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1oday we learned abouL lnsecLs. l learned whaL makes an lnsecL an
lnsecL, how Lo properly caLch lnsecLs, and why lnsecLs are lmporLanL Lo our
envlronmenL. l also creaLed an lnsecL sun-caLcher. Ask me lf all lnsecLs are
bugs! 1omorrow we wlll Lravel Lo uoollLLle ralrle Lo learn abouL planLs.
8emember Lo brlng my boosLer seaL lf needed. !"#$% "#' ()*%+',$*+ %-*+%
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8lossoms day focused on planLs, especlally Lhose LhaL grow ln pralrles. l
learned LhaL less Lhan 1/10
of 1 of Lhe pralrles ln lowa remaln Loday. We
explored uoollLLle ralrle and l goL Lo help plan Lhe hlke. Cur crafL ls a
surprlse, you'll see lL aL Lhe end of Lhe week! 1omorrow l wlll waLch
and llsLen Lo blrds aL Mclarland ark. l can wear shorLs!

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l spenL Lhe enLlre day seelng, hearlng, and belng lnsplred by blrds! We
sLarLed Lhe day off by revlewlng Lhe dlfferenL characLerlsLlcs of blrds and
bralnsLormed some we mlghL see or hear aL Mclarland ark. l learned how
Lo use blnoculars and we hlked Lo Lhe blrd bllnd. AfLerwards, we llsLened Lo
blrd songs and l creaLed my very own blrd! 1omorrow we wlll vlslL Lhe Skunk
8lver. l should have my boosLer seaL and ()*%+',$*+ %-*+%.

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1oday we explored Lhe planLs, lnsecLs, and blrds LhaL llve ln waLer. We wenL
Lo Lhe Skunk 8lver and searched under rocks, on Lhe muddy shore, and ln
pools of waLer Lo see whaL creaLures or planLs llved Lhere. l learned LhaL soll
ls lowa's number one waLer polluLanL, and how lL changes whaL we flnd
ln Lhe rlvers and lakes. We wlll hlke Lomorrow, so l need panLs agaln!

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1oday we searched around Mclarland ark looklng for dlfferenL
blrds, bugs, and blossoms. l dlscovered how Lhese are all lnLer-connecLed.
We also spenL Llme preparlng for Lhe parLy and wrlLlng ln our memory
books. Look aL my book wlLh me Lo learn some of Lhe lnLeresLlng Lhlngs LhaL
we saw durlng Lhe week!

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