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Costs of going to University of Alberta for Nursing

Funding: Funding From Parents Funding from Scholarhips Funding from bursarys Funding from Loans: Total: Expenses: Expenses: $80.00/m Expenses: $ 100/m Expenses: $100/m Expenses: $400/m Expenses: $100/m Total: $780/m Fees: Tuiton fee: Textbooks: Housing: Parking: $13 000.00 $1,500.00

$14 500.00

Hirable rate:
Total: 14,246.35

$4313.45/semester $1933.90/year $7231.00/8 months $768.00/year 92% in last two years ("Wageinfo registered nurse," 2011)

Pre-requiest Class Requirments: English 30-1 Chemistry 30 or Science 30 Biology 30 Math 30 pure or 30-1, 30-2, math 31 1 other 30 level of choice

sources: sample fall winter assessment for canadian students. (2013). Retrieved from Undergraduate admission. (2013). Retrieved from

Parking information. (2013). Retrieved from Wageinfo registered nurse. (2011). Retrieved from egionID=20&NOC=3152 University of alberta bookstore. (2013). Retrieved from\RESULTS

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