in preparation 7or supervision sessions with their practice e ucatorBsC, /he iary in part, 7ocuses on speci7ic aspects o7 practice an stu ents use it to plan an prepare 7or wor3, Stu ents an practice e ucators have access to an electronic copy o7 the re7lective iary han boo3, 3',' Practice place$ent portfolio As part o7 their pro7essional evelop+ent stu ents co+pile a practice place+ent port7olio uring place+ents using a pro< 7or+a evelope by the progra++e tea+, /he use o7 port7olios gives stu ents opportunities to evi ence an re7lect upon their learning, /his process prepares stu ents 7or using port7olios to evi ence their continuing pro7essional evelop+ent a7ter co+pletion o7 their stu ies, Stu ents an practice e ucators are provi e with electronic copies o7 the port7olio han boo3, -' Preparing students for practice place$ents Approaches to assist stu ents to prepare 7or place+ents are blen e to allow 7le1ibility o7 elivery an to acco++o ate 7or i77erent learning styles, /hese inclu e interactive wor3shops, group wor3, personal evelop+ent planning, sel7 Oevaluation activities, irecte rea ing an e<learning, Key aspects o7 the preparation process will now be escribe in +ore etail below, -'1 Practice Education Passport


;ollowing the QMU practice all 6/ stu ents at AMC have to +aintain a practice e ucation passport, /he passport is evelope in consultation with place+ent provi ers an its pri+ary goal is to enable stu ents to assu+e responsibility 7or aspects o7 the place+ent preparation process, /he )assport acts as a site 7or 7or+al assess+ent by the AMC /eaching /ea+ in or er to veri7y that stu ents have co+plete all o7 the co+pulsory preparation tas3s be7ore being per+itte to go on place+ent, Stu ents are re>uire to collate various ocu+ents=certi7icates an +aintain a recor o7 having co+plete co+pulsory tas3s an activities in preparation 7or progression to place+ent, /hey will present this evi ence to their practice e ucatorBsC uring the in uction phase o7 place+ent, E1a+ples o7 ocu+ents to be inclu e areD Copy o7 Cri+inal 8ecor =:isclosureE Aealth Clearance Chec3sE ;irst Ai an Manual Aan ling Mo ule )ass a copy o7 the )ractice E ucation Aan boo3E Aealth )ro7essions Council Stan ar s o7 Con uct )er7or+ance an EthicsE Aealth )ro7essions Council 4ui ance on Con uct an Ethics 7or Stu entsE Aealth )ro7essions Council Stan ar s o7 )ro7iciencyD 6ccupational /herapistsE College o7 6ccupational /herapists Co e o7 Ethics an )ro7essional Con uct, -'2' Healt" Clearance C"ecks Accor ing to the regulations o7 the 4ree3 Ministry o7 E ucation, all stu ents have to eliver prior to their registration health clearance ocu+ents 7ro+ a er+atologist, a pathologist, a psychiatrist an a chest C/ at the beginning o7 each aca e+ic year, /he sa+e regulation applies to the teaching sta77 as well, to allow a teaching per+it to be issue by the Ministry o7 Culture, Copies o7 the Aealth Clearance :ocu+ents are elivere to the relevant o77ice o7 the Ministry supervising KEME BCentres o7 )ost< 9yceu+ E ucationC an to AMC, -'3' *isk 2anage$ent Stu ents receive intro uctory e ucation an sa7ety issues inclu ingD Manual han ling legislation

training upon a range o7 health an

8is3 assess+entE +oving an han ling o7 obJects an people @heelchairs @al3ing ai s

/hese topics are co+pulsory ele+ents o7 the curriculu+ an occur prior to the 7irst practice place+ent, Certi7icates o7 atten ance are provi e to stu ents 7or retention in their practice e ucation passport, -'-' 4nifor$s AMC as3s 7or the application o7 a strict ress co e by all stu ents, 7ollowing hygiene rules, in laboratory an practical classes an at place+ents, Stu ents are supplie uni7or+s bearing the AMC logo, -' ' Handbooks )rior to )ractice )lace+ent % B))%C stu ents receive har copies o7 theD )ractice E ucation Aan boo3E Aealth )ro7essions Council Stan ar s o7 Con uct )er7or+ance an EthicsE 15

Aealth )ro7essions Council 4ui ance on Con uct an Ethics 7or Stu entsE Aealth )ro7essions Council Stan ar s o7 )ro7iciencyD 6ccupational /herapistsE College o7 6ccupational /herapists Co e o7 Ethics an )ro7essional Con uct, -AS E ucation 7or Scotlan Quality Stan ar s 7or )ractice )lace+ents All o7 these ocu+ents +ust be retaine in the )ractice E ucation )assport, @hilst stu ents are not e1pecte to rea these +aterials all at once, they are re>uire to rea their contents an to re7er to the+ uring practice place+ents, -'&' 2oodle )ractice place+ent +o ules are supporte by the AMc?s virtual learning environ+ent Moo le, /his provi es a use7ul plat7or+ 7or the i+ple+entation o7 a phase approach to place+ent preparation, In a ition each Moo le +o ule area houses a ban3 o7 in7or+ation resources an +aterials inclu ing use7ul web lin3s, iscussion areas, sources o7 acco++o ation, han boo3s, assess+ent 7or+s, te+plates 7or re7lection an rea ing +aterials, -')' !orks"ops Interactive wor3shops 7acilitate by the pro7essional practice tutor enable stu ents to prepare 7or each practice place+ent, /hese ten to be incorporate into the 6ccupational /herapy Mo ules in level %<", @or3shops 7ocus upon topics salient to each practice place+ent such asD review o7 the ai+s 7or each place+ent an e1ploration o7 how these will 7acilitate the integration o7 theory an practiceE pro7essional con uct uring practice place+entsE learning styles an the learning cycleE pro7essional an clinical reasoningE review o7 the assess+ent 7or+at 7or each place+entE preparation 7or an review o7 sel7 evaluation on place+entsE eveloping an using learning agree+ents on practice place+entsE eveloping an using a pro7essional evelop+ent port7olio,

-'+' Preceptor education progra$$e 9PEP: for "ealt" care professionals and students Stu ents are a vise to co+plete this interactive on<line progra++e o7 stu y to co+ple+ent the 7ace<7ace pre Oplace+ent wor3shops, Each +o ule re>uires 4F<&# +inutes co+pletion ti+e inclu ing a re7lective ele+ent, Stu ents shoul ownloa the +o ule certi7icates o7 co+pletion an store these in their practice e ucation passport, @eb lin3D www,preceptor,ca=

Table 26 2odules fro$ t"e PEP Progra$$e undertaken for eac" practice place$ent PEP 2odule PP1 PP2 PP3 PP1 6rientation :eveloping Breally use7ulC learning 1 obJectives 4iving an receiving in7or+al 7ee bac3 1 Un erstan ing an 7ostering clinical 1 reasoning 16

;ostering re7lective practice A vance re7lective practice :ealing with con7lict ;or+al evaluation processs

1 1 1 1

' 5uidance for practice educators and students6 7itness to practise

'1 7itness to Practise Panel AMC has an obligation to ensure that gra uates 7ro+ its healthcare progra++es are 7it to practise, /his +eans AMC nee s to consi er whether stu entsD have a long<ter+ health con ition or isability which coul prevent the+ 7ro+ practising sa7ely without supervisionE have any cri+inal convictions or cautions which coul +a3e the+ unsuitable 7or registrationE have e+onstrate that they can +aintain the stan ar s o7 con uct e1pecte o7 a health pro7essional, Stu ents stu ying to beco+e a pro7essional in a regulate pro7ession have certain responsibilities an they are e1pecte to +eet high stan ar s o7 con uct an ethics throughout their stu ies, /hey are a vise that their behaviour on place+ent an in private li7e has the potential to a77ect their eligibility 7or registration with the Aealth )ro7essions Council, I7 AMC beco+es aware o7 an issue regar ing a stu ent?s behaviour it +ay initiate ;itness to )ractise procee ings, @here there are serious concerns a ;itness to )ractise )anel +ay be convene by QMU, /he ;itness to )ractise )anel has the authority to i+pose a range o7 sanctions inclu ing re>uiring a stu ent to suspen stu y or even leave the progra++e BQMU, $##'C, '2' 2onitoring students# fitness to practice on t"e .ccupational T"erap0 >;t"ens? ;itness to practise is +onitore through the 7ollowing proce uresD .n ;pplication %, Each applicant +ust sign a health eclaration, $, Each applicant +ust co+ply with the AMC regulations regar ing cri+inal convictions, During t"e progra$$e %, Stu ents are re>uire to eclare whether or not they have a conviction or caution as part o7 the annual +atriculation process, $, Stu ents are re>uire to wor3 within the 7ra+ewor3 o7 the Aealth )ro7essions Councils Stan ar s o7 Con uct, )er7or+ance an Ethics, ", Stu ents are re>uire to co+plete an annual sel7< eclaration o7 7itness to practise 7or+ 4, 8ecor s o7 absence will be 3ept 7or each stu ent noting the uration an the reasons 7or absence, Stu ents +ust in7or+ both the practice e ucator an University o7 any absences 7ro+ place+ent, A supporting +e ical certi7icate nee s to be obtaine to cover absences o7 7ive wor3ing ays or +ore 7ro+ place+ent, F, All stu ents are e1pecte to a opt a responsible attitu e towar s atten ance 17 8Sc 9Hons:

at classes an practice place+ents, )unctuality is essential, '3' Disabilit0 and "ealt" issues :isable stu ents shoul e1perience the sa+e broa range o7 practice settings as nonO isable stu ents to enable the+ to e+onstrate that they have achieve the learning outco+es 7or each place+ent, In this respect a physical or +ental i+pair+ent inclu es sensory i+pair+ents, +ental illness or +ental health issues, speci7ic learning i77iculties such as ysle1ia an con itions such as iabetes an epilepsy, )ractice e ucation involves a range o7 relationships, rights an responsibilities, so+e legal, an others negotiable between the stu ent, AMC an place+ent provi er, AMC ac3nowle ges that not all in7or+ation about a stu ent?s isability or health proble+ +ay be relevant to place+ent provi ers an that in7or+ation shoul nor+ally be provi e on a nee to 3now basis, In so+e situations however, the i+plications o7 these +ay i+pact upon the place+ent provi er an AMC +ay there7ore be oblige to ensure that the in7or+ation is passe on, ;or e1a+ple where stu ents are wor3ing with vulnerable groups there +ay be other health an sa7ety consi erations, Moreover provision o7 this in7or+ation enables College sta77 to liaise with place+ent provi ers an arrange any necessary support or a Just+ents that stu ents nee to enable 7ul7il+ent o7 the learning outco+es o7 the place+ent, Stu ents shoul 3eep their personal aca e+ic tutor or progra++e lea er an practice e ucator in7or+e o7 any changes to their health an isability status, AMC will see3 to put in place +easures to support stu ents with health proble+s so 7ar as is practical, It is essential that stu ents iscuss any concerns they +ay have with sta77 as early as possible, @hen a stu ent goes to the AMC :isability A visor to have an In ivi ual 9earning )lan agree , they +ust consent to their in7or+ation being passe on to the )rogra++e /ea+, :isable stu ents are actively encourage to +eet with the AMC :isability A visor to iscuss their In ivi ual 9earning )lan inclu ing any necessary support or a Just+ents which +ay be necessary to enable the+ to +eet the learning outco+es o7 each practice place+ent, -or+ally, re>uests 7or a +eeting are initiate through the annual sel7 eclaration o7 health an isability proce ure via Moo le, /o protect service users? sa7ety, stu ents +ust in7or+ their practice e ucators an AMC i++e iately i7 they contract a co++unicable isease, Concerns raise by practice e ucators relate to 7itness to practice < which +ay +ani7est as a verse reactions to clients=situations an +ay be relate to health proble+s, O are nor+ally investigate by the )rogra++e 9ea er, I7 the AMC Stu ent A visor beco+es aware that a stu ent?s +e ical con ition +ay pose a ris3 to patient sa7ety, the )rogra++e 9ea er will be in7or+e , I7 it is Ju ge by the progra++e tea+ that the stu ent +ay not be sa7e to co++ence place+ent, or i7 a practice e ucator raises such a concern uring place+ent, 18

