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Client: Oysters Job Description: TV Campaign Job Number: 01 Date: 11/05/13 Writer: Alexandra Thompson Radio: Commercial :60

Spot Girl Fight

Video Open on shot of two young adult females (Becky and Lisa) in a nightclub restroom staring at each other in a face-off stance. FADE OUT:

Audio (booming techno music)

SFX: The two ladies lunge at each other SFX:

(cat meows) (punching, hair whips, shouting, scratching)

Scene rewinds to earlier in the night. The two females are sitting at tables next to each other in the nightclub. Becky with a friend, Lisa with her friend. Becky looks behind her back, turns forward and leans over to whisper to her friend. Unknown to Becky, Lisa is watching and listening. Scene Freezes.


I hate drama...but I cant believe Lisa is here in that dress! She looks like a fa.


Oysters pearl of wisdom #89: The amount of times you say you hate drama is directly proportional to the amount of times you actually create it.

Scene flash-forwards back to fight.


(punching, hair whips, shouting, scratching)

FADE OUT ANNCR: Oysters! The pearl of wisdom your parents never shared!

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