Emmett Jasper and Bella Day Out

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Jasper, Emmett and Bella

I was sitting in my room on my small but soft double bed when I heard Emmett Jeep
pull up at my house. I looked out the window and saw Emmett and Jasper walking up
to the front door. I was a bit annoyed about the whole baby sitting thing, Edward
didn’t trust me to be alone with my bad look I would probably be sitting in the
emergency room. The door bell rang I ran down the stairs but mist the last two
steps and landed on my butt. I saw Emmett and Jasper laughing there heads of
through the glass door I got up and opened the door and welcomed them in, they
went to sit in the living room Jasper stood near the window with his arms around
his back, Emmett jump on the sofa and had his legs crossed looking at Jasper then
“So Bella what do you want to do today. Edwards hunting with Alice, Rose, Esme
and Carlisle they won’t be back till tonight so we got all day to entertain you”
he said with a smile on his face. I looked at Jasper then said to them.” I not
really bothered what we do what did you have in mind” as soon as I said that I
wish I could bring back my words Emmett smiled and the said with enthusiasm Jasper
smiled as if he new what he was going to say. “Well we could test drive Alice new
Porsche see how fast it can go we can travel to Canada border and back. Yeah lets
do that yeah jazz” he looks at Jasper for his approval. Jasper simply smiled and
said “hope Bella like to travel fast I don’t want her being sick on the leather
seats” “NO!! I won’t plus will I get a chance to have a test drive” I said this
with a huge grin on my face, Emmett laughed and said “common little sis let get to
know each other a little better, and don’t worry Edward reminded us to feed you”
So we were in the Jeep travailing up to the Cullen’s big house and the garage door
was open I wonder if they new I would say yes to this. I got out and took a closer
inspection of Alice new car that Edward promised to get her after we left Italy. I
went to get into the back but Emmett grabbed my arm and said “no you get to sit in
the front Jasper can sit in the back that way you get to have the full experience
of travailing in the newest Porsche and it has a 911 engine” “err ok” I said a bit
confused. So when we were all in the car Emmett turned the key and the engine
rowed to life. We were driving down the Cullen drive and we were speeding up the
high way. It only taken a couple of hours before we reached Canada border the car
was really fast. Emmett was pleased with what he had a accomplished he asked if I
wanted to drive back but I was two tired and hungry to be bothered so Jasper drove
home but stop for me to get something to eat a drink at a cafe. We where an hour a
way from getting home and the Emmett said “Bella I know this may sound a bit
stupid but well I consider you as a sister and so does the rest of us but just
ignore Rose she will come around. And I am gland Edward found you, you make him,
so happy for that last hundred years he been alone you have change him we see a
new Edward and we thank you. But we do ask that you take care of your self we know
Edward hates seeing you in danger. But we will stand by you we will protect you,
you are a Cullen now sis” I did not know what to say I was stunned I was happy
that they excepted me as there family all I could say was “thanks for excepting me
and I really can’t believe this thanks you so much and yeah I do to think as you a
my big bear brother” I went and hugged him and he was big but he hug me back I
smiled at Jasper he new I was grateful for the acceptance. The time we arrived at
Folks it was a 1’0clock in the morning when we pulled up to the Cullen dive Edward
was on the door step with Alice and Rose behind them “err Bella were sorry we got
you back so late but I even more sorry for what your about to witness” Emmett said
quickly I did not understand “what do you mean” but he was all ready out of the
car walking to the front door of the Cullen big house as I got out Edward was at
my side in a flash “are you ok where have you been they promised to have you back
by ten I bee worried about” “I am fine I was with Jasper and Emmett we had good
fun and a laugh really it ok and Charlie working nights he won’t even know I was
back this late” I said that but he looked like he was more worried about his
brothers now. “Were have you been no note car gone what was I supposed to think I
was worried and then when Alice told me you took her car and you had take that
Bella with you” I flinched at the was Rose said my name Edward tightened his arm
around my waist. “Rose we were doing Edward a fearer looking out for Bella and no
harm was done god I would have thought Alice or Edward would have told you what me
and Jasper were doing – and Alice sorry for taking your car with out asking”
Emmett sounded a bit annoyed that no one had told Rose what he was doing but the
atmosphere change and everyone felt relaxed Jasper talent dose have it advantages
especially when you got an angry and annoyed bunch of vampires around. Alice was
happier than angry she was glad to see Jasper as if she hadn’t seen him in years
they were holding each other in each other arms that they looked like they were
loved up to the eyes then they kissed. Emmett on the other hand was walking toward
me and Edward he said he was sorry for getting me back late and he hoped he didn’t
get me into to much trouble but Edward just smiled and he new he was forgiven I
looked at Jasper who was all ready looking at me and he just winked and smiled and
head in the house with Alice on his arm Emmett walk back to the stairs and Rose
look more sorry that angry she kissed Emmett and said sorry and Emmett kissed her
back and she was forgive they went in to the house and me and Edward were left
alone. I looked at Edwards bronze eyes and I felt warm in side myself, pulled me
off the ground and kissed me so passionately I lost the feelings to my legs he
laughed and he was holding me in his arms “I think I better get you home before
Charlie knows your missing” before I new it in my room on my bed with Edward I was
so tiered that I fell a sleep to my lullaby Edward was humming.

Please Comment on what you think thanks Sarah.

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