nor+ally, a re7erral will be +a e to the ;itness to )ractise )anel, In the interests o7 a stu ent?s an =or service users? sa7ety, AMC +ay act to suspen a stu ent te+porarily pen ing the outco+e o7 ;itness to )ractise procee ings in or er to re+ove the stu ent 7ro+ place+ent or prevent hi+ or her 7ro+ starting a place+ent, A stu ent, who appears to have evelope a health relate proble+ uring the progra++e that coul a77ect 7itness to practice, +ay be re>uire to provi e an in epen ent +e ical report an =or occupational health assess+ent regar ing his=her 7itness to practise, '-' Professional unsuitabilit0 )ro7essional unsuitability re7ers to observable behaviours an =or attitu es in7erre 7ro+ behaviour which +a3e stu ents un7it to enter, continue with or >uali7y 7ro+ a pro7essional progra++e o7 stu y BC6/, $#%#C, I7 certain behaviours an =or attitu es are e1hibite uring practice place+ent by stu ents then concerns +ay arise about their suitability 7or the pro7ession, /hese +ay inclu eD Actions that are li3ely to constitute an unacceptable ris3 to the stu ent an othersE Actions that are har+7ul to service users, sta77 or +e+bers o7 the publicE Use o7 abusive language, obscene co++ents, verbal harass+ent, an co++ents or re+ar3s that iscri+inate on the basis o7 se1, race or any other irrelevant istinctionE Con uct that coul bring into isrepute the reputation o7 the occupational therapy pro7ession an is preJu icial to the best interests o7 service usersE 2reach o7 con7i entiality, +isuse o7 con7i ential +aterial relating to a service userE 2oun ary violations with service usersE Incapacity 7or wor3 ue to the in7luence o7 alcohol or use or possession o7 illegal rugsE /he7t, eliberate +isuse o7 or a+age to e>uip+ent or +aterialsE 2eing persistently unpunctual 7or place+entE Ina e>uate stan ar s o7 recor 3eepingE )ersistent absenteeis+ without goo causeE Attitu es such as isloyalty, ishonesty, insensitivity, intolerance, irresponsibility, lac3 o7 co++it+ent, lac3 o7 initiative, poor +otivation, unreliability I7 a concern arises about a stu ent?s behaviour an or attitu es place+ent, the processes outline below will be 7ollowe D uring practice

%, /he practice e ucator shoul contact the stu ent?s personal aca e+ic tutor i++e iately, -or+ally a +eeting will be arrange an iscussions will ta3e place with both the practice e ucator an stu ent, A su++ary o7 the +eeting will be recor e on the lin3 lecturer?s report 7or+ by the university +e+ber o7 sta77, Copies o7 the lin3 lecturer?s report will be 7orwar e to the progra++e lea er, practice e ucator an the stu ent, A copy o7 the report will also be retaine in the stu ent?s University 7ile,


$, /he stu ent?s practice e ucator shoul i enti7y an ocu+ent areas causing concern an re>uiring i+prove+ent 7ro+ the stu ent within the supervision recor , /he stu ent shoul be re7erre to the relevant sections o7 the Aealth )ro7essions Council 4ui ance on Con uct an Ethics 7or Stu ents BA)C, $##'C an the College o7 6ccupational /herapists Co e o7 Ethics an )ro7essional Con uct BC6/ $#%#C, ", In or er that stu ents are given reasonable opportunity 7or i+prove+ent the i+prove+ent perio shoul be eter+ine , ta3ing into accountD the ti+e by which the stu ent can reasonably e77ect an i+prove+entE the practice e ucator?s nee to +a3e a suitable assess+ent o7 the i+prove+entE the li3elihoo o7 any reoccurrenceE any other 7actors relevant to the in ivi ual situation, 4, In or er that stu ents are given reasonable opportunity 7or i+prove+ent, the i+prove+ent perio shoul be eter+ine , ta3ing into accountD the ti+e by which the stu ent can reasonably e77ect an i+prove+entE the practice e ucator?s nee to +a3e a suitable assess+ent o7 the i+prove+entE the li3elihoo o7 any reoccurrenceE any other 7actors relevant to the in ivi ual situation, 5. Any i+prove+ent +ust be sustaine otherwise 7urther action will be ta3en. 7or$al stage /his stage is 7or those behaviours that have not been resolve through the syste+ escribe previously, %, /he issues that have arisen an )rogra++e 9ea er, conse>uent actions ta3en are re7erre to the

$, /he )rogra++e 9ea er will iscuss the current situation with the stu ent an the practice e ucator an review the evi ence available in collaboration with the Aea o7 :ivision, ", I7 the allegation cannot be resolve locally by the )rogra++e 9ea er an AMC :irector, the +atter will be re7erre to the QMU aca e+ic lin3 person who will arrange a contact with the stu ent, At this point in the interests o7 service user sa7ety the College +ay ta3e action to suspen the stu ent te+porarily in or er to re+ove the+ 7ro+ the place+ent 4, /he QMU aca e+ic lin3 person will then consult with the AMC A +inistration on whether or not the +atter shoul be ealt with su++arily or re7erre to a ;itness to )ractise )anel F, In cases where the con uct giving rise to concern is lin3e to a +ental health con ition the stu ent?s case will nor+ally be re7erre to the ;itness to )ractise )anel as health +atter &, /he ;itness to )ractise )anel has the elegate authority to reach the 7ollowing ecisions liste belowD /he stu ent continues on the progra++eE /he stu ent continues on the progra++e but is cautione , +eaning that i7 any 7urther 7itness to practise issues arise in the 7ollowing twelve +onths, the stu ent will be ealt with 7or both +attersE /he stu ent continues on the progra++e subJect to 7ul7il+ent o7 certain con itions as speci7ie by the )anelE 20

/he stu ent is re>uire to suspen stu y to allow ti+e 7or +e ical investigations B7or cases where unacceptable behaviour is lin3e to a +ental health con itionCE /he stu ent is re>uire to suspen stu y 7or up to twelve +onthsE /he stu ent is a vise to trans7er to an alternative progra++eE /he stu ent is re>uire to with raw,

&' 5uidance for practice educators and students6 ;ccountabilit0 issues during practice place$ents
:uring practice place+ents, stu ents are accountable to the practice e ucator 7or issues concerning wor3 within the place+ent setting, Stu ents are a vise that they re+ain accountable to AMC 7or the 7ul7il+ent o7 the learning outco+es 7or each practice place+ent +o ule an the evelop+ent o7 pro7essional con uct &'1' (nsurance AMC ensures that 7or each practice place+ent there is a e>uate insurance cover, /his is co<or inate on an annual basis by the place+ent a +inistrator, /he AMC Aealth an Sa7ety Chec3list is 7orwar e to the pro7essional practice co< or inators who arrange 7or its co+pletion an return to the place+ent a +inistrator at AMC, It is the responsibility o7 the stu ent=car owner to ensure that they have a e>uate insurance cover i7 using their car 7or travel uring place+ent, A copy o7 the insurance policy certi7icate shoul be hel in the practice e ucation passport 7or inspection by the practice e ucator, &'2' Healt" and safet0 during practice place$ents Many health an sa7ety issues can arise within the practice, So+e o7 these are +ore li3ely to be associate with certain client groups, 7or e1a+ple chil ren who have a itional support nee s, people with speci7ic +e ical con itions or a physical isability, Stu ents nee to be aware that they +ay be 7ace with situations that re>uire care7ul consi eration an that in all clinics a high stan ar o7 hygiene +ust be +aintaine , Stu ents who have >uestions about health an sa7ety +atters see3 gui ance 7ro+ their practice e ucators, or their personal aca e+ic tutor as appropriate, ;ll practice educators and students "a/e a responsibilit0 to ensure t"at students on place$ent are appropriatel0 a3are of t"e "ealt" and safet0 regulations for eac" setting t"at t"e0 attend'

)ractice e ucators shoul provi e stu ents with an in uction into health an sa7ety issues at the setting o7 the place+ent, /his shoul cover issues such as 7ire regulations, 7irst ai availability, protection o7 personal an service property an sa7ety in care o7 patients, clients, sta77 an sel7, In a ition the practice e ucator shoul provi e stu ents with in7or+ation the place+ent provi ers? e>ual opportunities an anti< iscri+inatory policy an any other policy speci7ic to the place+ent setting, /he practice e ucator has a uty o7 care towar s all o7 the service users on their caseloa an a responsibility 7or case +anage+ent, Stu ents un erta3e aspects o7 an occupational therapy process un er the irection o7 the practice e ucator, It is inappropriate 7or stu ents to ta3e ecisions regar ing a +ission, ischarge or re7erral 21

o7 clients to other agencies, other than in consultation with the practice e ucator, Stu ents are a vise to observe an recognise the li+its o7 their level o7 co+petence as they have a legal uty to be clear regar ing co+petence i7 as3e to un erta3e tas3s beyon their ability, /hey shoul not be involve in proce ures 7or which they have not receive training, AMC +ust be in7or+e i++e iately o7 any acci ent or health ris3 that +ay occur 7or the stu ent or any service users an other people they are wor3ing with, )ractice e ucators an stu ents are a vise to co+plete the place+ent provi ers? internal acci ent or inci ent report 7or+s as soon as possible, &'3' 2eeting religious and cultural practices of students during practice place$ents 6rganisations have policies which a ress iversity an inclusion an these apply to stu ents accepte on place+ent, /hese policies inclu e a co++it+ent toD< )ro+oting e>ual opportunity an iversity uring e+ploy+ent Ensuring all e+ployees are treate 7airly an value e>ually Ensuring that religious an cultural nee s are value an +et @here stu ents have particular religious or cultural nee s in ter+s o7 re>uests B e,g, ti+e 7or prayers, national holi ays, cultural ressC which +ay con7lict with the wor3ing practices o7 the place+ent provi er Be,g, health an sa7ety issues in relation to ress co eC consi eration will be given, where possible to varying or a apting practices to enable such nee s to be +et, Agree+ents between the stu ent an place+ent provi er +ay occur prior to or at the outset o7 any place+ent as part o7 the in uction process, /he involve+ent o7 AMC +ay be re>uire to ensure that the nee s o7 both the stu ent an the place+ent provi er are being +et, &'-' Cri$inal Con/iction C"ecks Applicants with serious cri+inal convictions, notably those convicte o7 violence, se1ual or rug o77ences, +ay be e1clu e 7ro+ progra++es as they +ay be unable to un erta3e certain clinical e ucation place+ents or 7in e+ploy+ent on co+pletion o7 the progra++e, E1clusion shoul not however be auto+atic, Most e1<o77en ers are essentially law<abi ing citi.ens an will not re<o77en , In reaching a ecision about an applicant, there7ore, progra++e tea+s are as3e to ta3e into account the age, nature an relevancy o7 the conviction, the applicants? attitu e to it an his or her achieve+ents since the conviction, :epen ent on the case stu ents +ay be a +itte to the progra++e, but woul be in7or+e that, subse>uent progression to practice place+ents an success7ul registration with the A)C via the International route cannot be guarantee , Stu ents will be responsible 7or an re>uire to eclare any cri+inal convictions uring their perio o7 registration, All applicants will be oblige to co+plete an sign the cri+inal convictions sector in the application 7or+, ($portantE 7ailure to pro/ide 0our Cri$inal *ecord Docu$ent 3ill result in a deferral of t"e practice place$ent'

