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Lesson Analysis Form

Date: Teacher: Grade: Lesson Topic: 1. PLANNING: a. Applicable NYS ESL Learning Standards b. Goals and Objectives c. Instructional aterials

d. Incorporation o! "ec#nolog$ %. P&O'E()&E: a. Organi*ation and coordination o! lesson b. Activating prior +no,ledge c. Strategies used to -otivate and engage student learning d. Opportunities !or di!!erentiation e. Practice and application o! developing s+ills and concepts !. Opportunities !or Interaction g. 'ulturall$ responsive -aterials and procedure .. ASSESS EN": a. /or-al0 in!or-al0 aut#entic0 #ands1on0 !re2uent0 etc3 b. odi!ication o! Assess-ent tools to di!!erentiate according to ESL students4 ESL pro!icienc$ level c. Acco--odation o! assess-ent environ-ent to -eet ESL students4 needs d. In!or-al assess-ent to c#ec+ ESL students4 co-pre#ension e. Appropriateness o! assess-ent tools to learning objectives !. Native language support in classroo-

5. 'LASS ANAGE EN": a. 'larit$ o! direction b. Appropriate -odi!ication o! teac#er tal+: rate o! speec#0 articulation0 enunciation0 controlled vocabular$ c. Student engage-ent in learning t#roug#out t#e lesson d. 'ulturall$ responsive -anage-ent o! student be#avior e. Pro-oting environ-ent ,#ere diversit$ is celebrated 'O EN"S: 1. Overall strengt# o! t#e lesson %. Suggestions !or i-prove-ent

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