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Courtney Chowning, Heather Racine, Allison Boyles

What is a concussion?
A clinical syndrome characterized by immediate and transient impairment of neural functions, such as alteration of consciousness, disturbance of vision, equilibrium, etc., due to mechanical forces.

What are the symptoms?

Nausea Vomiting

Loss of consciences (LOC)

Blurred vision Difficulty remembering

Balance problems Feeling slowed down

Difficulty concentrating

Sensitivity to light or noise

Making the Return-to-Play Decision

Must be symptom free for 7 days before returning to play

Constant debate on athletes returning to play to quickly May return to play same day

Subsequent Concussions

Concussion Assessment Tools

ANAM CogSport Concussion Resolution Index ImPACT

Sideline Assessment for Concussion

Balancing Error Scoring System

Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT)

ImPACT testing is used as a reference point prior to a concussion.

Athlete will take the test before his or her season begins, if possible injury occurs during season, athlete will retake the test and compare their results to the first test.

If results declined from first test, concussion is diagnosed.

The athlete will continue to take the test through the weeks until scores are equal or higher than the first initial test.

The ImPACT test helps physicians and athletic trainers to make decisions on players returning to play. This program is used to measure aspects of cognitive functioning.
Attention span, working memory, sustained and selective attention time, response variability, non-verbal problem solving, and reaction time.

News for ImPACT

NASCAR will mandate concussion testing in 2014. Junior Hockey Nationals are making players have ImPACT testing. Many other sports are using ImPACT testing to manage concussions. Some high schools are now even using ImPACT testing.

When to Disqualify an Athlete

Constant debate because every athlete is different.

Same day participation Must wait 7 days

Obtained 3 concussions in same season

Career No standard Depends on the athlete vs. a set number of concussions

Special Considerations for the Young Athlete

Children under the age of ten years (18.2%)

Ages 10-14 (53.4%) Ages 15-19 (42,9%)

Concussion rates between ages 18-19 have increased

Home Care

Academic Accommodations ESEA Bill Any student removed from play for a concussion would also be required to receive written clearance from a health-care professional to return to academic activities Sleep Accommodations
Athletes should be awakened every 3-4 hours Recommendation raises debate about unnecessary wake-ups that may increase symptoms the next day due to the combined effects of the injury and sleep deprivation

Equipment Issues

Soccer Helmets

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)

CTE is a progressive degenerative brain disease CTE is found in people with a history of concussions or people who reported repetitive blows to the head. CTE can cause memory loss, confusion, impulse control problems, depression, and eventually dementia.

Athletes Diagnosed with CTE

Mark Dupor, a former NFL players, was diagnosed with signs of CTE. UCLA announced in January that five other ex-NFL players have been diagnosed with CTE. Junior Seau had symptoms of CTE when he committed suicide. The NFL is facing many lawsuits because of the former players with CTE. Symptoms of CTE were found in college player that committed suicide.

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