&' Healt" Professions Council Standards of Conduct< Perfor$ance and Et"ics 22

@hile on place+ent it is e1pecte that stu ents will behave in a pro7essional +anner, a hering to the Aealth )ro7essions Council Stan ar s o7 Con uct, )er7or+ance an Ethics at all ti+es, )ractice e ucators who have concerns about a stu ent?s con uct uring practice place+ent are a vise to contact the stu ent?s personal aca e+ic tutor as soon as possible,

&'&' ;ttendance polic0 during practice place$ents Stu ents an practice e ucators are a vise that i7 any changes have to be +a e to sche ule place+ent ates then these +ust be approve by AMC, Any pre< arrange absence 7ro+ place+ent re>uires be iscusse with an approve by the progra++e lea er, )lanne absences will be allowe , only in e1ceptional circu+stances, Stu ents are e1pecte to in7or+ practice e ucators o7 any absences 7ro+ place+ent ue to ill health or personal circu+stances as soon as possible on their 7irst ay o7 absence, )ractice e ucators +ust be in7or+e aily o7 any e1ten e absence, I7 a stu ent is absent 7ro+ place+ent 7or " wor3ing ays or +ore, it is essential that they co++unicate this to their personal aca e+ic tutor, Absences 7ro+ place+ent 7or F wor3ing ays or +ore +ust be supporte by a +e ical certi7icate an 7orwar e to the progra++e lea er at AMC, I7 a stu ent chooses to with raw 7ro+ a place+ent without prior iscussion an approval o7 AMC, nor+ally a 7ail gra e will be awar e 7or the practice place+ent +o ule, Aowever i7 e1tenuating circu+stances occur which preclu e prior iscussion Bsuch as serious illness or a su en 7a+ily bereave+entC then a course o7 action will be +utually agree , &')' Dress code during practice place$ents Stu ents will be e1pecte to con7or+ to policy agree within in ivi ual service settings, )ractice e ucators will +a3e these re>uire+ents 3nown to stu ents in a vance o7 starting the place+ent, So+e practice place+ent sites +ay re>uire a uni7or+ whereas in other settings s+art, casual ress is the nor+, AMC as3s 7or the application o7 a strict ress co e by all stu ents, 7ollowing hygiene rules, in laboratory an practical classes an at place+ents, Stu ents are supplie uni7or+s bearing the AMC logo, Stu ents are a vise to ress pro7essionally Be,g, s+art trousers, shirt an Ju+perC an 7or ease o7 +ove+ent wear co+7ortable clothing, /ight, short or low cut clothing woul not be consi ere appropriate, Un erwear shoul not be visible either through clothing or because outer clothing oes not cover un erwear a e>uately, Uni7or+s i7 worn uring place+ent, +ust be clean an change on a aily basis, Car igans an sweatshirts worn 7or war+th shoul suit the colour o7 the uni7or+ an these shoul be re+ove when wor3ing with service users, @hen a scar7 or a veil is worn, stu ents shoul ensure that the 7low o7 the gar+ent pro+otes e77ective co++unication an sa7e +oving an han ling, Scarves or veils shoul be change on a aily basis, ;ootwear +ust be clean an in goo repair, low heele , close toe rubber sole , non< pervious shoes are reco++en e , 2lac3 or navy shoes are pre7erable, however 23

in so+e settings clean trainers o7 a non< pervious +aterial are per+issible, Soc3s shoul be plain in 3eeping with the colour o7 the uni7or+, Most place+ent sites will have a strict policy regar ing the wearing o7 Jewellery, /his is 7or stu ents? sa7ety as well as that o7 service users, )olicies allow 7or religious=cultural observance <a ring Bplain ban C a bangle BplainC or a nec3lace worn ne1t to the s3in is allowe , -or+ally, one +etal s+ooth stu e earring per lobe is per+itte , 2o y piercings an tattoos +ay cause concerns in so+e place+ent settings an conse>uently +ay nee to be re+ove or covere up, @atches are per+issible however these +ay nee course o7 the ay, to be re+ove throughout the

Aair 7alling over the 7ace uring practical wor3 is not acceptable an woul re>uire appropriate action, Aair shoul be tie bac3 o77 the collar an nails 3ept clean an short, -ail polish, arti7icial 7inger nails or nail e1tensions shoul not be worn within the place+ent setting, -a+e ba ges +ust be visible an worn at all ti+es, so+e settings +ay also re>uire an a itional security pass, /hese +ay be re+ove i7 they will inJure a service user on close contact an then re<applie , A stu ent whose personal appearance is ee+e to be inappropriate by the practice e ucator or +ost senior +e+ber o7 sta77 present in the practice area +ay be as3e to leave the practice setting an reporte absent until they return resse appropriately, )lace+ent hours +ay be e ucte 7or this absence,

&'+' *outine ad$inistration procedures Stu ents are e1pecte to +a3e the+selves aware o7 an abi e by service stan ar s relating to the carrying out o7 routine a +inistrative tas3, :iscussion will typically cover the practice e ucator?s reco++en ations about uties such as answering the telephone writing up case notes, 7iling, 3eeping statistics, boo3ing transport other a +inistrative uties, &',' Punctualit0 So+e service users receiving occupational therapy atten on a ti+e appoint+ent basis, with service stan ar s speci7ying a protocol which has to be 7ollowe i7 they are 3ept waiting beyon a +a1i+u+ ti+e, All stu ents are there7ore e1pecte to be punctual, beginning an en ing sessions on sche ule to ensure the s+ooth running o7 the service,
&'10' Confidentialit0 Stu ents are re>uire to a here to service provi ers? gui elines an policies on con7i entiality uring their practice place+ents, Con7i entiality o7 service users +ust be respecte an protecte at all ti+es an in7or+ation shoul only be use 7or the purpose 7or which it was given, Service user case notes an recor s, are the property o7 the place+ent provi er they +ust be 3ept physically secure an +ust never be re+ove 7ro+ the place+ent setting, Any written wor3 co+plete 7or the place+ent shoul be store as a con7i ential recor , 24

It is e1pecte that stu ents will +aintain the boun aries o7 con7i entiality outsi e their place+ent both in iscussions, presentations an written course wor3 7or AMC, -a+es shoul never be +entione when iscussing clients with other stu ents, in se+inars or in stu ents? written wor3, /he i entity o7 service users, sta77 an the organisation hosting the place+ent +ust be protecte an per+ission 7or the use o7 case +aterial sought 7ollowing the policies an gui elines o7 the place+ent provi er, :ata +ust be anony+ise , 7or e1a+ple na+e, a ress, ate o7 birth, 7ull post co e an any other etails that +ight reveal the i entity o7 a service user +ust be re+ove In7or+ation obtaine 7ro+ service users? 7iles 7or case stu ies, presentations, port7olio activities or session plans is con7i ential, Service users +ust be anony+ise by use o7 pseu ony+s which are clearly +ar3e as such, Sta77 +e+bers +ust be re7erre to by their role rather than na+e an the place+ent provi er in general ter+s rather than by na+e o7 institution, &'11' Consent to occupational t"erap0 4aining a service user?s consent to occupational therapy is a 7un a+ental aspect o7 practice an as such is containe within both the Aealth )ro7essions Council Stan ar o7 Con uct )er7or+ance an Ethics as well as the College o7 6ccupational /herapists )ro7essional Stan ar s 7or 6ccupational /herapy )ractice, Stu ents an practice e ucators are a vise to ensure that service users are 7ully in7or+e o7 the stu ent?s status an have given their per+ission 7or interventions to carrie out by a stu ent, &'12' 4sing place$ent pro/iders# (T facilities during practice place$ent Stu ents are responsible 7or 7a+iliarising the+selves with the local regulations to ensure that they o not abuse the I/ 7acilities o77ere to stu ents on place+ent, Co+puter pass wor s +ust be 3ept secure, Any co+puter 7acilities o77ere to stu ents uring place+ents are provi e 7or aca e+ic wor3 only, i,e, 7or use in learning an pursuit o7 their stu ies, /hey +ust not abuse these 7acilities 7or any other purpose, e,g, playing co+puter ga+es, e1cessive social use o7 e<+ail, or 7or recreational internet use, Aealth sciences stu ents? stu ies +ay involve internet searches rawing upon on anato+ical ter+s an phrases, /his +ay generate unwante lin3s to obJectionable websites, Stu ents are a vise to use wherever possible, speci7ic health science relate search engines which have been reco++en e by the QMU an AMC teaching sta77 , Stu ents +ay acci entally access internet sites they i not +ean to, /his +ight happen because they have clic3e on a +islea ing lin3, they clic3e on a lin3 by acci ent, or because a site has been PhiJac3e ?, /hey +ay also 7in that they get bo+bar e by unsolicite an e1plicit Ppop<up? a vertising, I7 any o7 these things happen whilst stu ents are out on place+ent, they shoul D /a3e a note o7 the U89 Bweb a ressC o7 the site an the ti+e it was accesse /ell so+eone i++e iately, I7 possible, show the+ what happene 8ecor the etails o7 the site accesse , be7ore logging o77 the co+puter, /ell their practice e ucator as soon as possible /ell local I/ sta77 Bany alerts regar ing inappropriate internet use will go to the+ 7irstC Contact their personal aca e+ic tutor at AMC to a vise the+ o7 what has happene 25

&'13' 4se of $obile p"ones during practice place$ents 6rganisations o77ering practice place+ents +ay have a policy regar ing the use o7 +obile phones, inclu ing ca+era phones, stating where an in what circu+stances such evices are per+itte or prohibite , In general, i7 stu ents cannot see a sign per+itting the use o7 +obile phones, it shoul be assu+e that their use is prohibite , @here the use o7 +obile phones is per+itte , stu ents +ust ensure that the ring tone is switche to low volu+e, or vibrate or the silent +o e is enable on the evice, Stu ents are a vise that service user con7i entiality, privacy an ignity +ust be +aintaine at all ti+es, /hey +ust never use +obile ca+era phones to ta3e photographs an vi eo recor ings o7 service users uring practice place+ent, Mobile phones +ay inter7ere with the operation o7 +e ical e>uip+ent there7ore stu ents wishing to use a +obile phone are a vise to te+porarily relocate to an area esignate as being sa7e 7or this purpose,

