Adrian Says: Jay Says: Adrian Says: Jay Says: Adrian Says

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Adrian says: Good morning JaY says: u2 Adrian says: Real tired JaY says: yea from workin

out Adrian says: No, from working 12 hour shift as a guard JaY says: well im tired coz of workin out Adrian says: good for you JaY says: i is..watz up Adrian says: you are both mentally and physi all strong nothing mu h JaY says: yep..i gotz me a new pic when i was at the gym Adrian says: you look great ! "oined #alifornia $itness for a year %&en engage a personal trainer but drop out JaY says: why drop out Adrian says: firstly the diet was only gree apples, salad, bla k offee 'no sugar and milk( and a handful of white meat like fish and hi kend '&ery spare( JaY says: that suckz just do like a 20 min work out everyday Adrian says: oh i see JaY says: like runnin or walkin Adrian says: yes, i will try to do walking JaY says: or if u go to the gym..jst do somethin with your handz coz tht work out your armz an stuff Adrian says: yes, that is right start small for a beginner JaY says: helper.. just like 10 minz a day..then after 3 weekz make it 20..then go from there ya* Adrian says:

i see i should not ha&e gi&en up my membership of the gym but i did be ause ! started on the wrong foot JaY says: nope Adrian says: but i an still pay on a per walk in basis so i will try your re ommendation JaY says: yea man coz i work at a gym so start small..then go from there Adrian says: i would ha&e to do it on my off day walking an be done e&eryday JaY says: well wat i use to do is..walk about 10 minz in the morning an at night..then go to the gym for 10 or 1 minz..then went from there Adrian says: i see yes, it still an be done but hanging of lothes in the gym would take a lot of time JaY says: no when u go running at night..keep tht on..then when u done then change Adrian says: i see i will ha&e to go to fitness first as that one is near to my house JaY says: ok cool..just start off slow dont rush it Adrian says: thanks JaY says: anytime man man if u cant do that all the time..u can do stuff at home to Adrian says: like what) JaY says: there some sitez u can go to...if tht info Adrian says: how many) you meant sit ups) JaY says: yea if ya can..2 setz of 10 Adrian says: that should be easy JaY says: do that in the morning an at night..if ya cant go to the gym or walk so u get some stuff in your day Adrian says: i see it must be in ombination i think i will try it JaY says: ok cool..just dont push it

Adrian says: ! am opying this dialogue onto a file so that ! an refer to it when ! start the e*er ise regime+

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