Effective Training: Strategies, Systems and Practices, 3: Edition

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Effective Training: Strategies, Systems and Practices, 3rd Edition

Chapter One P. Nick Blanchard and James W. Thacker

Chapter 1

Organizational Chart for Human Resource Function

Vice President Human Resources HR Planning and Research Director Employment Director Employee Relations Compensation Human Resource Development Director Director Director

Forecasting employment needs

Succession planning Conducting research

Recruiting Testing Hiring and employee termination

Employee grievances

In unionized firms management-union relations often involved in labor negotiations

Compensation of employees (wages, salaries and benefits) Negotiates with outside benefit providers

Improving the capabilities of employees If no director of Health & Safety exists this activity may fall under HRD

Chapter 1

Possible Career Path in HRD

Director HRD Rotation through other HRD management positions Manager, Training Support Services

Supervisor of Materials Development

Rotation through other specialist positions

Entry-level specialist position (e.g., training materials developer)
Chapter 1 3

General Open Systems Model


Systems External Environment

Chapter 1

Training as a Subsystem within the Organizational System

Mission Strategy Structure Finances Resources People Policies Procedures Products Technology

INPUT Organizational Needs Employee Needs Budget Equipment Staff PROCESS Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation
Chapter 1

Knowledge Skills Attitudes Motivation Job Performance

Training Processes Model

Needs Analysis Phase Input Process Output
Design Phase Input Process Output Development Phase Input Process Output Implementation Phase Input Process Output Outcome Evaluation Data
Chapter 1

Triggering Event

Process Evaluation Data

Evaluation Phase Input Process Output


Classification of Learning Outcome

Skill-Based Learning Compilation Automaticity

Learning Cognitive Knowledge Declarative Knowledge Procedural Knowledge Strategic Knowledge

Chapter 1

Attitudinal Learning Affect/Feelings

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