)' Contact $ec"anis$ 3it" and support for students during practice place$ents
/he progra++e tea+ is co++itte to stu ents? learning e1periences being one that 7acilitates an active an interactive process that pro+otes intellectual autono+y, Attention is pai to 7ostering their abilities to be sel7< irecte learners uring practice e ucation, )'1' Practice education "andbook /he practice e ucation han boo3, which is issue prior to ))% covers a range o7 issue an topics relating to practice place+ents, It also contains the e<+ail a resses an contact telephone nu+bers 7or all o7 the post gra uate progra++e tea+, )'2' 2oodle Each Moo le place+ent +o ule houses a ban3 o7 use7ul practice<base learning resources an +aterials 7or stu ents, 8esources inclu e web lin3s, han boo3s, assess+ent 7or+s, te+plates 7or re7lection an rea ing +aterials, )'3' Support $ec"anis$s for practice place$ent 1 All practice place+ents, are 7ull ti+e B( hoursC per ay, Stu y ti+e will be nee e 7or preparation o7 wor3 7or the place+ent as well as re7lection an written wor3 relating irectly to the place+ent Bport7olios etcC, Moo le provi es a 7oru+ 7or group support an co++unication throughout all practice place+ents, Stu ents participate in on<line iscussions 7acilitate by their personal aca e+ic tutors at esignate points throughout the place+ent, 4ui ance on how to prepare 7or an participate in these on<line iscussions is given in preparatory sessions hel at AMC, Activities are esigne to pro+ote a co++unity o7 learners, 7acilitate the evelop+ent o7 stu ents? sel7<assess+ent s3ills an 7oster attitu es which value continuing pro7essional evelop+ent, )ersonal aca e+ic tutors encourage active 3nowle ge sharing a+ongst the cohort through the use o7 peer generate 7ee bac3, 26

)'-' 2eetings and /isits I7 there are concerns about a stu ent?s per7or+ance an well< being uring practice place+ent a +eeting can be arrange at the re>uest o7 either the practice e ucator an =or the stu ent, A stu ent who 7ails a practice place+ent will be o77ere in ivi ual +eetings with the pro7essional practice tutor to prepare a personal evelop+ent plan 7or a retrieval place+ent )' ' Student counselling ser/ice Stu ents e1periencing any personal i77iculties while on place+ent are encourage to use the College Stu ent Counselling Service, /his service is con7i ential an sessions can be arrange to suit the stu ent?s ti+etable, All stu ents are welco+e to use the service, which can also provi e in7or+ation on other sources o7 help that +ay be +ore appropriate, )'&' Practice place$ent debriefing 3orks"ops A practice place+ent ebrie7ing wor3shop is hel at the conclu ing phase o7 each place+ent o77ering stu ents a 7urther opportunity to integrate the e1perience o7 practice place+ent conte1t with the learning environ+ent o7 AMC, Stu ents evaluate their personal an pro7essional evelop+ent with the pro7essional practice tutor, iscuss relevant issues an prepare 7or 7uture practice place+ents,

+' Contact $ec"anis$s 3it" and support for place$ent pro/iders and practice educators
9in3s between the AMC environ+ent an the practice co++unity un erpin the esign o7 the 2Sc BAonsC in 6ccupational /herapy LAthensM, )ractice e ucation is a yna+ic pheno+enon re>uiring innovative 7le1ible support +echanis+s that are re7lective o7 the rapi ly changing nature o7 health an social care, inclu ing the growing use o7 in7or+ation technology, +'1' Practice-based learning support 3eb site /his web site was evelope in $##( by the QMU School o7 Aealth Sciences, It is a school wi e resource an the occupational therapy page sits along si e other progra++es in the School, /he web site has been esigne to help +a3e the role o7 place+ent supervision easier by provi ing lin3s to use7ul websites relate to practice< base learning, along with electronic versions o7 all the 7or+s that practice e ucators nee 7or practice place+ents, @e hope that this resource will prove use7ul an supportive, an we welco+e any reco++en ations 7ro+ practice e ucators 7or 7urther evelop+ents to the occupational therapy section o7 the web site,

Practice based learning support 3eb site T"is can be accessed /ia t"e follo3ing link6 "ttp6CC$cs'A$u'ac'ukCP8LC Click on F.ccupational T"erap0G t"en< F8Sc 9Hons: .ccupational T"erap0G


+'2, De/elop$ent of ne3 place$ent sites )ractical a vice is available 7ro+ AMC to services consi ering the 7easibility o7 o77ering practice place+ents to occupational therapy stu ents 7ro+ AMC

+'3' (ndi/idual support :uring practice place+ents the stu ent?s personal aca e+ic tutor is available via e< +ail an =or telephone to answer any >ueries, A itional support an gui ance is available to practice e ucators who are wor3ing with +arginal stu ents an very able stu ents, AMC sta77 +ay arrange three way +eetings at the re>uest o7 the practice e ucator,

+'-' !orks"ops A variety o7 Q ay wor3shops 7or practice e ucators have been evelope by the AMC progra++e tea+ accor ing to the QMU stan ar s, -or+ally they are elivere on ca+pus, @or3shops cover aspects such asD 6verview o7 the occupational therapy curricula Mo els o7 supervision uring practice place+ent :eveloping obJectives 7or practice place+ents 4iving 7ee bac3 an writing practice place+ent assess+ent reports Supporting isable stu ents on practice place+ent ;ro+ re7lection to re7le1ivity Conceptual +o els o7 practice ;itness to practise

,' Learning outco$es for practice place$ents

,'1' Practice Place$ent 1 9PP1: @ear 16 Professional Practice Place$ent 1 @ear of Place$ent Progra$$e Hear % )))% Se$ester $ Duration & wee3s 7=t Place$ent Da0s "# ays Hours $%7

)ro7essional )ractice )lace+ent % B)))%C o77ers stu ents the 7irst opportunity o7 learning in a practice setting, /hey are ac>uiring 3nowle ge an a repertoire o7 s3ills 7or 7unctioning in practice place+ents, Stu ents observe, practice an re7lect on their per7or+ance, /hey ta3e an active role with clients, applying 3nowle ge an eveloping pro7essional reasoning s3ills /he 7ocus o7 )))% inclu es opportunities toD Rgain an un erstan ing o7 occupational therapy in one practice conte1t Restablish the 7oun ations 7or sa7e, e77ective an ethical pro7essional practice Restablish the 7oun ations o7 continuing pro7essional evelop+ent 28

Restablish the 7oun ations o7 e77ective pro7essional co++unication Rinitiate the evelop+ent o7 pro7essional s3ills, attitu es an values Rre7lect upon an evaluate personal per7or+ance Re1ploring how the +aJor concepts an practice principles o7 occupational therapy relate to social

Rgain e1posure to service users with a range o7 health con itions an circu+stances

Re1a+ine the relationship between occupational per7or+ance, health an well<being Co$$unication Skills Co++unicate appropriately within the place+ent setting with clients, sta77 an others,B9$C Encourage an 7acilitate co++unication by using appropriate non< verbal an verbal rein7orce+ent B9$C Co++unicate e77ectively an con7i ently with in ivi ual clients an groups in 7ace to 7ace contact B9&C Co++unicate e77ectively using appropriate language with other pro7essionals in the +ulti isciplinary tea+ B97C Co++unicate concisely, clearly an accurately both orally an in writing B9&C

Professional Skills :e+onstrate pro7essional characteristics, which in icate his=her ability to wor3 sa7ely within a pro7essional 7ra+ewor3 as appropriate to occupational therapy, B9"C Sa7e practice, con7or+ing to the stan ar s o7 the wor3place, concerning sta77, clients an proce ures B9FC S3ills in organising sel7 an wor3 in a satis7actory +anner B97C A apting satis7actorily to the re>uire+ents o7 the place+ent in a pro7essional +anner B9(C 8ecognising own strength an li+itations an uses appropriate strategies to 7urther evelop their own pro7essional evelop+ent B9$C Awareness o7 pro7essional boun aries an wor3ing within the+ B97C

.T Process Skills :iscuss an participate in the occupational therapy process as applicable to the setting, B9%C 4ather an select relevant in7or+ation be7ore initial interview or +eeting with an in ivi ual or group B9&C 29

:e+onstrate an un erstan ing o7 the 6ccupational /herapist?s role an the ability to articulate it B9%C 8ecognise an respon to the in ivi ual nee s o7 clients B9"C

Clinical *easoning :e+onstrate s3ills o7 clinical reasoning an re7lection by i enti7ying an analysing the sa7e wor3ing practices o7 an occupational therapist in the wor3 setting, inclu ing roles, core s3ills an use o7, in relation to the clients in ivi ual nee s, B94C I enti7y an I enti7y an iscuss the philosophy o7 6ccupational /herapy B9%C iscuss the 6ccupational /herapy process B94C

,'2' Practice Place$ent 2 9PP2: @ear 26 Professional Practice Place$ent 2 @ear of Place$ent Progra$$e Hear $ )))$ Se$ester $ Duration ( wee3s 7=t Place$ent Da0s 4# ays Hours $((

)ro7essional )ractice )lace+ent $ B)))$C encourages stu ents to raw upon an integrate 3nowle ge 7ro+ their university base stu ies an previous learning 7ro+ )))%, :uring this place+ent they actively contribute to the practice setting, E+phasis is on practice an e1perience o7 the occupational therapy process, proble+ solving an co++unication, /he 7ocus o7 )))$ inclu es opportunities toD Re1perience an area practice signi7icantly i77erent 7ro+ that encountere in ))% Rparticipate in sa7e an e77ective service elivery R7urther evelop appropriate pro7essional s3ills, attitu es an values Rre7lect on an evaluate personal per7or+ance Rcontinue to evi ence pro7essional evelop+ent Co$$unication Skills :e+onstrate e77ective co++unication within the occupational therapy setting an with e1ternal agencies B9%C Encourage an 7acilitate others to co++unicate by using appropriate non<verbal an verbal rein7orce+ent B9%C Co++unicate e77ectively an con7i ently with in ivi ual clients an groups in 7ace to 7ace contact B9"C Co++unicate e77ectively using appropriate ter+inology with other pro7essionals in the +ulti isciplinary tea+ B94C Co++unicate accurately an concisely, both orally an in writing B9%C 30

:iscuss occupational therapy at appropriate levels B9&C Use receive in7or+ation to +a3e observations an interpretations, Justi7ying these with clarity an accuracy B9$C )resent hi+ = hersel7 appropriately to others B97C Sustain goo wor3ing relationships with +ulti isciplinary tea+ +e+bers B94C Share 3nowle ge an s3ill through a variety o7 +etho s B94C

Professional Skills :e+onstrate an ability to wor3 as a pro7essional within the occupational therapy service provision B94C Un erstan pro7essional stan ar s, behaving in a pro7essional +anner, i enti7ying policies an proce ures, using resources e77iciently B97C A apt perceptively to the e+an s o7 the wor3place B9"C Actively see3 3nowle ge an create learning opportunities in or er to create pro7essional co+petence B9&C Contribute to the place+ent by see3ing to evaluate an i+prove his = her pro7essional s3ills B9(C 2e aware o7 pro7essional boun aries an wor3ing within the+ B9FC

.T Process Skills I enti7y an i+ple+ent the aspects o7 the 6/ )rocess applicable to the setting, 7ro+ an appropriate evi ence base, B9$C 4ather an select relevant in7or+ation to the clients situation B9$C Select appropriate assess+ent=s an prepare the client B9"C )lan appropriate interventionE I+ple+ent interventionE Evaluate intervention, B9$C

Clinical *easoning Use clinical reasoning an re7lective practice s3ills to critically analyse the current 3nowle ge base un erpinning sa7e practice with service users, B9"C :e+onstrate re7lection upon the e1perience o7 the place+ent inclu ing i enti7ication o7 his = her personal an pro7essional gains an nee s 7or 7urther evelop+ent, B9(C S3ills o7 en>uiry an analysis B9"C /he ability to select an review theories an concepts relevant to the practice setting B9&C Evi ence o7 the use o7 trans7erable s3ills B9FC 31

8e7lection upon own an others per7or+ances an nee s, consi ering a variety o7 issues B94C

