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Hailee Imig Skidmore Education and Training- 1st and 2nd 27 September 2013 Prompt #1 Classroom management is the

number one aspect to respect and responsibility in a classroom setting. Although Im with a counselor all day, I still go around and view the different types of classrooms, containing different arrangements of classroom management. For example, On Thursday, we went around to the 4th grade classes and observed the children that were having behavioral issues that took away from their concentration in the classroom. I noticed one class in particular; the students were all on task, working on addition and subtraction problems. The teacher had established an agreement with the children that if they get through the lesson without any interruptions or horse play, they each get a dollar that adds to their total money amount. After the students get to $10 they get a coupon for something of their choice, or a gift out of the gift basket. Establishing relationships and circumstances with the classroom will allow your students to feel recognition for doing their work and staying on task. I learned that students want to feel rewarded, and if they know theres something at the end, theyre more likely to finish their assignments. Also, my counselor had tried to make his classroom a friendly and open environment to the children. Although hes not with all the students every day, its important to gain relationship with every child, even if its over periods of time. For example, he has a white board in his classroom that allows anyone to come in and write little notes or phrases to him; opening the door to anyone. Having a friendly or open environment is the first step to success.

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