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Facts 65% of students met proficiency on the assessment by scoring 3 out of 3 on the assessment rubric.

3 out of 20 students scored 1 out of 3 on the assessment rubric meaning these students barely met the expectation. 2 out of 20 students or 10% of students received an I on the rubric.

Hypothesis The strategies that I used in class worked for these students. The strategies use for this lesson may not have been enough practice for these students. Student 6 was absent during this lesson and assessment therefore this student received an I. Although, Student 9 was present and incorrectly identified all four of the stages. This could be because he did not understand the objective with the strategies that I used to teach it or I may not have been clear on the directions.

All 15% of the students who scored 2 out of 3 on the rubric missed the same 2 stages of the butterfly life cycle (larva and pupa).

This means I did not make a clear enough distinction between the larva and pupa stages during my instruction for these students and possibly others as well.

Action Plan Keep in mind the strategies taught in this lesson and reuse in the future if possible for these students. Create new strategies to teach the material for a small group during centers. Plan for reassessment after small group. I would work individual with Student 6 during lunch or after school to teacher him or her the material. Then I would give him or her the assessment just like I did with the other students. For Student 9, I would do a formative assessment or two with this student to see if maybe he or she just misunderstood the directions or if he or she really did not understand the material. If I find out that the student understood the material I would give the assessment again with more explicit instructions. Although, if the student did not understand the material I would work one on one with this student during lunch or after school to teach the material to him or her using new strategies. Plan reassessment after one on one instruction. For these three students I would have a small group during center time where I would use new strategies to help the students to be able to identify the two stages from each other. Plan to reassess after small group.

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