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Finding the Breaking Point

Purpose: To determine how long we can maintain a high level of energy output. Materials: A partner, a tennis ball, a clock or watch, paper, pen/pencil

Procedure: 1) Working with a partner, take turns s uee!ing the tennis ball and being the recorder. After you and your partner have finished, switch "obs with each other. #ach person should record their partner$s data in a data table. %) When you and your partner are done with the tennis balls, you should each come up and record your results on the class graph. &) 'nce you$ve done the above steps, please discuss the uestions on the bottom of the page with your partner and be ready to share your ideas when we regroup as a class. Jobs: ( uee!er 1. )rasp the tennis ball in your writing hand. %. ( uee!e the tennis ball without stopping. *ount how many times you s uee!e the ball before your partner calls time. &. When your partner says stop, tell them how many times you s uee!ed the ball. NEVER STOP SQUEE !N" #UR!N" T$E #%T% &O''E&T!ON(( +ecorder 1. As the s uee!er is s uee!ing the tennis ball, time them for 1, seconds. %. When you say stop, write that number of s uee!es your partner tells you in the table beside number 1. &. Time your partner for the ne-t 1, seconds. .. Write that number of s uee!es they tell you in the table beside number %. /. +epeat steps 10% until the table is complete. 1. 2o not allow resting between each trial. Try to begin the ne-t 1, seconds as soon as possible. Results)#ata: Table 1. The number of s uee!es over time. *ounts 3umber of *ounts ( uee!es 1 1 % 4 & 5 . 6 / 1, Once the table is co*pleted graph +our results on the white board,

3umber of ( uee!es

&onclusion: 1. What happened to the number of s uee!es over time8 %. 9ow did your s uee!ing hand and arm feel towards the end of your s uee!ing0time period8 &. As more points are plotted on the board, do you see any trends8 .. What could account for this pattern8 /. 9ow do your results / our class results relate to the graph below8 1. 2o any of the e-ercise performance variables we discussed early relate to these results8

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