,'3' Practice Place$ent 3 9PP3: @ear 36 Professional Practice Place$ent 3 9PPP3: @ear of Place$ent Progra$$e Hear " )))" Se$ester $ Duration & wee3s 7=t Place$ent Da0s "# ays Hours $%7

/he thir practice place+ent provi es the stu ents with the opportunity to broa en an consoli ate their 3nowle ge o7 practice, Stu ents gain a greater egree o7 autono+y, a opting a co<wor3er role with their practice e ucator an assu+e Joint responsibility 7or active service provision, /his place+ent will enable stu ents toD Rgain a greater egree o7 autono+y in the wor3 setting Ractively participate in all aspects o7 service elivery R e+onstrate an analytical approach to all aspects o7 service elivery Re1plore how research 7in ings +ight be integrate into practice Rre7lect on an evaluate personal per7or+ance Rcontinue to re7lect an buil evi ence o7 pro7essional evelop+ent Co$$unication Skills :e+onstrate an ability to wor3 an co++unicate pro7essionally within the occupational therapy setting, wi er +ulti isciplinary tea+ an with e1ternal agencies B9%C :e+onstrate appropriate non<verbal an listening s3ills B9%C /a3e initiative in co++unicating clearly an concisely with clients, sta77 an others in oral an written 7or+ B9%C 677er perceptive, well reasone state+ents an interpretationsE :iscuss occupational therapy at appropriate levels with othersE Evaluate his = her s3ills as a co++unicator, B9$C Share 3nowle ge an s3ill with clarity an pro7essionalis+ B9"C

Professional Skills Evaluate an critically re7lect upon his = her wor3 as an occupational therapist, i enti7ying continuing pro7essional evelop+ent nee s to evi ence B9(C Satis7actorily wor3 with all the tea+ +e+bers, contributing +eaning7ully to the place+ent B9"C Using soun pro7essional Ju ge+ent to select, interpret an report in7or+ation B9$C 32

/he ability to evaluate an critically re7lect upon his = her own an others practice B9(C 2e aware o7 pro7essional boun aries an wor3ing within the+ B94C

.T Process Skills :e+onstrate pro7essional responsibility 7or an allocate caseloa , +anaging all aspects o7 wor3, reporting to the )ractice )lace+ent E ucator as re>uire BlFC 4ather an select relevant in7or+ation 7ro+ appropriate sourcesE Select, participate in an a apt appropriate assess+entsE Sensitively carry out assess+ents to eter+ine client nee sE Elicit the re>uire in7or+ation in both brea th an epthE Evaluate the re>uire in7or+ation<gathering process, B97C Using an e1tensive range o7 practical s3ills, reassessing, revising an evaluating thoroughly B97C 8eview an utilise appropriate theory to in7or+ an structure practice B9$C

Clinical *easoning Evaluate an critically re7lect on the 6ccupational /herapy process 7ro+ an evi ence base in or er to evelop practice, B94C Use a wi e range o7 en>uiry s3ills to e77ectively analyse an articulate the evi ence base 7or practice B97C Integrate theory an practice trans7erring 3nowle ge an s3ills to a wi e range o7 situations B9$C E77ectively critically appraise an re7lect on all 7acets o7 practice B9(C

,'-' Practice Place$ent @ear -6 Professional Practice Place$ent - 9PPP-: @ear of Place$ent Progra$$e Hear 4 )))4 Se$ester % Duration ( wee3s 7=t Place$ent Da0s 4# ays Hours $((

:uring this 7inal place+ent stu ents will be e1pecte to e+onstrate a co+petent level o7 attain+ent in all aspects o7 practice an that they have the 3nowle ge, s3ills an attitu es appropriate 7or practice now an in the 7uture, /his place+ent will enable stu ents toD Rwor3 as in epen ently as possible at pre<registration level Rassi+ilate an synthesi.e 3nowle ge an s3ills prior to co+pletion o7 stu ies Rprovi e evi ence o7 in epen ence in all aspects o7 learning Re77ectively integrate research 7in ings into practice 33

Renhance the evelop+ent o7 an analytical approach to all aspects o7 practice Rrealistically evaluate e77ectiveness o7 interventions Re77ectively contribute to +ulti pro7essional an inter agency wor3ing Rre7lect on an evaluate pro7essional per7or+ance Co$$unication Skills :e+onstrate an ability to wor3 an co++unicate as an in epen ent pro7essional within the occupational therapy setting, wi er +ulti isciplinary tea+s an with e1ternal agencies B9"C /a3e initiative in co++unicating clearly an concisely with clients, sta77 an others in oral an written 7or+ B9FC 677er perceptive, well reasone state+ents an interpretationsE :iscuss occupational therapy at appropriate levels with othersE Evaluate his = her s3ills as a co++unicator, B97C Share 3nowle ge an s3ill with clarity an pro7essionalis+ B9FC

Professional Skills Evaluate an critically re7lect upon his = her wor3 as an occupational therapist, i enti7ying continuing pro7essional evelop+ent nee s to evi ence B9(C Satis7actorily wor3 with all the tea+ +e+bers, contributing +eaning7ully to the place+ent B9FC Using soun pro7essional Ju ge+ent to select, interpret an report in7or+ation B94C /he ability to evaluate an critically re7lect upon his = her own an others practice B9&C 2e aware o7 pro7essional boun aries an wor3ing within the+ B9"C

.T Process Skills :e+onstrate pro7essional responsibility 7or an allocate caseloa , +anaging all aspects o7 wor3, reporting to the )ractice )lace+ent E ucator as re>uire B9$C 4ather an select relevant in7or+ation 7ro+ appropriate sourcesE Select, participate in an a apt appropriate assess+entsE Sensitively carry out assess+ents to eter+ine client nee sE Elicit the re>uire in7or+ation in both brea th an epthE Evaluate the re>uire in7or+ation<gathering process, B94C Managing a s+all caseloa to pro7essional stan ar s, using an e1tensive range o7 practical s3ills, reassessing, revising an evaluating thoroughly B9$C 8eview an utilise appropriate theory to in7or+ an structure practice B9%C

Clinical *easoning


Evaluate an critically re7lect on the 6ccupational /herapy process 7ro+ an evi ence base in or er to evelop practice, B9&C Use a wi e range o7 en>uiry s3ills to e77ectively analyse an articulate the evi ence base 7or practice B9(C Integrate theory an practice trans7erring 3nowle ge an s3ills to a wi e range o7 situations B9%C E77ectively critically appraise an re7lect on all 7acets o7 practice B9&C

10' 5uidance for practice educators6 Ho3 to support a student at risk of failing a practice place$ent
@hilst being relatively rare, stu ents 7ailing practice place+ents oes happen an can be a very stress7ul situation 7or all concerne , /hese gui elines are ai+e at re ucing so+e o7 the stresses an ensuring that a 7air process is in place to help support the stu ent an practice e ucator concerne , A stu ent who is consi ere to be at ris3 o7 7ailing a place+ent shoul be +a e aware o7 this no later than the +i way evaluation, AMC shoul also be noti7ie in or er to plan 7or ti+ely support, 6nce stu ents are aware o7 practice e ucators? concerns, they have the opportunity to i+prove their per7or+ance, /his shoul enable stu ents to re7lect on their per7or+ance an with the support o7 practice e ucators evelop strategies to overco+e the i77iculties e1perience , Stu ents +ay continue to 7ail in the sa+e co+petencies i7 they o not respon to 7ee bac3 given or are unable to change their per7or+ance su77iciently=consistently, /he points below outline the process o7 assisting a stu ent at ris3 o7 7ailing a )), Any concerns about the stu ent?s per7or+ance shoul be raise with the stu ent an iscusse an 7actually ocu+ente uring supervision, A supple+entary supervision 7or+ +ay assist in the iscussion an recor ing o7 such issues, /he wor FfailG +ust be clearly use in this iscussion an the practice e ucator shoul provi e e1a+ples where there are gaps in the stu ent?s e1isting repertoire o7 3nowle ge=s3ills an attitu es, Stu ents shoul iscuss issues that +ight be i+pacting on their per7or+ance with their practice e ucators, /he stu ent oes not have to isclose personal etails but is encourage to reveal su77icient in7or+ation 7or the practice e ucator an stu ent to assess any potential i+pact on the stu ent?s per7or+ance, Stu ents are a vise to isclose health issues that +ay be a77ecting their per7or+ance whilst on place+ent, )ractice e ucators are a vise to contact the stu ent?s personal aca e+ic tutor i7 they have serious concerns about a stu ent?s per7or+ance an woul li3e a itional support, /he personal aca e+ic tutor will negotiate a plan o7 action 35

7or provi ing support an gui ance 7or the stu ent an practice e ucator, /he personal aca e+ic tutor, stu ent an practice e ucator shoul i enti7yD 8easons 7or the stu ent 7ailing Areas o7 strength Clear obJectives 7or i+prove+ent in areas o7 wea3 per7or+ance A ti+e to review progress /he practice e ucator, stu ent an personal aca e+ic tutor shoul collaborate to i enti7y re>uire changes in the stu ent?s per7or+ance, /he evelop+ent o7 an action plan inclu ing SMA8/ obJectives Bspeci7ic, +easurable, achievable, realistic=relevant an ti+e relate C 7or i+prove+ent in areas o7 wea3 per7or+ance provi es a +eans o7 clari7ying i7=when su77icient change in per7or+ance has occurre , /hese obJectives can be recor e on a learning agree+ent 7or+, ;ollowing the iscussion an evelop+ent o7 a collaborative plan o7 action the personal aca e+ic tutor will contact the practice place+ent within an agree ti+e 7ra+e to assess progress an provi e ongoing support to the stu ent an practice e ucator, /he stu ent shoul be encourage to use re7lection as +uch as possible to allow the+ to assess their own per7or+ance O giving so+e 7ocus to where things go well as well as those where per7or+ance has not been so goo , )ractice e ucators shoul ocu+ent areas o7 both unsatis7actory an a e>uate=soun per7or+ance in or er to recor concerns +ore 7or+ally 7or evi ence at supervision an the hal7 way an 7inal reports, /his in7or+ation shoul be share with the stu ent, I7 the stu ent has not been able to retrieve their per7or+ance by the 7inal evaluation then the practice e ucator shoul ensure that that the verbal an written co++ents are in line with the QMU gra e escriptors an that the stu ent is le7t with a clear picture o7 where their per7or+ance i not +eet e1pecte levels, A +e+ber o7 the AMC progra++e tea+ can also be present at this iscussion i7 7elt appropriate, A stu ent who has 7aile a practice place+ent will be o77ere an in ivi ual +eeting with the pro7essional practice tutor 7or 7or+al ebrie7ing sessionBsC an to iscuss an prepare 7or the retrieval o7 the 7aile place+ent,

11' 5uidance for practice educators and students6 Ho3 to co$plete t"e assess$ent report for$
)ractice e ucators an stu ents are provi e with har an electronic copies o7 the practice place+ent assess+ent 7or+s, /hese can be use throughout the place+ent as a basis 7or iscussion between to help stu ents with sel7<re7lection on their own per7or+ance, /he purpose o7 the assess+ent process is toD< 36

