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Education and Training Student Intern Performance Evaluation Name of Intern: Hailee Imig

Dependable and Punctual

Minimal absences - no unexcused absences Arrives at your school on time Provides information about what they should be doing while in your classroom Possible Points 25 Actual Points ___25___

Class Participation
Exhibits cooperation and teamwork Participates in classroom activities and routines Exhibits confidence when singing songs, reading stories, playing games, etc. Utilizes time wisely

Possible Points 25

Actual Points ___25____

Behavior in the Classroom

Helps without being asked Takes the initiative to help students in class Take the initiative to help teacher with activities

Possible Points 25

Actual Points ___25___

Follows School and Class Procedures

Aides by Elementary School Rules Follows Call in Procedures when absent Wears appropriate uniform each day ** Ready, Set, Teach Polo, Jeans (No Holes)

Possible Points 25

Actual Points ___25___

What areas does the intern excel? Hailee is such an incredible intern. She is polite, respectful and very sweet to everyone she interacts with. She has a soft voice and kind personality which makes the student feel comfortable around her and trust her. She does whatever is asked of her every day. She stays in constant contact with me and I always know when she will or will not be at McNeil. What areas does your intern need to improve? Be specific. Hailee is comfortable in the classroom and does whatever I ask her to do. I would like to see her working more with groups of students and just today I gave her the responsibility of working with my math TEMI group to help students with significant gaps in number sense. She will pull this group for about 15 minutes every morning she comes and work with them to complete the guided practice and individual practice assignments.

Education and Training Student Intern Performance Evaluation Name of Intern: Hailee Imig
What would you like to see the intern accomplish before the next evaluation? I would like to see Halee take responsibility for the morning routines. 1) Monitor students as they unpack and begin their morning work. Redirect students that are not working or talking. 2) Work with the math TEMI small group. 3) Introduce the Problem Solving problem and walk around to help students that need assistance. 4) Go over the problem whole group, asking students to share their thinking and show their work. 5) Manage a center group. (Teacher Table or Practice/Game)

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