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Sam Cannon

Secret Lairs OGR 2 20/11/2013

Visual Concept: Secret Lair

The lair of the Amazonian Jester will be one that is surrounded in Nature, as well as ancient ruins left from some of the earlier tribes and structures created by the Mayoruna. Their architecture show similarities to buildings created by the Inca, so I will draw some elements of this into the design, all of which will be created using materials found in the Amazon; Wood, stone, plants and other materials. The Jesters lair will incorporate bold and vivid colours seen within the traditional Jester outfits. All this will be lighted by warm colours, to resemble the topics of the forest. One element I will experiment, will be with the structure merged with the natural landscape, such as large tree roots weaving through columns and walls, giving a sense of age and history to the space.

Influence Images of Secret Lair

These column designs were created for the Maya interior model, and use elements seen in Incan architecture.

Texture source images, such as roots and tiles, will be useful when creating the 3D model.

Visual Concept
The nal concept for my hidden space will, incorporate the main structural elements such as the mayan architecture, columns and plants from these, combined with the use of colour and sense of madness and energy associated with Jesters.

Coloured smoke idea was inuenced by this scene from the animated lm Pocahontas. The structure inside will be costructed with a combination of roots binding stone walls together, with small gaps letting through light which will go across the room, giving a more theatrical feel.

Hero Prop Designs:

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