/o provi e 7ee bac3 to stu ents on their per7or+ance /o i enti7y strengths an wea3nesses in the stu ent?s pro7essional practice an +o i7y learning accor ingly /o provi e a basis 7or iscussion in relation to the stu ent?s per7or+ance /o provi e a ocu+ente recor o7 stu ents? level o7 co+petence in relation to their stage o7 e ucation Assess+ent o7 learning on practice place+ents +ay be by irect observation, iscussion, written evi ence, 7ee bac3 7ro+ colleagues, service users an the stu ent?s own sel7< evaluation, )ractice e ucators co+plete an evaluation o7 stu ents? learning an per7or+ance in 7ive core areasD )ro7essional :evelop+ent )ro7essional Co++unication S3ills 6ccupational /herapy )rocess Integrating Knowle ge into )ractice 6rganisation an Manage+ent 11'1 2id 3a0 re/ie3 9for$ati/e assess$ent: /he +i way review ta3es the 7or+ o7 a iscussion between the practice e ucator an the stu ent, It gui es the actions to be ta3en by the practice e ucator an stu ent uring the re+ain er o7 the place+ent, Areas re>uiring 7urther evelop+ent an priorities to be a resse in the secon hal7 o7 the place+ent shoul be highlighte , At this stage new learning obJectives +ay be 7or+ulate , @ritten co++ents only shoul be +a e on the assess+ent 7or+, /he purpose o7 these co++ents is to provi e 7ee bac3 to stu ents so that they can gain an appreciation o7 their strengths an wea3nesses, giving the+ the opportunity to +o i7y an =or 7urther evelop speci7ic aspects o7 their per7or+ance be7ore co+pleting the place+ent, Stu ents are e1pecte to prepare 7or the +i way review by co+pleting the stu ent?s co++ents sections 7or each o7 the 7ive core areas an iscuss their co++ents an any other issues relating to the place+ent with the practice e ucator, /his sel7< assess+ent process contributes towar s the evelop+ent o7 stu ents? pro7essional Ju ge+ent by encouraging the+ to re7lect on their practice an i enti7y evi ence o7 +eeting their learning obJectives, 2oth the practice e ucator an stu ent +ust sign an ate their +i way review co++ents on the report 7or+,

11'2' 7inal e/aluation 9su$$ati/e assess$ent: /he 7inal evaluation shoul be co+plete at least one ay be7ore the en o7 the practice place+ent an iscusse with the stu ent, /his provi es the stu ent with the opportunity to review the report be7ore signing it an returning it to the practice e ucator, @ritten co++ents shoul be +a e in the practice e ucator co++ents sections o7 each core area o7 the 7or+ an these +ust be signe an ate , 37

In a ition, 7or each o7 the criterion practice e ucators are as3e to place a cross in the +i le o7 one o7 the bo1es between the 0 an H a1es that best represents their Ju ge+ent o7 the stu ent?s level o7 per7or+ance in relation to his=her stage o7 the course, /his +ust be co+plete with re7erence to the University 4ra e :escriptors provi e in the 7inal section o7 the assess+ent 7or+, )ractice e ucators are a vise to re7er to the escriptors be7ore un erta3ing this tas3, @here a particular criterion is not applicable to the practice setting or where the stu ent has not been assesse on a particular criterion, then -=A shoul be inserte in the gri , AMC re>uests that practice e ucators ocu+ent the reasonBsC 7or lac3 o7 opportunity in the practice e ucator co++ents section, Stu ents are e1pecte to prepare in a vance 7or the 7inal evaluation an co+plete the stu ent?s co++ents sections 7or each o7 the 7ive core areas, All stu ent co++ents +ust be signe an ate , 11'3' Co$piling t"e assess$ent for$ /he 7ollowing list o7 points is inten e to assist practice e ucators in the co+pilation o7 the assess+ent 7or+s, ;ee bac3 shoul beD %, (ndi/idualised and rele/ant, e+onstrating e+pathy an attention to the particular evelop+ent nee s o7 the stu ent, rather than co+paring with or generalising to other stu ents, $, 5oal-directed< provi ing assistance an increase un erstan ing o7 what is e1pecte or re>uire , with a 7ocus on the nee s o7 the clients an relationship to the learning goals o7 the stu ent, At the +i <way appraisal learning obJectives +ay nee +o i7ication or new ones evelope , It is help7ul to su++arise the 3ey points in the practice e ucators? co++ents section in the 7or+ o7 a evelop+ent=action plan, ", 8e"a/iour- focused, rather than personality 7ocuse , ;ee bac3 that re7ers to what the stu ent oes, allows scope 7or change, 4, *espectful< e+onstrating +in 7ulness o7 acceptable boun aries, respecting con7i entiality an using language that is non<Ju ge+ental, F, 8alanced, co++ent on strengths an what the stu ent i well with areas o7 wea3ness or that re>uire 7urther growth, @ritten 7ee bac3 shoul be constructive an structure so that stu ents are clear about speci7ic aspects o7 their per7or+ance re>uiring 7urther evelop+ent an =or i+prove+ent, &, Collaborati/e, inviting stu ent involve+ent an agree+ent in i enti7ying strengths an wea3nesses, in see3ing solutions, reaching conclusions an 7or+ulating plans 7or 7uture action, 7acilitating sel7<evaluation, 7, C"ange focused 9non-e/aluati/eC, e1ploring speci7ic strategies to +aintain strengths an i+prove wea3nesses an 7acilitating a proble+<solving approach that highlights the conse>uences both positive an negative o7 particular behaviours or actions, Encourage i+prove+ent with practical an speci7ic suggestions an evi ence re>uire 7ro+ the stu ent to e+onstrate 7urther achieve+ent, 38

(, 7actual 9not generalisedC, provi ing evi ence<base e1a+ples base on observe per7or+ance that highlight actual strengths an wea3nesses o7 +o i7iable behaviours that have been observe , )rovi e speci7ic suggestions 7or i+prove+ents to what stu ents are oing, or occasions where positive behaviour was e+onstrate , an iscussing outco+es o7 each behaviour, ', ;ligned to the university gra e escriptors, Chec3 7or congruence between written co++ents an the actual gra eBsC awar e 11'-' ;3arding an o/erall grade for students# perfor$ance during practice place$ent Assess+ent 7or+s are gra e in the range A<4 in accor ance with the Queen Margaret University criteria 7or un ergra uate +o ules BQMU, $#%#C, In assigning an overall gra e, practice e ucators +ust re7er to the University 4ra e :escriptors provi e on the assess+ent 7or+s an i enti7y the 7inal gra e awar e by circling one o7 the gra es on the 7ront page o7 the assess+ent 7or+, Stu ents who are awar e a gra e : or above by the practice e ucator, are consi ere to be sa7e in practice an will pass the place+ent, /he 7inal gra e is subse>uently converte into a percentage by the pro7essional practice tutor in line with University gra e to +ar3 conversion rules, BQMU, $#%#C, )ractice e ucators shoul always bear in +in that they are +a3ing a Ju ge+ent about the stu ents per7or+ance in relation to what is reasonably e1pecte o7 a stu ent at t"at le/el of t"e progra$$e an not in co+parison with a >uali7ie occupational therapist,

5rade ;6 .utstanding perfor$ance In allocating this gra e the practice e ucator is recognising an outstanding per7or+ance, ;or the stage o7 the progra++e, the stu ent shows e1ceptional abilit0< an e1cellent< safe perfor$ance "as been consistentl0 de$onstrated t"roug"out t"e $aDorit0 of t"e place$ent' 5rade 86 Her0 good perfor$ance In allocating this gra e the practice e ucator is recognising a /er0 good per7or+ance, ;or the stage o7 the progra++e, a very goo stan ar has been e+onstrate , ; /er0 good< safe perfor$ance< consistentl0 de$onstrated t"roug"out t"e $aDorit0 of t"e place$ent' In awar ing a gra e in this range the practice e ucator will be loo3ing 7or essentially the sa+e 3in o7 evi ence as use 7or the A ban ing, but will +ar3 in this range where the e/idence is not as strong in relation to each o7 the 7ive core categories, /he stu ent?s per7or+ance oes on the assess$ent for$' 5rade C6 ;/erage perfor$ance In allocating this gra e the practice e ucator is recognising an a/erage per7or+ance, ;or the stage o7 the progra++e, an average per7or+ance has been e+onstrate , i,e, a per7or+ance typical o7 a stu ent at this stage o7 the progra++e, ; good< safe perfor$ance consistentl0 de$onstrated for t"e $aDorit0 of t"e place$ent' 39

5rade D6 Satisfactor0 perfor$ance In allocating this gra e the practice e ucator is recognising a satisfactor0 per7or+ance, 7or t"e stage of t"e progra$$e t"e student#s perfor$ance is satisfactor0 and safe< consistentl0 de$onstrated for t"e second "alf of t"e place$ent'

.n assess$ent a student 3"o ac"ie/es a grade D or abo/e< is considered to be safe in practice and 3ill pass t"e place$ent 5rade E6 7ail (n allocating t"is grade t"e practice educator is recognising an unsatisfactor0 perfor$ance' /he stu ent has re>uire signi7icant a itional support an gui ance than is e1pecte o7 a stu ent at this stage in the progra++e, /he stu ent has 7aile to achieve so+e o7 the AMC learning outco+es 7or the practice place+ent an is e+onstrating unsa7e practice on a regular basis, 5rade 76 Poor fail In allocating this gra e the practice e ucator is recognising a clear failure' A poor atte+pt to a ress the issues o7 practicing within this area that oes not +eet the criteria 7or an acceptable per7or+ance in a signi7icant nu+ber o7 areas, /he stu ent has 7aile to achieve a signi7icant nu+ber o7 learning outco+es 7or the practice place+ent, 5rade 56 ; bad fail In allocating this gra e the practice e ucator is recognising a clear failure, /he stu ent has 7aile to achieve the +aJority o7 the University learning outco+es 7or the practice place+ent

11' ' 5uidance for allocating an ; grade A stu ent +ay achieve higher gra es in the practice place+ent +o ules than in the college<base +o ules, 6ccasionally this +ay be an inaccurate representation ue toD< )ressure 7ro+ the stu ent to increase the gra es @ishing to rewar the stu ent 7or 7itting in to the place+ent area particularly well Misinterpretation o7 the University gra e escriptors /he 7ollowing is a list o7 points to assist in the evaluation processD< Keep written recor s o7 A stan ar per7or+ance in the 7ive core areas, /hese +ight have been observe by the practice e ucator or reporte by other +e+bers o7 sta77, As3 the stu ent to provi e his=her own e1a+ples o7 A stan ar per7or+ance, I7 the stu ent is achieving the e>uivalent o7 an A stan ar per7or+ance at the +i way evaluation, the practice e ucator shoul contact AMC an as3 to spea3 to the pro7essional practice tutor, Keep stu ents in7or+e o7 this process so that they are aware they nee to consistentl0 de$onstrate e/idence of an ; standard perfor$ance' 40

It is hope that these gui elines will ensure greater rigor in the allocation o7 an A gra e, contributing towar s the assess+ent process by provi ing a secon obJective viewpoint, Ulti+ately it is the practice e ucator?s responsibility to evaluate the stu ent?s per7or+ance an allocate a gra e that represents the abilities an aptitu es o7 the stu ent in relation to the +ar3ing criteria,

