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Name: _______________________________

Butterfly Life Cycle Worksheet

Directions: Write the name of each stage of the butterflys life cycle under each picture on the line below. The different stages are larva, adult, egg, and pupa.

Butterfly Life Cycle Worksheet

Answer Key





Butterfly Life Cycle Worksheet

Instructions for this assessment: 1. Tell the students that they are to work independently during independent practice to complete this assessment. 2. Go over the instructions and rubric with the students. Which are as follows: Directions: Write the name of each stage of the butterflys life cycle under each picture on the line below. The different stages are larva, adult, egg, and pupa. 3. Ask students if they have any questions and remind them that the names of each stage are written on both the board and on the worksheet. 4. Tell students once they have completed the worksheet to the best of their abilities they are to turn it in to the appropriate location and write in their journals about what they know so far about butterflies or they can look at the butterfly books at the front of the class. Remind the students that they are to remain quiet during this time so that all of their friends can focus on showing me what they know.

In order for a student to show proficiency on this assessment he or she will need to score 3 out of 3 on the rubric below. The rubric above shows what students will need to do in order to show proficiency on this summative assessment.

Criteria Identify the four stages of a butterflys life cycle.

4 3 N/A because of this The student form of correctly assessment identified all the students four stages of will not be able to the go butterflys above and life cycle by beyond what is writing the expected of correct name them. of each stage under each picture.

2 The student correctly identified two out of the four stages in a butterflys life cycle by writing the correct name of each cycle under two of the pictures.

1 The student correctly identified one out of the four stages in a butterflys life cycle by writing the correct name of one of the life cycles under the correct picture.

I The student did not correctly answer any of the stages of the butterflys life cycle or the student did not complete the worksheet at all.

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