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1) What is one primary function of the tubules in the kidney? A) filtering water and solutes out of the blood B) reabsorption of water and solutes C) producing bile D) transporting filtered blood to the lungs


Which of the following is NOT a normal function / role of metal in the body? A) iron in the heme of hemoglobin B) calcium in bone C) cobalt in Vitamin B1 D) phosphorus in !T" E) arsenic in !T"


Which of the following is NOT characteristic of metals? A) #etals are often charged ions$ B) #etals can be destroyed or degraded in the body$ C) #etals easily bond to other molecules$ D) #etals can ha%e %arious o&idation states$


Who is '(!)T likely to be e&posed to to&ic metals? A) a technician working in a computer component board assembly line B) a person who drinks water from a ground water well C) a person smoking a cigarette D) a person working on a new home computer E) a painter reno%ating an *+ year old home


One of the ways that lead makes people sick is by interfering with the protein that helps make hemoglobin$ The result is an anemic like condition where your blood can,t carry enough o&ygen to keep you healthy$ This is an e&ample of what mechanism of metal to&icity? A) en-yme inhibition B) carcinogenicity

C) disruption of subcellular organelles D) corrosion


Why is the kidney often a target for to&ic chemicals such as metals? A) because to&icants enter the body through the stomach and intestines and are then transported to the kidney B) because the kidney has a %ery large surface area in direct contact with the blood C) because there is %ery high blood flow to the kidney and it can concentrate substances D) because the kidney cannot regenerate damaged cells


!mino acids are filtered out of the blood in the glomerulus of the kidney. but amino acids are not a waste product$ The body needs the amino acids. so they are reabsorbed from the filtrate back into the tubule cells of the kidney$ !fter the amino acids are concentrated in the tubule cells they must be transported back into blood$ What type of transport is used to mo%e the amino acids from the filtrate to the inside of the kidney cells? A) passi%e diffusion B) protein channels C) acti%e transport


/tai0itai byo is a disease found among 1apanese women$ )cientists belie%e that it is caused by eating rice grown in soil containing 2222222222222$ A) lead B) mercury C) cadmium D) chromium

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