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Sarah Murphy

Education B.S. Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise, Expected Graduation Spring 2014 Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA G A! 4"0 Certified Nursing Assistant, Su##er 2012 Heath Care Pro ider Certified in Basic !ife Support , Su##er 2012 Hospita" Preceptorship, $oanoke %e#orial &ospital $oanoke, VA, 'all 2012 shado(ed ph)sicians (hile doing rounds in hospital and diagnosing patients gained kno(ledge in reading *T scans, +,ra)s, and ET scans obser-ed bronchoscop) procedures attended ph)sician #eetings, research con.erence calls, and #edical school lectures (ith ph)sician Medica" Mission #rip *hicu/ue, %o0a#bi/ue, Su##er 2012 (orked (ith ph)sicians in co##unit) hospital, orphanage, and (ido(s ca#p (orked (ith phar#acist to hand out prescriptions obser-ed conditions o. co##unit) hospital and local #edical techni/ues assisted (ith #edical con.erence held in %o0a#bi/ue Student Ath"etic #rainer, Virginia Tech Sports %edicine Association Blacksburg, Va, Spring 2011,present assisted trainer (ith athletes1 rehabilitation ad#inistered .irst aid assisted (ith ga#e da) in2uries Medica" $octor %o"unteering, *entra &ealth Alta-ista, VA, Su##er 2011 shado(ed a #edical doctor and (orked (ith patients assisted in checking patients1 -itals Physica" #herapy %o"unteer, $ehab Associates o. *entral Virginia &urt, VA, Su##er 20103 4)nchburg, VA, Su##er 2011 shado(ed a ph)sical therapist and (orked (ith patients assisted patients (ith therapeutic exercises


C"inica" Experience

aided in ad#inistering ultra sounds and electrical sti#ulations

!eadership Experience

#eaching Assistant for the Bio"ogica" and !ife Sciences !i ing Community Blacksburg, Va, 'all o. 2011,present acted as a #entor .or the lo(er le-el students planned acti-ities .or the class assigned and graded assign#ents presented on stud) habits and college li.e &MCA Camp $isco ery Counse"or, Alta-ista Area 5%*A Alta-ista, VA, Su##er 2010, 2011 planned acti-ities and (atched o-er ele#entar) school age children ad#inistered .irst aid

'esearch Experience

'esearch Pro(ect on Chi"dhood )*esity Blacksburg, Va Spring o. 2012 gathered data .ro# #ultiple sources sur-e)ed ele#entar) school students presented data in .ront o. .ello( honors student

Community Ser ice

+ashington, $.C. Mission #rip, 6o-e#ber (eekend 2011 passed out (ar# and clothing and #eals to the ho#eless 'e"ay for !ife, 2011, 2012 raised #one) and (alked in honor and re#e#brance o. those a..ected b) cancer Tea# *aptain Har est of Hope Phase ,,, 2010 7ashington, 8"*" -isited the non, organi0ations Bread .or the 7orld, 96E *a#paign, and S9%E :So 9thers %ight Eat; ser-ed in soup kitchens, .ood pantries, and ho#eless shelters Big E ent, 2011, 2012 Tea# *aptain assisted #e#bers o. the Blacksburg co##unit) American Medica" Student Association Food $ri e, 2011 *ollected .ood and toiletries .or a local .ood pantr) Big Brothers Big Sisters, 2012,present -isit assigned student once a (eek during lunch help (ith school (ork (hen needed

Harding E"ementary Schoo" 'un C"u*, 2012,present encourage ele#entar) school aged kids to sta) acti-e (atch as kids participate in running acti-ities and ga#es #eam in #raining- !eu.emia / !ymphoma Society , 2012,present train .or endurance e-ents :hal. #arathon; (hile raising .unds .or cancer research participating in tea# e-ents to raise cancer a(areness
Extracurricu"ar Acti ities

Bio"ogica" and !ife Sciences !i ing Community :acade#ic; 200<,present %irginia #ech 0nion 200<,2010 American Medica" Student Association 1AMSA2 2011, present AMSA %o"unteer Committee 2011 , present %irginia #ech Sports Medicine C"u* 2010,present
Co4%a"edictorian, Spring 2010 Eng"ish Foundation Scho"arship, Spring 2010,2012 %irginia #ech Honors Program Spring 2010, present 5o"den 6ey ,nternationa" Honour Society, 'all 2011 = present 5ough Scho"arship Fina"ist, Spring 2012 5amma Sigma $e"ta Honor Society, Spring 2012,present Phi Sigma Bio"ogica" Sciences Honor Society, 'all 2012, present %a"edictory Address, >une 2010 4ibert) ?ni-ersit) G)#nasiu# Case Study Presentation for Student Ath"etic #raining Association Bo(#an Ballroo# 9-er the course o. #) pro.essional career, @ hope to expand #) kno(ledge in the .ield o. &u#an 6utrition, 'oods, and Exercise (ith a concentration on the areas o. nutrition and exercise ph)siolog), and then continue #) education a.ter Virginia Tech at an accredited #edical school in the hopes o. one da) beco#ing a ph)sician"

Honors and A3ards

Pu*"ications and Presentations

Professiona" 5oa"s

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