Practice educators e1periencing difficulties reac"ing a final decision are acti/el0 encouraged to contact t"e ;2C Practise Place$ent Co-ordinator' 11'& *ecei/ing a fail grade on practice place$ent A stu ent who 7ails a place+ent will be per+itte one atte+pt only to retrieve a 7aile practice place+ent +o ule, /he hours o7 7aile practice e ucation will not count towar s the +ini+u+ re>uire+ent o7 %### hours, I7 the +o ule is ulti+ately 7aile an retrieval processes 7or the +o ule have been e1hauste then the stu ent will be as3e to with raw 7ro+ the progra++e, A stu ent +ay also be enie the opportunity to retrieve the +o ule i7 the 7ailure originally occurre on groun s o7 pro7essional unsuitability BC6/, $##(C, 11')' Deferring a practice place$ent Stu ents who are unable 7or legiti+ate reasons to un erta3e the place+ent at the allotte ti+e or who have to with raw 7ro+ place+ent 7or such reasons as ill health will have a place+ent arrange at a e7erre ti+e, /his will count as a 7irst atte+pt, Stu ents +ust a vise in case o7 illness, on t"e first da0, both the practice e ucator an A3+i Metropolitan College )ro7essional )ractice /utor, when they are unable to atten , Stu ents +ust also a vise when necessary anyone involve in transporting the+ to place+ent, @hen a stu ent eci es that they are unable to atten a place+ent, or a7ter a total o7 three ays o7 absence at the +ost, they +ust co+plete an e1tenuating circu+stances 7or+ an sub+it it to the )ractice place+ent coor inator, /he stu ent concerne will then be a vise i7 their reason 7or non atten ance is vali , Shoul the reason be vali the stu ent will be re+ove 7ro+ their place+ent an the place+ent will be e7erre , In the event that a reason 7or non atten ance is invali the stu ent will be a vise accor ingly an be instructe to carry out their place+ent, @hen a stu ent elects to ispute the initial ecision, the e1tenuating circu+stances will be a Ju icate by the )rogra++e 9ea er an the )ractice place+ent coor inator, /ypes o7 situations li3ely to be consi ere vali E1tenuating circu+stancesD Aealth proble+ veri7ie by the College?s 6ccupational /herapy :epart+ent, :eath or serious illness o7 an i++e iate 7a+ily +e+ber i,e, parent=guar ian, brother or sister, son or aughter, husban or wi7e, partner, MaJor househol proble+s e,g, 7ire, I+pact o7 natural isaster, civil isruption or other +aJor , Circu+stances that will not >uali7y inclu eD Every ay, avoi able occurrences, an nor+al stu ent pressures such asD 41

Col s or 3nown con itions such as hay 7ever Bunless the e77ects are unusually severeC, -or+al place+ent stress or an1iety e1perience uring preparation or the place+ent perio Bunless corroborate by +e ical evi ence as a chronic con ition an un ergoing treat+entC, Co+puter +al7unction, -on<serious o+estic or personal isruptions Be,g, +oving house, change o7 Job, holi ays, we ings, Job pressure, 7aile travel arrange+ents, 7inancial i77iculties, oversleepingC, e1ternal wor3 co++it+ents, ;ailure to rea University e<+ails an noti7ications, A e7erre place+ent ta3es place when an e1tenuating circu+stances 7or+ has been co+plete by a stu ent an the 7or+ has been agree an rati7ie by the ne1t available )rogra++e 2oar assess+ent boar , /he stu ent will receive an o77icial noti7ication 7ro+ the College con7ir+ing the ecision o7 the )rogra++e boar with an in ication o7 ti+e an the location o7 the e7erre place+ent, /his will count as a 7irst atte+pt,

:e7erre place+ents will ta3e place at the sa+e ti+e o7 year as the original place+ent where ti+etabling allows in the 7ollowing aca e+ic year, @hen the place+ent clashes with ti+etable activities the progra++e lea er will wor3 with the )ractice place+ent coor inator to arrange a suitable ti+e, :epen ing upon agree+ent, the retrieval or e7erre practice place+ent will occur over the su++er be7ore the stu ent +ay progress to the ne1t level o7 the progra++e A re<sit place+ent occurs when a stu ent has +anage to accu+ulate 4# cre its in the aca e+ic year, but has 7aile to +eet the re>uire+ents o7 an assesse place+ent an the ecision is agree an rati7ie by the ne1t available )rogra++e E1a+ boar , /he stu ent will be receive a noti7ication 7ro+ the University con7ir+ing the ecision o7 the E1a+ boar with an in ication o7 when the re<sit place+ent will ta3e place, 8e<sit place+ents will ta3e place at the sa+e ti+e o7 year as the original place+ent in the ne1t aca e+ic year, In case the stu ent 7ails to accu+ulate 4# cre its, they will be as3e to with raw 7ro+ the course,

11'+' Sc"eduling of a deferred or retrie/al practice place$ent -or+ally, a retrieval or e7erre practice place+ent will occur over the su++er be7ore the stu ent +ay progress to the ne1t level o7 the progra++e, 11',' Student e/aluation of practice place$ents At the conclusion o7 each place+ent stu ents co+plete an evaluation o7 place+ent 7or+ an iscuss its content with their practice e ucators, /he purpose o7 this evaluation is o77er constructive 7ee bac3 to the practice e ucator, the place+ent provi er an AMC to enable ongoing enhance+ent o7 the learning environ+ent, A copy o7 this 7or+ shoul retaine by the place+ent provi er, A copy o7 this 7or+ shoul also be 7orwar e to AMC by the stu ent 11'10' ;ppeals procedure A stu ent wishing to appeal against a ecision in practice e ucation +ay o so by 42

7ollowing the proce ures an practices set out in the Aca e+ic Appeals 8egulations BQMU, $#%#C, An appeal +ay be consi ere i7D In7or+ation is provi e that was not an coul not have been reasonably +a e available at the ti+e the un erta3ing o7 the practice place+entE /here was a +aterial irregularity in the con uct o7 the assess+ent process uring the practice place+ent, Appeals shoul be sub+itte in writing to the Aca e+ic 8egistrar within $% ays o7 co+pletion o7 the practice place+ent, /he stu ent?s state+ent shoul provi e the 7ollowing in7or+ation in support o7 the appealD na+e an +atriculation nu+berE up<to< ate contact a ress 7or correspon ence, inclu ing e<+ail a ressE

title an year o7 progra++e E result being appeale E the groun s 7or appeal, supporting evi ence an re+e y being sought,

12' ;rrange$ent for sub$ission of t"e practice place$ent assess$ent for$s to ;2C
/he return o7 the practice place+ent assess+ent 7or+ an stu ent evaluation o7 practice place+ent 7or+ to AMC is the responsibility o7 the practise place+ent tutor, /hese 7or+s $ust be sub+itte the assess+ent bo1 in the University School 677ice 8eception within fi/e 3orking da0s o7 co+pletion o7 place+ent' )ractice e ucators are as3e to ensure that stu ents are given a +aster copy o7 the co+plete assess+ent 7or+ before leaving the place+ent site, /he practice place+ent tea+ cannot respon to re>uests 7ro+ stu ents 7or copies o7 co+plete practice place+ent assess+ent 7or+s at a later ate, At the conclusion o7 each place+ent, stu ents +ust retain an securely store their place+ent ti+e car s, /hese +ay be re>uire to vali ate place+ent hours at any ti+e uring the progra++e, Absence o7 a written recor o7 the appropriate nu+ber o7 practice place+ent hours +ay result in stu ents having to co+plete e1tra place+ent hours prior to gra uation, 13' *eco$$ended reading lists for practice place$ents 13'1' Practice Place$ent 1 Atwal, A,, N Sones, M, e s, $##', Preparing for practice in health and social care. Lon<line boo3M ChichesterD @iley<2lac3well, 2ossers, A,, 2e.inna, M,2,,Aobson, S, Kinesella, A,, Mac)hail, A,, Schurr, S, , Moosa, /,, 8olle+an, 9,, ;erguson, K,, :eluca, S,, Macnab, S, N Sen3ins, S, $##7, Preceptor Education Program (PEP) for Health Care Professionals and Students, U89D httpD==www,preceptor,ca :uncan, E,A,S, $##', Skills for practice in occupational therapy, E inburghD Churchill 43

9ivingstone, th :uncan, E,A,S, e , $#%%, Foundations for practice in occupational therapy, F e , E inburghD Churchill 9ivingstone Aealey, S, N Spencer, M, $##(, Sur i ing your placement in health and social care! " student hand#ook. Mai enhea D 6pen University )ress, Aealth )ro7essions Council, $##', $uidance on conduct and ethics for students, 9on onD Aealth )ro7essions Council, Aealth )ro7essions Council, $##(, Standards of conduct, performance and ethics, 9on onD Aealth )ro7essions Council, Aull, C,, 8e 7ern, 9, N Shuttleworth, A, $##F, Profiles and portfolios! a guide for n health and social care, $ e , 2asingsto3eD )algrave Mc+Illian, Iwa+a, M,K, N /urpin, M,S, $#%%, %sing occupational therapy models in practice! a field guide. E inburghD Churchill 9ivingstone r /ho+pson, -, $##', People skills, " e , 2asingsto3eD )algrave McMillan,

13'2' Practice Place$ent 2 Atwal, A,, N Sones, M, e s, $##', Preparing for practice in health and social care. Lon<line boo3M ChichesterD @iley<2lac3well, 2ossers, A,, 2e.inna, M,2,,Aobson, S, Kinesella, A,, Mac)hail, A,, Schurr, S, , Moosa, /,, 8olle+an, 9,, ;erguson, K,, :eluca, S,, Macnab, S, N Sen3ins, S, $##7,Preceptor Education Program (PEP) for Health Care Professionals and Students, U89D httpD==www,preceptor,ca College o7 6ccupational /herapists, $##7, Professional Standards for &ccupational 'herapy Practice. 9on onD College o7 6ccupational /herapists, :uncan, E,A,S, $##', Skills for practice in occupational therapy, E inburghD Churchill 9ivingstone, 4ahye, /, N 9illey+an, S, $##&, (earning )ournals and critical incidents! reflecti e n practice for health care professionals. $ e , 9on onD Quay 2oo3s Aealey, S, N Spencer, M, $##(, Sur i ing your placement in health and social care! " student hand#ook. Mai enhea D 6pen University )ress, Aealth )ro7essions Council, $##', $uidance on conduct and ethics for students, 9on onD Aealth )ro7essions Council, Aealth )ro7essions Council, $##(, Standards of conduct, performance and ethics, 9on onD Aealth )ro7essions Council, 9aver ;awcett A,S, $##7, Principles of assessment and outcome measurement for occupational therapists and physiotherapists! theory skills and application, Lon<line boo3M, ChichesterD Sohn @iley N Sons Su+sion, /, e , $##&, Client centred practice in occupational therapy! a guide to n implementation, $ e , E inburghD Churchill 9ivingstone,

13'3' Practice Place$ent 3 Atwal, A,, N Sones, M, e s, $##', Preparing for practice in health and social care,Lon< line boo3M ChichesterD @iley<2lac3well, 2ossers, A,, 2e.inna, M,2,,Aobson, S, Kinesella, A,, Mac)hail, A,, Schurr, S, , Moosa, /,, 8olle+an, 9,, ;erguson, K,, :eluca, S,, Macnab, S, N Sen3ins, S, $##7,Preceptor Education Program (PEP) for Health Care Professionals and Students, U89D httpD==www,preceptor,ca 2oyt Schell, 2,A, N 2oyt Schell, S,@, e s, $##(, Clinical and professional reasoning in occupational therapy. )hila elphiaD 9ippincott @illia+s an @il3ins, 44

