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Anaerobic Respiration

FERMENTATION: An alternative to Cellular Respiration

Occurs when there is _____________oxygen. ANAEROBIC

This also occurs in our muscles when we work out, then lactic acid is produced.

Lactic acid fermentation in bacteria is also used to make cheese and yogurt.

Energy for your cells!

What is ATP?
ATP is a molecule that stores energy in its bonds.

It stand for adenosine triphosphate, and it looks like this:

Why ATP?
You need energy to do all kinds of things:
Breathe Grow Think Move Exercise

How do we make it?

ATP is made through the process of cellular respiration.

Energy from the food we eat is stored in the bonds of ATP.


What is it made of?

ATP is made of 2 things: A molecule of adenosine diphosphate (that has two Ps) And a phosphate (one P) We put these together through dehydration synthesis

How do we get the energy out?

To get energy out of ATP, we have to break the bonds.

The 3rd P is broken off (through hydrolysis)

Electrons are released, which gives us energy
Phosphate groups Adenine Hydrolysis Energy Ribose Adenosine triphosphate

Adenosine diphosphate (ADP)

Then what?
Now we have ADP and P again They rejoin through dehydration synthesis to make more ATP

It just keeps going

This is a cycle that keeps going When you need energy, ATP bonds are broken to form ADP + P When you store energy, ADP + P makes more ATP

The ATP Cycle: Fill in the blanks

Label the picture using the words: hydrolysis, dehydration synthesis, energy stored, energy released

Dehydration synthesis

Energy Stored


Energy Released

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Where is the energy stored in ATP? What is ADP ?

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