Program/Project/Activity Target Date Output Remarks Planned Actual

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FORM A-1 INDIVIDUAL WORK PLAN Name: Gina B. Bisquera Position: Teacher II Program/Project/Activity 1.

Prepares and executes updated daily lesson log 2. Procedures and Utilities, Instrumental Materials 3. Evaluate learning outcomes through the conduct of the following a. Weekly Test b. Monthly Test c. Unit Test d. Periodical Test e. Achievement Test f. Phil-IRI 4. a) Implements the school reading program KRIS (Keep Reading in School) b) Implements activities in IPED advocates and K-12 Education Program 5. Maintains clean and orderly classroom conductive to learning by: 6. Organizes and maintains functional homeroom PTA a. Conducting quarterly General and Homeroom PTA Conference to report Learners Progress b. Puts up Makabayan Park 7. Accomplishes neat and accurate reports and submits them on time such as: a. Form 2 b. Form 48 c. MPS Target Date Planned Actual Oct. March 2014 Oct. March 2014 Oct. March 2014

Office: Pidigan Central School Rating Period: October 2013 march 2014 Output presence of daily lesson log for the second semester well prepared Instructional Materials Presence of CRTs and other Testing Tools Remarks

Oct. March 2014 Oct. March 2014 Oct. March 2014 Oct. March 2014

Number of non-readers reduced

Establishment of clean and orderly classroom Making it conducive to teaching and learning Minutes of PTA meeting, attendance sheets, PTA accomplishment report

Solicited materials for the MAKABAYAN Park Oct. March 2014 Neat and accurate reports accomplished on time

8. Participates actively in meeting, training, and seminars and other required school activities 9. Promotes Child-Friendly School System(CFSS) 10. Participates in the Community Project and Civic Organization such as. Clean and Green Program PINOY 1BTP Town Fiesta Celebration Abrenian Kawayan Festival 11. Dresses in accordance with proper decorum or prescribed rules and regulations and neat in appearance 12. Does Other Related Activities a. Performs assigned tasked by the School Head and other higher authorities b. Observe Strictly TIME ON TASK

Oct.- March 2014 Oct.-March 2014 Oct.-March 2014

Updated knowledge on the policies, thrusts and programs of DepEd Decreased bullying incidence in the classroom Clean up Drives and Reforestation Project Planted 43 seedlings a Month Participated in the Celebration of the Town Fiesta and Abrenian Kawayan Festival Proper attire and good grooming observed

Oct.-March 2014

Oct.-March 2014 Make up classes in lieu of suspended days due to Typhoon and Local Holidays

Prepared by: GINA B. BISQUERA Teacher II Reviewed by: MANUELA B. GARCIA Principal II Recommending Approval: CHRISTOPHER C. BENIGNO District Supervisor NOTED: AMADOR D. GARCIA Officer In - Charge Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

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