College o7 6ccupational /herapists, $##7, Professional Standards for &ccupational 'herapy Practice. 9on onD College o7 6ccupational /herapists, :uncan, E,A,S, $##', Skills for practice in occupational therapy, E inburghD Churchill 9ivingstone Sinclair, K, ;acets o7 clinical reasoning, InD Cree3, S, N 9awson )orter, A, e s, $##7, n Contemporary issues in occupational therapy! reasoning and reflection. $ e , Lon< line boo3M, ChichesterD Sohn @iley N Sons, Aealey, S, N Spencer, M, $##(, Sur i ing your placement in health and social care! " student hand#ook. Mai enhea D 6pen University )ress, Aealth )ro7essions Council, $##', $uidance on conduct and ethics for students, 9on onD Aealth )ro7essions Council, Aealth )ro7essions Council, $##(, Standards of conduct, performance and ethics, 9on onD Aealth )ro7essions Council, /aylor, 8,8, $##(, 'he intentional relationship! occupational therapy and the use of self, Lon<line boo3M, )hila elphiaD ;,A,:avis Co,

13'-' Practice Place$ent n ;, 9,S, $##(. *e eloping occupation centred programs for the community,$ e )earson=)rentice AallD Upper Sa le 8iver, -S, ;lec3y, K, N 4itlow, 9, e s, $#%%, Ser ice learning in occupational therapy education! philosophy and practice, Su bury, MassD Sones N 2artlett )ublishers Aealth )ro7essions Council, $##(, Standards of conduct, performance and ethics, 9on onD Aealth )ro7essions Council, Aealth )ro7essions Council, $##7, Standards of Proficiency! &ccupational 'herapist, 9on onD Aealth )ro7essions Council, K Kronenberg, ;,, )ollar , -, N Sa3ellariou, :, e s, $#%%, &ccupational therapies +ithout #orders , -olume .! 'o+ards an ecology of occupation/#ased practices. E inburghD Churchill 9ivingstone Elsevier, 9oren.o, /, $##&, Practice and ser ice learning in occupational therapy! enhancing potential in conte0t, Lon<line boo3M ChichesterD Sohn @iley, )ollar -,, :i3aios, S, N Kronenberg, ;, e s, $##', " political practice of occupational therapy, E inburghD Churchill 9ivingstone, Sca77a, M,S,, 8eit., M,S, N )i..i, M,A, $#%#, &ccupational therapy in the promotion of health and +ellness, )hila elphiaD ;,A,:avis Co, /ownsen , E,A, N )olataJ3o, A,S, $##7, Ena#ling occupation 11! ad ancing an occupational therapy ision for health and +ell #eing. 6ttowaD Cana ian Association o7 6ccupational /herapists


1-' 8ibliograp"0 and references Atwal, A, N Sones M, e s, $##', Preparing for practice in health and social care, Lon< line boo3M ChichesterD @iley<2lac3well, College o7 6ccupational /herapists, $#%#, Code of ethics and professional conduct, 9on onD College o7 6ccupational /herapists, 9on onD College o7 6ccupational /herapists, College o7 6ccupational /herapists, $#%#, &ccasional Paper .! Professional suita#ility. 9on onD College o7 6ccupational /herapists, College o7 6ccupational /herapists, $##', Curriculum guidance for pre/registration education. 9on onD College o7 6ccupational /herapists, College o7 6ccupational /herapists, $##(, College of &ccupational 'herapists pre/ r registration education standards." e , 9on onD College o7 6ccupational /herapists, College o7 6ccupational /herapists, $##&, *e eloping the occupational therapy profession! pro iding ne+ +ork/#ased learning opportunities for students. 9on onD College o7 6ccupational /herapists, College o7 6ccupational /herapists, $##4, $uidance on disa#ility and learning. 9on onD College o7 6ccupational /herapists, Crowther, C, $##(, %niform policy, -AS 9othian :isclosure Scotlan , $#%#, Protection of -ulnera#le $roups Scheme. Lon<lineM Available 7ro+D www, isclosurescotlan ,co,u3=gui ance=in e1,ht+l LAccesse & Sanuary $#%%M, :uncan, M, N Alsop, A, $##&, )ractice an service learning in conte1t, InD 9oren.o, /,, :uncan, M,, 2uchanan, A, N Alsop, A, e s, Practice and ser ice learning in occupational therapy! enhancing potential in conte0t. ChichesterD Sohn @iley N Sons, ;ortune, ;,, ;arnworth, 9, N McKinstry, C, $##&, )roJect<7ocusse 7iel wor3D core business or gap 7illersT "ustralian &ccupational 'herapy 2ournal, F" pp, $""<$"&, Aealey, S, N Spencer, M, $##(, Sur i ing your placement in health and social care, Mai enhea D 6pen University )ress, Aealth )ro7essions Council, $#%#, $uidance on conduct and ethics for students, 9on onD Aealth )ro7essions Council, Aealth )ro7essions Council, $##', 4ui ance on health an character, Lon<lineM 9on onD Aealth )ro7essions Council, Available 7ro+D httpD==www,hpc< u3,org=assets= ocu+ents= %###$C%74ui anceonhealthan character,p 7 LAccesse " Septe+ber $#%#M Aealth )ro7essions Council, $##', Standards of education and training, 9on onD Aealth )ro7essions Council, Aealth )ro7essions Council, $##', 3our guide to our standards for continuing professional de elopment. Lon<lineM 9on onD Aealth )ro7essions Council, Available 7ro+D httpD==www,hpc<u3,org=assets= ocu+ents=%###%%';ShortUgui eUtoUC):,p 7 LAccesse " Septe+ber $#%#M Aealth )ro7essions Council, $##(, Standards of conduct, performance and ethics. 9on onD Aealth )ro7essions Council, Aealth )ro7essions Council, $##7, Standards of proficiency! occupational therapists. 9on onD Aealth )ro7essions Council, Aealth )ro7essions Council, $##7, A isable person?s gui e to beco+ing a health pro7essional, Lon<lineM 9on onD Aealth )ro7essions Council, Available 7ro+D httpD==www,hpc< u3,org=assets= ocu+ents= %###%"7;A isable personGsgui etobeco+ingahealthpro7es sional,p 7 LAccesse " Septe+ber $#%#M, Aoc3ing, C N -ess, -,E, $##$, 4e ised minimum standards for the education of occupational therapists. Si neyD @orl ;e eration o7 6ccupational /herapists, Kronenberg, ;, N )ollar , -, $##F, 6verco+ing occupational aparthei D a preli+inary e1ploration o7 the political nature o7 occupational therapy, InD Kronenberg, ;,, Alga o, S,S, N )ollar , -, e s, &ccupational therapy +ithout #orders! learning from the spirit of sur i ors. E inburghD Elsevier Churchill 9ivingstone, -AS E ucation 7or Scotlan , $#%#, Stakeholder statement in support of practice placements for allied health professions in Scotland, Lon<lineM -AS E ucation 7or 46

Scotlan , Available 7ro+D httpD==www,nes,scot,nhs,u3=+e ia=&'#&$#=sta3ehol erUstate+ent,p 7 LAccesse F Septe+ber $#%#M -AS E ucation 7or Scotlan , $#%#, Enhancing the 5uality of "HP practice education. Lon<lineM -AS E ucation 7or Scotlan , Available 7ro+D httpD==www,nes,scot,nhs,u3=+e ia=F#"&(7=7inalUwebUenhancingU>uality,p 7 LAccesse F Suly $#%#M, -AS E ucation 7or Scotlan , $##(, 6uality Standards for practice placements. 7on/ line8 9HS Education for Scotland. Available 7ro+D httpD==www,nes,scot,nhs,u3=+e ia=F#"&'%=>sppUlea7let,p 7 LAccesse F Sune $#%#M -AS E ucation 7or Scotlan , $##7 Models of practice placement for the allied health professions! a guide, Lon<lineM -AS E ucation 7or Scotlan , Available 7ro+D httpD==www,nes,scot,nhs,u3=+e ia=$(&"=+o elsUversion$apr#7,p 7 LAccesse F Suly $#%#M -AS 9othian, $##(, $uidance on the use of mo#ile communication de ices in health care premises. -AS Scotlan , $##(, -AS Scotlan :ress Co e, Lon<lineM -AS Scotlan D Scotlan ?s Aealth on the @eb BSAo@C, Available 7ro+D httpD==www,show,scot,nhs,u3=publications=publication,aspTna+eVNorgVW$FN3eywor V-AS!Scotlan !:ress!Co eNcategoryV%Nnu+berV%#NsortVt:ateNor erV:ESCN Sub+itV4o LAccesse " Septe+ber $#%#M -AS Scotlan , $##", 9HS Code &f Practice &n Protecting Patient Confidentiality, E inburghD Scottish E1ecutive, Queen Margaret University, $##', Fitness to practise policy. Lon<lineM Available 7ro+D httpD==www,>+u,ac,u3=>uality=gr= e7ault,ht+Xpol, LAccesse $# Sanuary $#%#M Queen Margaret University, $##(, *isa#ility policy, Lon<lineM Available 7ro+D httpD==www,>+u,ac,u3=>uality=>+=AYin e1,ht+X LAccesse %( August $#%#M Queen Margaret University, $#%#, "cademic appeals regulations, Lon<lineM Available 7ro+D httpD==www,>+u,ac,u3=>uality=>+=AYin e1,ht+, LAccesse " Septe+ber $#%#M Queen Margaret University, $#%#, "ssessment regulations. Lon<lineM Available 7ro+D httpD==www,>+u,ac,u3=>uality=>+=AYin e1,ht+, LAccesse " Septe+ber $#%#M Queen Margaret University, Lno ateM, Using Co+puters 6n )lace+ent, Lon<lineM Avail, 7ro+D httpD==www,>+u,ac,u3=>uality=>+=AYin e1,ht+, LAccesse $# Sept, $#%#M Sca77a, M,S,, 8eit., M,S, N )i..i, M,A, $#%#, &ccupational therapy in the promotion of health and +ellness, )hila elphiaD ;,A,:avis Co, Scottish Cre it Quali7ication ;ra+ewor3, $##7, 'he SC6F Hand#ook. Lon<lineM Available 7ro+D httpD==www,sc>7,org,u3=Aboutthe;ra+ewor3=9evel:escriptors,asp1, LAccesse %7 :ece+ber $##'M Scottish 4overn+ent, $##(, Health Clearance For 'u#erculosis, Hepatitis :, Hepatitis C "nd H1- For 9e+ Health Care ;orkers 1n *irect Contact ;ith Patients. E inburghD Scottish 4overn+ent, /ownsen , E,A, N )olataJ3o, A,S, $##7, Ena#ling occupation 11! ad ancing an occupational therapy ision for health and +ell #eing. 6ttowaD Cana ian Association o7 6ccupational /herapists /ownsen , E, N @hite7or , 4, $##F, A participatory occupational Justice 7ra+ewor3, InD Kronenberg, ;,, Alga o, S,S, N )ollar , -, e s, &ccupational therapy +ithout #orders! learning from the spirit of sur i ors. E inburghD Elsevier C, 9ivingstone, /uning 6ccupational /herapy )roJect 4roup, $##(, 4eference point for the design and deli ery of degree programmes in occupational therapy, 2ilbaoD )ublicaciones e la Universi a e :eusto, @hite7or , 4, $##4, 6ccupational issues o7 re7ugees, InD Molineu1, M, e , &ccupation for occupational therapists, 617or D 2lac3well )ublishing, @oo , A, $##F, Stu ent practice conte1tsD changing 7ace, changing place, :ritish 2ournal of &ccupational 'herapy, &(B(C pp, "7F<"7(, Quality Assurance Agency, $##7, Code of practice for the assurance of academic 5uality and standards in higher education!< ;ork/#ased and placement learning, 4loucesterD Quality Assurance Agency Quality Assurance Agency, $##%, Su#)ect #enchmark statements! occupational therapy. 4loucesterD Quality Assurance Agency 47

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